Saturday, November 11, 2017

Man is made to feel by conspiratorial circumstances that all is lost

     Man is made to feel by conspiratorial circumstances that all is lost, that he is cast out, that seedtime has come, summer and harvest and that his fruitage is lacking.  But the love of the Infinite, the eternal plan and the etching of tests must be taken into account.  For the soul must be given the opportunity to have her fullest test in the realm of experience….the fingers of God touch also the joyous lest they be lifted up to such a height that they could not bear a descending cycle.
  The sound of far-off worlds is heard in the hearts of the lonely ones, and they are lonely no longer.  The collapse of the universe into the microcosm of man is the surrender of the Eternal One to the individual.  The flame caresses the soul.  And as God draws nigh within the flame understanding is born, and all the pieces of the strange puzzle of life rise into place as a cosmic picture of celestial hope….The angels too whisper hope in the listening hearts of men and midst turmoil and confusion the artistry of God is seen afresh.
  I cannot in these dark hours of the nations refrain from reaching out to touch individual man.  While many are concerned with national crisis, with world-shaking events, to me, to a universal Mother each child is important, and as a representative of the Divine Mother I must express Her love to each one.
  “To go and do likewise” is to place your hand in the hand of the trembling ones who grope in the dark.  They have no one else to turn to among men but yourselves.  In the days to come many will reach out into the dark to touch the hand of God and they will find your own.  The chain of the Spirit must not be broken whether from near or far.  Wherever the cry rises up the answer must come, hope must be bestowed and tears wiped away.  The blindness of despair must be shown to be a passing thing.
  The universal plan lingers in the air, but it is also in the hearts of men.  Little light rays from near and far are pulling together the scattered pieces of universality.  God’s will is being done even when men tremble and quaver and react as though the darkness in them were real, as though they must protect it from covetous ones who would steal the shadowed misconceptions of their worlds because they too believe that they are real.  
  Nothing is real, blessed ones, but the light and the truth and the Spirit of God.  His love transcends all things in life.  The sting of death cannot stand before the face of God, for He is Life.  And as the untoiling lilies are arrayed in white, in fragrant garments, so will everyone be whose faith is deep enough to move the heart of God, to evoke a response from Him.  He knoweth your needs before you ask, yet they do not always seem to manifest.  What is the reason, beloved ones?  There is no reason, for they do manifest.  God responds at His level with the immediate answer to every need of men, but they must learn the art of finding it, of accepting it, of receiving in grace the divine “yes” or the divine “no.”  And sometimes the “no” is greater than the “yes,” for God knoweth what is best for men.         
                                            Mary         Pearls of Wisdom 11:39
  O Mother of the world,
  Gather Thy sun-child upward,
  Sweep Thy arms of light/ Around us one and all.     
        I address myself to the fishers of men, to the shepherds who seek to follow the admonishment of Christ “Feed my sheep.”  The so-called thankless task—the task of unified service, of seeking to evoke from the multitudes a response to the Hidden One—is difficult indeed, and yet the need for those who would dedicate themselves to this calling has never been greater….The truism “You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink” is applicable to mankind upon this rebel planet.
  When as Moses I led the children of Israel across the great Sinai Desert it was an unforgettable experience which engraved upon my heart and understanding of the differences in people—all made by the same God, all fashioned for the same purpose yet some learning slowly, others quickly, and the many in varying states in between.  Yet the Lord has commanded saying, “Go forth and gather My people.”  The remnant who respond—those who hear His voice today and desire to serve His cause—are the vanguard of the golden age.  These have a crown of righteousness eternal in the heavens, yet their lives have been committed unto God who has also returned varying degrees of responsibility to each man….Some may think that it is as easy to lead a vast multitude as it is to lead a few.  I say, not so.  For the larger the group the greater the tribes; and the more tribes there are under one’s direction the more difficult it is to mobilize the people, for thoughts are things and the pressures of living can be enormous.
  Some of you will recall that when my strength waned Aaron and Hur held up my arms.  For every leader in the spiritual vanguard of perfection there must be those who will hold up the arms of the devotee and servant of God.  In the darker hours the lighted torch must be passed and the glory of the Spirit translated into reality for another soul….
  In order to survive spiritually man must do an about-face.  For the cloak of materialism is a shroud; it swallows up spiritual ambition and leads the children of men into states of indolence and pleasure seeking.  Here they have such a good time that all too often they are unwilling to ponder the sobering realities of life that are all around them or to recognize their own spiritual needs….

  I am persuaded that heaven must extend to the world the banner of hope and truth through the medium of strong leadership….Above all I say to every leader in the Lord’s domain and to all who would lead and lend a helping hand to promote the plan of expanding the light:  be not discouraged or affected by mankind’s perfidy, by their immersion in self-deluding concepts.  Many are called but few choose.  As it was said long ago, “For every one thousand people only one seeks me; for every one thousand who seek me only one finds me.”…Error was made to be broken, bands of bondage to be sundered and all things to be overcome.        
(by Auriel Bessemer)
                               Lord Ling      Pearls of Wisdom 11:40

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