Tuesday, July 16, 2019

"then America would actually be a rotten, sick country to its very core.”

"Nach meiner Meinung ist das Gebäude WTC 7 mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit fachgerecht gesprengt worden»,” sagt Hugo Bachmann, emeritierter ETH-Professor für Baustatik und Konstruktion.
"In my opinion, building WTC 7 is most likely to have been professionally demolished," says
Hugo Bachmann, emeritus ETH professor for structural design and construction
(or) "In my opinion WTC7 was with the utmost probability brought down by controlled demolition done by experts,” says Hugo Bachmann, Professor emeritus for structural analysis and construction at ETH
  That American intelligence had a hand in 9/11, Weltwoche Journalist
Hanspeter Born considers a “monstrous suspicion,” as he writes in an article on the anti-Americanism that is also widely prevalent in Switzerland.  “If it were so, then America would actually be a rotten, sick country to its very core.” http://911blogger.com/news/2006-09-16/wtc7-was-utmost-probability-brought-down-controlled-demolition-done-experts-swiss-expert
Jörg Schneider
ETHZ-Professor für Baustatik und Konstruktion, emeritiert
Ich kann und will es nicht glauben, dass die George W. Bush-Administration 3000 Menschenleben willentlich geopfert hat. Ich bin deshalb kein Verschwörungstheoretiker. Aber ich bin überzeugt, dass die Gruppe um Bush dieses fürchterliche Ereignis dankbar benützt hat, um den schon länger geplanten Krieg im Irak zu beginnen.
Und es sind da so viele Ungereimtheiten in den offiziellen Berichten zum tragischen Ereignis und so viele Lücken, insbesondere auch zum Einsturz des WTC7, dass nur eine neue unabhängige Untersuchung Verdächtigungen bestätigen oder löschen und bestehende Unklarheiten beseitigen kann.

