Sunday, September 1, 2019

you must lay claim to the Earth and claim it for Almighty God

 …you must lay claim to the Earth and claim it for Almighty God and the God within you and the God within the seed of the generations of Lightbearers that yet go forth through my own heart….Yes, beloved, the patriarchs and prophets and  avatars do embody the mighty Tree of Life…
  Let there be the time therefore whereby the vessels of the four lower bodies are strengthened, strengthened in the might of the LORD that you might understand that the Earth is overrun even as Canaan was overrun with those evolutions who took the way of Din and rebelled against the mercy of God.  And the mercy of God is the Universal Christ.  And therefore it is left unto the sons and daughters of God to call forth not the judgment that is the brand of the judgment and the judging of the fallen ones but the judgment of the LORD that is meted out through the seven archangels….
  Therefore cast down your idols!  I speak to all and every one of you who come from near and afar.  The idolatry of the human person and the human self cannot stand in the day of the mighty lamp of God!  Know then the power of the light, sacred-fire intensity within the furnace, beloved.
  Therefore the sacred fire is available, but it is not accessible to you when you are in a state of idolatry of any human person or any personality, including the personality of an ascended master.  It is to the light that you bow and to the Universal Light.  Therefore speak not of the greatness of this one or that one lest you find yourselves outside of this camp….
  Know the effacement of self and then know the appearance of the God-Self within you.  How can I speak through this vessel except the vessel be emptied and therefore I may enter?  How can I speak through the vessel if the vessel be not stern in the strength of God, fierce and terrible before Evil and uncompromising with friend or loved one or enemy?      
                                    -Morya:  6-26-1992 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
   You know very well that I am a Guru of action and of few words.  And when I come I come to release that fire of the will of God that does impel you and strengthen you and open the mind that you might also know the diamond-shining mind of God.
  Be trained, be willing, be prepared.  And be ready to go, beloved, for there are many in the Earth who must have your witness.  And I have other plans for this Messenger and therefore you must go in her stead, at least for the time being.  You must open the way….
  There is nowhere you can go, beloved, that you will not find a soul that needs you.  And therefore do not go only to the nice places but go to the not-so-nice places where many can be called out and received by you and received by the Holy Spirit, and with their consent you can perform the necessary exorcisms.
  I tell you, beloved, we must know what we can do!  We must know who we are and what we are made of!…Yes, beloved, it is time to rise up to that new level of stature in Christ.  See to it that you make that stature your own.  For there is in this hour the turning of cycles and the turning of years….And you shall know when your El Morya is nigh, testing you to strengthen you, for you shall see it clearly.
  Blessed ones, it is time to prove to yourselves that you can have victories in difficult situations that through you (but not by you) the Holy Spirit may bring many to a true enlightenment whereby they might see and know all past ages and recognize themselves as having been pilgrims on the path century by century, only to come to this moment of having the great fruits of the sacred fire and having them freely and openly dispensed.
  Yes, beloved hearts, this reaching out to the nations is a great team effort, it is an effort of the entire movement.  It is Our response to all who would so kindly present Us to the world as We are in actuality….
  Yes, beloved, it is time to say:  I intend to graduate from Earth’s schoolroom with highest honors.  I shall push that date back that I may stay and stay and stay to deliver the Word.  I will go forth!  I will know who I AM and I will assist all others to know what is the meaning of true being….
  So by the infinite multiplication power of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we march; you will go for me.  I accept it, therefore I will send you.  Now rearrange your lives and accept the inconvenience of the trek upward, for you have come here, and that says alot.     -Morya:  7-4-1993 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana

(Note:  some initiations can only take place in person before the Master and his anointed Messenger; this is not denoted by the Master or Messenger each time this is the case.    -R, Mt. Shasta)
  Penetrate the deeper levels of your own God-free being, then activate that reflection of the divine spark that you discover at the very core of every atom and cell of your very life and blueprint.  Penetrate deeper into the mysteries of God, then activate the mysteries as practical solutions in your life.  Penetrate the old karmic debris that lies as dead leaves at the bottom of your electronic belt, then activate the sacred fire to consume it.  Let the fire descend propelled by the fervor of your heart!  Consume, then!  Consume, then!  those ashes of mortality.  Consume them and let lilies spring forth from the base chakra of being.
  Now to you and you and you who have been chelas and staff members for so long I say:  it is time!  It is time that you come into a rapprochement with me and my Messenger, that you cast into the fire all blame, all burden and all self-justification or non-self-justification.  Some of you need liberation as liberation can be and has never been before for you….
  We would deal with you according to your abilities and We would advance you in those disciplines in which you have already qualified yourselves, having concentrated in certain areas of life for thousands of years.  Each one has a great contribution to make, and if you decide to make that contribution, you shall earn your ascension in the light….
  It is important, beloved, that you perfect your talents insofar as you are able to perfect them.  It is important that you make a statement in your time, in your century to further science and invention with your skills and to make a difference with the light and with the Holy Spirit.  Develop your skills, beloved, for advanced degrees and hands-on experience put you in very important positions where you can in light assist your co-workers and be key representatives of the Darjeeling Council in your field, thereby affecting millions of souls for the good….
  This is the hour when all the telling shall be told!  This is the hour when all the Work of the ascended masters shall come to fruition.  And Our Work goes back to the days of Atlantis and to the days of Lemuria where ascended beings whose names you have not heard did strive even as they continue to strive for the victory of light.  Yes, They have served, They have brought forward unto the present hour the technology needed for the liberation of the people from drudgery….
  I am as close as heartbeat--my heartbeat and your heartbeat one in the rhythm of the Central Sun.  This oneness I shall seal this night; this I shall do, beloved.  Please do not take my gift lightly….But always maintain your perspective, centered in the heart of Saint Germain, that it is the violet flame that is your salvation.  For the violet flame is the elixir of Life poured out to you from the Maha Chohan in his role as representative of the Holy Spirit.  Therefore do not deprive yourselves of so great an alchemy but use it liberally….
  To all chelas of the world, to all lightbearers I give my Electronic Presence.  I place that Presence over you now.  I place my heart over your heart.  I place my crown chakra over your crown chakra.  I place my third eye over your third eye.  I place my throat chakra over your throat chakra.  Heart upon heart, solar plexus upon solar plexus, seat of the soul upon seat of the soul, base of the spine upon base of the spine.  And the secret chamber of my heart sealed in the eighth-ray chakra I place upon your heart.
  I bless all who have blessed God and blessed me in this service.  Now the garments of my being by light rays of my blue robe are cleansing and aligning your four lower bodies.  Now I place the blueprint of the Tree of Life and the sefirot upon you.  It is the blueprint of the original Adam Kadmon.     
(by H. Schmiechen, 1884)
                            -Morya:  10-8-1994 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana

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