After our daily labors, let us gather in conversation about the heart. It will lead us through the earthly domains to the subtle world and thereby bring us closer to the realm of Fire.
1. To see with the eyes of the heart, to hear the roar of the world with the ears of the heart, to peer into the future with the understanding of the heart, to remember past accumulations through the heart--that is how the aspirant must boldly advance on the path of ascent. Creativity embraces the fiery potential and comes to be saturated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore on the path of Hierarchy, on the path of Great Service, on the path of Communion synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart.
(by N. Roerich) -Morya: Heart 1932

III, vi, 20. I can visualize a present-day minister of state or a Roman Pontiff driving up to our Towers (of Spring) in a motorcar!--is there more of comedy or of tragedy here? In any case a simple Mongol will be found to behave with more dignity, for in him the nerve of receptiveness has not been ruptured. -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
122. The appearance of "sun" spots on Saturn only indicates cosmic ruptures which are sending an unprecedented chemism to the Earth. There are many similar manifestations about which scholars even decide not to speak. The forces of space are restless; one need not think that a cataclysm will be just tomorrow -M: Fiery World 1934
The whitelight of the Mother in the fourth ray is so intense that it arouses anger and jealousy in Cain eventuating in the desecration of the Mother. Unto Cain and Abel it was given to keep the flame of Alpha and Omega in the white chakra, and to that end they offered burnt offerings unto the Lord. The killing of righteous Abel by Cain was the beginning of the profanation of the flame of the Mother by the children of the Mother; and so the fires of the Mother were used for the multiplication of the consciousness of Cain in a degenerate humanity....the children of the fallen ones and the generations of Cain brought about the misuse of the light of the Christ in the sixth ray (of self-mastery, service and peace, the solar plexus chakra). Instead of service to that light and mastery of the emotions it is recorded in the sixth chapter of the Book of Genesis that every imagination of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil continually. And in the antediluvian society there was a mingling of light and darkness, and the rebellious ones contaminated the whole Earth with their laggard consciousness. But the generations of Noah were perfect in the sight of God and therefore He instructed Noah and his sons--Shem, Ham and Japheth--to build the ark to prepare for the coming of the judgment. The sixth ray is the mastery of water, and Noah and his house kept that mastery. Therefore unto them the judgment was a blessing and the preparing of the way for a new order....
While the fallen ones experienced the judgment and the trial by fire as the great purgining even unto the death of their four lower bodies, Noah and his family entered into the ritual or the ark where in the energies of Spirit and matter there is that perfect communion and that perfect flow between the heart of God and the heart of son and daughter incarnate as the living Word....
And so it is that those who would keep the flame of life in the day of judgment that is at hand, those who would return to the center of God-consciousness and be allowed to pass by the flaming sword and the cherubim who keep the way of the Tree of Life must traverse the cycles of their own uses and misuses of the seven rays. -Archeia Hope in Vials of the Seventh Seal, S. U. Press, 1976, chapter XIV
snow-sculpture at Harbin, China
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