9-27-16 Global hedge fund tycoon and political provocateur George Soros is leading a war of symbols, namely flags and banners either resurrected or conjured up by his myriad non-profit groups, to stir religious, racial, and ethnic tensions the world over. From the Serbian OTPOR! movement and its clenched-fist symbol adopted by protests groups around the world to the menacing black and white flag of the Islamic State, which first appeared during the Soros-backed «Arab Spring» rebellions, Soros’s «false flag» factories have been running at break-neck production speeds. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-26/george-soros-false-flag-factories
9-27-16 Global hedge fund tycoon and political provocateur George Soros is leading a war of symbols, namely flags and banners either resurrected or conjured up by his myriad non-profit groups, to stir religious, racial, and ethnic tensions the world over. From the Serbian OTPOR! movement and its clenched-fist symbol adopted by protests groups around the world to the menacing black and white flag of the Islamic State, which first appeared during the Soros-backed «Arab Spring» rebellions, Soros’s «false flag» factories have been running at break-neck production speeds. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-26/george-soros-false-flag-factories
William Engdahl knows this to say about Soros:
“Soros speculates on the world’s financial markets via his secret off-shore company Quantum Fund NV, a private Investment fund that handles a portfolio of four to seven billion US$ for several “clients”. The Quantum Fund is registered in the tax haven of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean. In order to evade control of his financial activities by the U.S. administration not a single U.S. citizen sits on the board of Quantum. Its directors are a curious mixture of Swiss and Italian financiers. Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London ‘City’, in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American Establishment would stay concealed….Soros’ connection to the ultra-secret international finance circles of the Rothschilds is not just an ordinary or accidental banking connection. The extraordinary success Soros has on the high-risk financial markets cannot simply be explained with “gambler’s luck”. ...
Among the members of the board of the Quantum Fund is one Richard Katz. He is at the same time head of the Rothschilds Italia S.p.A. in Milan and is also on the board of the commercial bank N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London. Another member of the board is Nils O. Taube—he is a partner in the London investment group St. James’ Place Capital which counts Lord Rothschild among its main partners.
UN Sec.-Gen.’s Panel for post-2015 development:

President of Indonesia, 2004-14

President of Liberia, 2008-17

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 2010-16


Izabella Teixeira, Environment Minister of Brazil

Yingfan Wang, Chinese rep to UN, 2000-3

Maria Angela Holguin, foreign minister


Jean-Michel Severino v-pres for asia of World Bank, 1996-2000

Horst Kohler , IMF head 2000-4, Pres. Germany 2004-10

Naoto Kan, Japanese PM 2010-11


Betty Maina, chief exec Kenya manufacturers assn.

Abhijit Banerjee, econ. prof. at MIT

Andris Piebalgs, Commissioner for dev. at Eur Commission 2010-14

Patricia Espinosa, Sec. of Foreign Affairs to Pres. Calderon

Paul Polman, CEO Unilever (Dutch-UK consumer goods company)

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, former managing dir. of World Bank, Nigerian foreign minister, etc.

Elvira Nabiullina, econ adivser to Putin
(Russian Federation)

Graça Machel, ex-wife of Mandela
(South Africa)

Sung-Hwan Kim, minister foreign affairs and trade of S. Korea
(Republic of Korea)

Gunilla Carlsson, minister intl dev. coop.


Kadir Topbaş, mayor of Istanbul

John Podesta, Clinton campaign manager, Soros buddy, etc.
(United States of America)


Amina J. Mohammed, Moon’s special adviser, from Nigeria
(ex officio)
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