7-24-19 Since the beginning of 2019, nearly 6,000 pounds of drugs and assets valued at $98 million have been seized during operations that the Ohio National Guard’s task force assisted with. https://www.cleveland19.com/2019/07/24/million-worth-cocaine-heroin-fentanyl-seized-during-cleveland-drug-bust/
7-24-19 Officers found 2.8 kilograms of cocaine worth about $280,000, 5.3 kilograms of meth worth about $530,000 and 266 grams of purple heroin, worth $79,000. No arrests have yet to be made. https://globalnews.ca/news/5677106/purple-heroin-on-city-streets-say-winnipeg-police-after-major-drug-bust/
Officers stand guard over a fraction of the cocaine seized from a ship at a Philadelphia port
7-24-19 "Cocaine, New York's nemesis of the 90s, is back -- indicating traffickers' push to build an emerging customer base of users mixing cocaine with fentanyl," DEA Special Agent in Charge Ray Donovan told ABC News in March, after officials seized $77 million worth of cocaine at the Port of New York and New Jersey.

7-22-19 Federal court documents released Friday said Jeff Hatch was caught in 2017 with 1,500 grams of fentanyl . A baggie of the drug sold on the streets of New Hampshire is usually about one-tenth of a gram. Earlier that year federal, state and local police began an investigation into a supplier of drugs flowing into Manchester, N.H, an area hit hard by the opioid epidemic. More than 500 people a year have been dying in New Hampshire for the last several years and the crisis does not appear to be abating. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/22/pence-air-force-two-heroin-bust-1425823
7-19-19 more than a kilo of fentanyl netted in Ohio bust. https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/butler-county/middletown/major-drug-trafficking-bust-nets-kilo-of-fentanyl-three-arrests-in-middletown
7-18-19 After a search of the homes, 95 grams of fentanyl, 24 grams of cocaine, 60 grams of methamphetamine, MDMA, and $13,500 was seized. https://globalnews.ca/news/5510012/fentanyl-meth-seized-and-three-people-charged-in-regina-drug-bust/
7-10-19 Among the items seized were 2.6 kilograms of fentanyl, 100 fentanyl patches, 24 kilograms of cocaine, 1.4 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 11 grams of crack cocaine, about $500,000, six handguns, three over-capacity magazines and 238 rounds of ammunition.
“Our drug experts estimate that this quantity of drugs has the potential to yield as much as $5.4 million once sold at the street level,” said Belanger. https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/cops-seize-fentanyl-cocaine-and-guns-in-big-bust
Troopers said they discovered 3 pounds, 6 ounces of fentanyl hidden inside an SUV driven by Juan Junior Guzman, 41, of New York City, after they pulled over the 2019 Dodge Durango along the highway Monday in Mt. Pleasant Township. The SUV’s owner, Hector B. Taveras, 40, also of New York City, was a passenger. They are both charged with two counts of manufacturing and delivery of a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance and illegal possession of a controlled substance. The men were held in the Westmoreland County Prison after failing to post $1 million bail each….
In July 2018, drug-sniffing dogs with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency discovered 110 pounds of fentanyl during a routine exam of a shipment in the Port of Philadelphia, customs officers said….
Limani said straight fentanyl is so powerful it is usually only cut by dealers with filler items such as baking powder, sugar, talcum powder or powdered milk and then sold. https://triblive.com/local/westmoreland/cops-traffic-stop-in-mt-pleasant-twp-results-in-arrests-of-2-n-y-men-for-trafficking-fentanyl/
………………….……………………………………….…6-19-19 Edwin Radames Veliz-Flores, 40, Ines Helena Acosta, 34, and Roberto Yescas, 40, were each indicted last week on felony charges of conspiracy, illegally conducting an enterprise, transportation of narcotic drugs (fentanyl pills) for sale over the statutory threshold and offer to sell or transfer a narcotic drug over the threshold https://ktar.com/story/2620676/suspects-in-arizona-mills-fentanyl-bust-indicted-for-multiple-felonies/ …………………………………………………………………………………
6-7-19 The partnership between Chinese mafias and organized crime in Latin America is increasingly evident. Criminal groups smuggle fentanyl via Latin America to the United States, taking advantage of partnerships with main drug cartels and the Chinese government’s complicity.
"This is a great business, because the Chinese produce the drug, and cartels create a direct [link] with producers, and they don't need to transport it, as in the case of cocaine from Andean countries. Traffic is simple because doses are smaller; mafias cut fentanyl with medication to conceal it," said Tania Molina, a Costa Rican criminologist and security specialist who graduated from the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric and Defense Studies. "It’s a great business; one kilogram of this opioid may be worth $2 million in the United States. Criminals cut it with other substances to increase profits." According to a February 2019 report from the Washington-based Wilson Center think tank, the two largest criminal organizations that control fentanyl traffic in Mexico are the Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation cartels. In China, the main trafficker is the Zheng criminal organization, which has mafia links and also ships the opioid by mail. ...
"The Chinese chemical industry lacks regulation, which facilitates sending fentanyl precursor chemicals to criminalorganizations’ clandestine labs," the Wilson Center report indicated. "The lack of surveillance combined with the administrative inefficiencies promotes the proliferation of illegal chemical plants that manufacture large quantities of precursors bound for the United States or via Mexico, where criminal groups adapt [quickly] to the new market." https://dialogo-americas.com/en/articles/chinese-mafias-smuggle-fentanyl-latin-america

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