ETH Zurich professor for structural design and construction, emeritus
  I can not and will not believe that the George W. Bush Administration sacrificed 3,000 lives at will.  So I'm not a conspiracy theorist.  But I'm convinced the group around Bush gratefully used this terrible event to start the long-planned war in Iraq.
  And there are so many inconsistencies in the official reports of the tragic event and so many gaps, especially the collapse of WTC7, that only a new independent investigation can confirm or erase suspicions and eliminate existing ambiguities.  http://911untersuchen.ch/wissenschaft/jorg-schneider-2/
Von Stefan Schaer | Veröffentlicht am: 9. Oktober 2011
Aus Anlass des 10. Jahrestags der Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001 lesen Sie hier zehn kurze Geschichten, die Sie in den Leitmedien nicht finden werden. Es sind zehn Geschichten, die zeigen, wieso eine neue, unabhängige 911-Untersuchung nötig ist. Es sind zehn Geschichten, deren Wahrheitsgehalt Sie in zehn Minuten prüfen können.
By Stefan Schaer | Published: October 9, 2011                                                                         
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, here are ten short stories that you will not find in the mainstream media. There are ten stories that show why a new, independent 911 investigation is needed. There are ten stories whose veracity you can test in ten minutes.
Wie in Geschichte Nummer 5 dargelegt, herrschte am Morgen des 11. Septembers 2001 im Luftraum über den USA aufgrund zahlreicher Militärübungen das totale Chaos. Niemand wusste, was echt war und was nicht, selbst die Militärs von NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) und NEADS (Northeast Air Defense Sector) waren in den entscheidenden Minuten überfordert.
Einen weiteren triftigen Grund für das Versagen der US-Luftwaffe liefern die entführten Flugzeuge. Sie «verhielten» sich mehr als merkwürdig. Es kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass …
alle vier Maschinen ihre Transponder ausschalteten (AA11, AA77, UA93) respektive doppelt änderten (UA175). Ohne Transponder ist eine Maschine nicht identifizierbar, sie ist ein Punkt auf dem Radar, ohne Kennung, ohne Angaben zu Höhe und Geschwindigkeit (1).
  As stated in story number 5, on the morning of September 11, 2001, there was total chaos in US airspace due to numerous military exercises. Nobody knew what was real and what was not, even the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and NEADS (Northeast Air Defense Sector) were overwhelmed in the crucial moments.
Another good reason for the failure of the US Air Force deliver the hijacked aircraft. They "behaved" more than strange. It can be assumed that ...
  • All four machines switched off their transponders (AA11, AA77, UA93) or changed them twice (UA175). Without a transponder a machine is not identifiable, it is a point on the radar, without identification, without information on height and speed (1).
alle vier Maschinen nach der Übernahme durch die Entführer minutenlang in Richtungen flogen, die ihren Zielen in New York und Washington entgegengesetzt waren. AA77 flog ganze 40 Minuten in die falsche Richtung, bis sie von den Radarschirmen verschwand bzw. gemäss offizieller Darstellung zurück in Richtung Washington drehte (siehe unten).
keine der Maschinen einen Notfallcode aussendete (eine vierstellige Nummer, die innert Sekunden eingetippt werden kann) (1).
alle drei Maschinen, die ihre Ziele erreichten, bis wenige Minuten vor dem Einschlag auf keinem Militärradar zu sehen waren (siehe unten).
  all four planes flew in directions opposite to their targets in New York and Washington for several minutes following their takeover by the hijackers. AA77 flew in the wrong direction for 40 minutes, until it disappeared from the radar screens or turned back towards Washington according to official figures (see below).
none of the machines sent an emergency code (a four-digit number that can be typed within seconds) (1).
alle drei Maschinen, die ihr Ziel erreichten, die mögliche Höchstgeschwindigkeit bei weitem überschritten (siehe unten).
zweimal ELTs (automatische Absturzsignale) ausgesendet wurden, aber viel zu früh (siehe unten).
entweder keine (der normalerweise unzerstörbaren) Flugschreiber und Voicerecorder gefunden wurden (New York) oder dass diese nichts Nützliches enthalten (Washington) bzw. bis heute nicht freigegeben worden sind (Shanksville) (1, 2).
  all three machines that reached their destination far exceeded the maximum possible speed (see below).
twice ELTs (automatic crash signals) were sent out, but far too early (see below).
either no (the usually indestructible) black boxes and voice recorders were found (New York) or that they contain nothing useful (Washington) or have not been released to date (Shanksville) (1, 2).         
(radio traffic of 9-11-2001:)
  Do you see that UA175 anywhere and do me a favor you see that target there on 3321 code at 335 climbing don’t know who he is but you got that USA 583 if you need to descent him down you can nobody we may have a hijack we have some problems over here right now. (…) yes, that may be real traffic nobody knows I can’t get a hold of UA175 at all right now and I don’t know where he went to….
  We had no warning of that whatsoever.  In fact, that airplane was called possibly hijacked later on, which as General McKinley referred to, as the fog and friction of war, actually caused further confusion, because we were not aware which aircraft actually crashed into the towers. We just knew that by now we had two airplanes that have crashed into the owers. We have two airplanes that are called hijacked….
  by the way, much of this radar data for these primary targets was not seen that day. It was reconstructed days later by the 84th Radar Evaluation Squadron, and other agencies like it who are professionals at going back and looking at radar tapes and then given that they are loaded with knowledge after the fact, they can go and find things that perhaps were not visible during the event itself….
  Based on analysis of radar data, the National Transportation and Safety Board reported the groundspeed just before impact as 510 knots. This is well beyond the maximum operating velocity of 360 knots, and maximum dive velocity of 410 knots. The possibilities as I see them are: (1) this wasn’t a standard 767-200; (2) the radar data was compromised in some manner; (3) the NTSB analysis was erroneous; or (4) the 767 flew well beyond its flight envelope, was controllable, and managed to hit a relatively small target.  Which organization has the greater responsibility for acknowledging the elephant in the room?  The NTSB, NASA, Boeing, or the AIAA?  Have engineers authored papers, but the AIAA or NASA won’t publish them?  Or, does the ethical responsibility lie not with organizations, but with individual aeronautical engineers?  Have engineers just looked the other way?…
  The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane.
Von Stefan Schaer | Veröffentlicht am: 11. Dezember 2018
Wir sind uns einiges gewohnt vom medialen Mainstream, insbesondere, wenn es um internationale Themen geht. Trotzdem hat mich die Berichterstattung zum Tod von George H.W. Bush schockiert. Kaum ein negatives Wort war in der Schweizer Presse über den 41. Präsidenten der USA zu lesen. Kaum ein negatives Wort über einen Mann, der ganze Regionen destabilisiert […]
By Stefan Schaer | Published: December 11, 2018 
We are quite used to the mainstream of the media, especially when it comes to international topics. Nevertheless, the reporting on the death of George H.W. Bush shocked. There was hardly a negative word in the Swiss press about the 41st President of the USA. Hardly a negative word about a man destabilizing whole regions […]    
Stefan Schaer 2011 interview--
It must not be allowed that the most important event of our time goes down in history without an independent, credible investigation.
Where do you have your biggest doubts about the official presentation?
In particular, the following questions need to be re-examined, which are insufficiently or not at all treated in the official investigation report and in the specific additional reports: • Who is behind the suspicious events on the international stock exchanges - keyword insider traction?
• How could the US Air Force completely fail?
• How could three steel towers collapse in free fall, especially since WTC 7 had neither been struck by an airplane nor fired heavily?
• How is it possible that key US commanders were unreachable in the crucial minutes?
• Why did all the hijacked planes fly huge detours instead of targeting targets directly?  Why did all the hijacked planes disappear from the radar for several minutes?  And why did the hijacked airplanes reappear on the radar just before their crashes, notabene with new identification numbers?
• Why are not we shown the images of various Pentagon surveillance cameras?  What can be seen on these pictures?
• How could the official assassins enter the US unhindered? How could some of them move unhindered in the USA for months?  How did you, a layman, manage the most complicated flight maneuvers?

• Why were all existing alerts ignored?https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=https://www.journal21.ch/war-alles-doch-anders&prev=search

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