The dawn of cosmic reason comes in full-blown majesty to the individual monad but it has always existed in the heart of the Infinite. Comprehension then is to partake in holy communion at the altar of God of the nectar of spiritual illumination….
The subtleties of life often snare men just short of their full measure of attainment and divert them back into the sloughs of vain glory-seeking and confusion. Let all know then that those whom God loveth He often chasteneth. His chastening is but for the pruning and the perfectionment of every aspirant. For He crumbles the towers of human vanity and perfects the saints through winnowing the grain of man’s creation and testing in the crucible of life its fitness to be used in the manna for all. Each one receives these disciplines in that full measure to which he is entitled in the craft of divine Sonship….
Simply because an individual may yet abide in the deceits from which you have escaped does not mean that you should identify with that one to the point of excusing his defection from truth and justice, but rather should you in the full measure of divine grace and understanding extend to him a helping hand out of the barrenness of human concepts into the exalted vision of the Son of God.
Lord Gautama Pearls of Wisdom 8:1
Not only must heaven take renewed hope for man but man must also take renewed hope for himself now and all must behold the cosmic possibility that the little child of his Christ identity may become the Manchild to rule the nations with the rod of the Law of Love: “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them.” Charging forth then this thought of mortal victory being swallowed up in immortal victory I am constantly moving into action with the legions of light to quicken the planetary body and to contact those individuals upon the planet who are willing to devote their attention to God, as I did, and let the meditations of their hearts and minds be acceptable in His sight.
We are brethren in light, unseparated in reality by the mortal veil but ever united in a continuing service to the planet and its evolutions. Neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate you from that love which is in me….Individual identity in the eyes of God is a jewel set in a crown of indescribable wonder, therefore I chasten none in this my release but breathe forth only the essence of a holy prayer that the mass of Christ light flooding forth from all hearts will gladden the world as never before in the face of all adversity, that men will behold the tranquilizing effects of spirituality not as an enervating force to rob them of vitality but as a force of quiet victory surging ever upward. Lovingly,
Jesus Pearls of Wisdom 8:51
…none should shun the divine path simply because they seem to lack the essential qualities of intellect, of love or of will. Recognize that any evidence of imbalance in the manifestation of these qualities is testimony to the fact that some aspect of the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power is lacking in individual manifestation. This imbalance can be healed and corrected; man can resolve here and now to change. You can mend the flaw!…yet without the effort, without the acceptance of the individual, how can change be wrought?…
You must determine that human deterrents of karmic conditions will be temporarily set aside by your great and noble aspiration and that transmutation will occur fervently in your soul. You must determine that nothing shall be as important as your spiritual goal and yet withal that you will honor and favor mercy and understanding unto life….
I hasten to advise you then that because life is so precious and so charged with the radiance of the rose of the soul of God, you must so regard your own life--for it is not just your own but it is His Life that you are using; and the requirements of His Law are that you seek freedom from all that is confusing and find the answer to your problems in this universe by invocation to His Law of mercy and love and comprehension. You must constantly move forward….
Those who do not wait for life to do the breaking
Will themselves their own destiny be making
-Hilarion: Pearls of Wisdom 8:52
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