Thursday, June 15, 2017

The cherished ideals of freedom then become the cup of men’s longing

331.  Know that no reward should be expected.  Earthly rewards are not for you.  You who strive must pursue the path boldly without thought of danger or of joys to come.  Remember what I have said to you.  Accept not the best fruit from the table of the Lord, even if He offers it; partake only of that which is given for the fulfillment of your mission.  Reward does come, but expectation never brings reward.      -Leaves of Morya's Garden  1924 

49.  The more anyone renounces the more he receives.  But nations have forgotten how to renounce; even the smallest thinks only how to receive.  Meanwhile the planet is ill and all is sinking in this sickness.  And someone wishes to evade the final battle through infection of the whole planet.  And some hope to be setting sail in broken fragments, forgetting that the ocean is also departing.  It is easy to picture that the planetary body can be just as sick as any other organism and the spirit of the planet is affected by the condition of its body.  How to name the illness of the planet?  Best of all as a fever from poisoning.  Suffocating gasses, from the accumulations of the lower strata of the subtle world, cut the planet off from the worlds which could send assistance.  Earth's destiny can be ended by a gigantic explosion if the thickness of the cover be not pierced.  A stupendous acceleration is forcing all lines to shake.  It could have been expected that acceleration was urgent for a certain country, but it is needed for the whole planet.... 
195.  Is it possible to keep on killing, cursing and raging without spatial stratifications resulting?  All is precipitated solidly and heavily, creating above the site of an event a shroud similar to harmful gases.  Can it be expected that the poisonous radiations of malignant energy will be dispersed?  On the contrary they will become condensed and will affect the prana.  Never settle on bloody places.        -M:  Community 1926
311. The Teacher affirms that complete victory can be expected if only there is unity in consciousness.  One cannot expect success if there is the smallest suspicion of the Teacher.  Thus it is necessary to work together, knowing that everything that is within the laws of the universe will be granted.       -M:  Heart 1932
107, 402.  We teach the eye to become non-receptive to the repugnant.... Actually of all the elements fire offers the greatest amount of unexpectedness.  People limit their consciousness to merely a few formulas of agni (concentrated, pure fire); therefore all other varieties of the element of fire are simply not contained in the consciousness.  This means that there is much still to be assimilated, and the unexpected can thus be turned into the expected.           -M:  Fiery World 1933
198.  Certainly the Initiates of ancient Egypt knew the great law which rules the whole universe.  The Pyramid itself presents a symbol of the mountain with a broad foundation and narrow summit.  Indeed the significance of the Chamber of the manifested King and Queen is that a crowning perfection is to be expected at the approach of all cosmic fiery dates....Thus immutable is Fiery Right which has been inscribed on all the tablets and which has been written by the great life of the eternal Magnet.     -M:  Fiery World 1935
62.  Humanity must select the most firm paths.  All mechanical discoveries merely demonstrate the need of the power in man himself.  Let us be solicitous toward everyone who can bring to humanity his best strength.  And let us be grateful to the Brothers who untiringly bring realization of finer energy.  On this path there has to be much selflessness.  The ignorant cannot stand all the seekers of the immutable treasures; robbery may be expected on the best path.  Fortunately the bearers of the unseen treasures are invulnerable....
108.  Is it possible to name a man who would be satisfied at receiving only half a garment instead of the whole one expected by him?  And so it is in cooperation.  If instead of a full brotherly collaboration half of what is offered is suspicion and doubt, then what kind of success can be achieved?  It is needful to cultivate one's capacity for cooperation, beginning with the most routine tasks.  It is a mistake to assume that cooperation is manifest in great deeds if it has not been present even in everyday ones.  One should look deeply into the depths of one's consciousness and ask oneself whether the spirit is prepared for cooperation.
                      -Morya:         Brotherhood 1937   (portrait by Smiechen, 1884)

O Thou wondrous divine Opportunity, the inflow of the almighty power of light’s perfection, come Thou and assert Thyself and Thy dominion into the forcefield of each one of these children of light. Let them feel the wondrous outpouring of Thy radiance, the consummate intelligence and power of Almighty God whose every thought unfolds the perfection of man even as the flower unfolds from the bud, until all are raised to that fair estate where the full manifestation of their own divinity is apparent to all and they bloom on those Elysian fields where the purity and the radiance of heaven is the full perfection of their being in manifestation....

Know then, blessed ones, that wherever there are gathered together even two or three in the name of the Christ, in the name of the mighty I AM Presence, there in the midst of them cometh forth the light--the connecting link that draws that focus and forcefield into the network of the entire Great White Brotherhood and establishes there a pillar of mighty light which brings to all in that general area a specific manifest radiation of the divine intent and purposes.

I am come this night then to establish here in Minneapolis a specific quality of the God-flame of freedom, to anchor here in this place a specific quality and radiation which shall cause the hearts of all who are receptive and responsive to the vibratory action of the light to feel and to know that a flame of freedom is anchored here.
And yet, as I speak to you this night I am prone to bestow upon all of you who will accept it a gift of a miniature flame of freedom to be anchored within the forcefield of your own being, according to your own measure of devotion to the holy cause which you have externalized in your service to the light in past times.

Blessed ones, know then that labor and virtue are their own reward and have their own reward.  For tonight I bring to you this specific gift, bestowing it upon you in the forcefield of your own hearts. Right where the mighty threefold flame of life is anchored, there I AM depositing a specific momentum of the mighty flame of freedom, the power of victory for the entire planet! 

Wherever you go, you may be a bearer of the flame of freedom to all you come in contact with, creating then and generating mobile forcefields to spread abroad the mighty power of light and its perfection as though you were a moving star, an advent of great light, telling all peoples everywhere of the great incoming of the mighty stream of freedom from the heart of God.

This shall come forth in the golden age and shall anchor, in all of the many forcefields of light throughout the planetary body, the mighty connecting link of each one’s divinity which shall cause all people to become one, not only in heart and feeling but also in every endeavor that is dear to their hearts.  The cherished ideals of freedom then become the cup of men’s longing, filled with the contact with their own mighty I AM Presence and the power of the ascended masters who reach forth through the veil of the invisible into the visible realm to let all see reflected in the identity of man not the density patterns of human creation but the mighty patterns of infinite freedom.

This shall remove every trace of human discord and shall cause the individuals connected to me to be examples of the great light and the outpouring of the flame of freedom which shall sweep the earth like a prairie fire until the earth is free, purified by the sacred fire and the washing of regeneration of the mighty Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Infinite One who has created all men. ...

But when men recognize the power of Almighty God to give them their freedom at this specific moment and then to maintain, by the power of light and its superior intent, the fullness of their own divine perfection at all times they will find that they are entering in to an era of such happiness as will cause them to desire nothing as much as the perfection of their own Divine Presence.  And because they have intensified the desire of their own Presence to draw forth from heaven the virtues of heaven they will become manifest tokens and symbols of God’s love for the earth and its entire environs. 


          -Saint Germain:  7-12-1964 at Minneapolis via Messenger Mark Prophet                       (portrait by Sindelar, 1930s)

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