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288. Not everything should be blamed on the dark forces. Why make giants of them? What do people enjoy, and what do they reject? Let us analyze the sciences, philosophy, art, and physical culture along these lines and we shall see precisely where the sickness of humanity lies. If we examine every negation and learn precisely what has caused it, it will become obvious that disgusting causes bring disgusting results. How can one struggle for light while still surrendering to darkness?
298. There is innate talent in every child. Children can recollect experiences in the subtle world. Adults often do not understand their children and impose games upon them according to their own tastes instead of observing the children's natural inclinations. Children are fond of toys, not so much for the toys themselves as for the possibilities for creativity that are inherent in them. -M: Supermundane 2, 1938
14. Often psychism proves to be a weakening influence, but the Great Service is in straight-knowledge. Therefore we warn against psychism, against turning one's gaze backwards without a definite object for the future. The spiritually weak psychists are often a tasty dish for the Satanists. -M: Fiery World 1934
1. Life nourishes the soul. Strive for the life glorified and for the realization of purity. Put aside all prejudices - think freely. Be not downcast but full of hope. Flee not from life, but walk the path of salvation. You and we - here together in Spirit. One Temple for all - for all, One God. Manifold worlds dwell in the Abode of the Almighty, and the Holy Spirit soars throughout. -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1924


by Sindelar, 1930s
1-27-16 Sir Bernard Ingham has warned Britain not to throw away another £12 billion down the European Union's corrupt 'mafia drain'. The European Union is corrupt, useless and riddled with fraud, Sir Bernard Ingham has said.
Margaret Thatcher's former press secretary has questioned why the UK would "ever want to be a member of it at all", as he warned that Britain should not throw away another £12 billion down the European Union's corrupt 'mafia drain'. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/eureferendum/12124910/Sir-Bernard-Ingham-EU-is-corrupt-useless-and-riddled-with-fraud.html
3-22-16 The EU has a corruption problem that could cost it up to €990 billion a year, according to a study commissioned by the European Parliament and released on Monday. Corruption in the EU comes in many forms and has multiple economic, social and political effects, according to the Cost of Non-Europe in the Area of Corruption Study by RAND Europe. Based on three scenarios using different methodologies that included both direct and indirect effects, the study found the EU suffers losses in its gross domestic product that range between €179 billion and €990 billion each year. The figures are much higher than a 2014 estimate by the European Commission of €120 billion. However, the Commission’s study focused only on direct effects of corruption. https://www.politico.eu/article/corruption-costs-eu-990-billion-year-rand-study-fraud-funding/
Brexit will make UK more globalist, Theresa May says
British prime minister calls Brexit a ‘unique opportunity’ to embrace internationalism
British prime minister Theresa May moved to position Britain as a leading advocate of free trade and globalisation on Thursday, describing Brexit as a “unique opportunity” for Britain to embrace internationalism. http://www.irishtimes.com/business/brexit-will-make-uk-more-globalist-theresa-may-says-1.2943891
7-11-16 Theresa Mary was born in Eastbourne, Sussex. She studied geography at St Hugh's College, Oxford. She worked in the financial sphere (Bank of England, the Association for Payment Clearing Services) until 1997 when she was elected to parliament.
On domestic issues, May is known as supporter of so-called gender equality and marriages for homosexuals. In 2010 she even declared her support for pedophiles to adopt children. In 2015 May was accused in covering up a child sex abuse in the Northern Ireland.
She is often criticized by the left for her "hard stance" on immigration, but in fact it is May under whom Britain witnessed the greatest surplus of migrants in its history, and border security funding was cut by 2 million pounds. As a Liberal, she did not oppose the ideology, which is in the center of current migrant crisis in Europe. In addition, she supports the inclusion of Sharia law into the British legal system.
At the same time it was May who proposed to increase spying on British citizens, proposing Draft Communications Data Bill and Investigatory Powers Bill to suppress anti-governmental forces. http://katehon.com/article/no-choice-uk-theresa-may-hawkish-liberal-globalist
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