-western towhee, by Val V.
III, v, 10. in the formation of a group be not astonished at an apparent diversity of the members. Not according to birth,nor habits,nor mistakes are they grouped--their contact is in spirit. They are united in a chorus by spirit, which is imponderable, invisible and inaudible. Therefore do not reproach anyone for the pitch of his voice--its quality is what is important. -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
481. The one who is not afraid to be misunderstood by others is with us. The one who is unafraid to build links among the great currents of the teachings is our friend. The one who is not afraid to see the light has an eagle's eye. The one who is not afraid to enter the fire is of fiery birth. The one who is not afraid of what he cannot see can pierce the darkness. The one who is not afraid to travel the world is ready to strive to the far-off worlds. The one who is not afraid to know the teachings of wisdom is with us. -M: Agni Yoga 1929
210. Nothing gives birth to such pure abnegation of self as that induced by the exultation of the brimming heart. Which of the human energies can compare with the energy of the heart and which of the energies can act at long distances? -M: Heart 1932
I, Maitreya, am come this day for the same solemn and beautiful purpose of rekindling the awareness of the marvelous locked-in state of consciousness where man is able once again to bathe in the refreshing, cooling streams of a verdant age when peace and harmony existed, when every man was in effect, a king and every woman a queen, when the sweet presence of God-communion was effortless, when there were no dark and winged batlike creatures coming forth from the fissures in the earth, out of Pandora’s box, but only the presence of the angels….
Yet the mankind of Earth, born of their own angelic nature and their hearts of love did as sons of God welcome laggards—those who in other star systems had refused, under the banner of freewill, to go onward toward the perfection of God, choosing instead to live their lives as they saw fit, paying homage to the flesh and the things of matter, paying homage to separation of individuals from one another and pride in person and wisdom—which were the Luciferian concepts learned long ago in past ages by a distraught and untaught humanity who refused to pay heed to the great eternal laws of universal love.
Yet love is the nature of God and love has ever been His nature. Love then that is the nature of God that so beautifully and naturally flows from the heart was the original pristine purity that the children of the Sun, the blessed children of the Holy One showed forth….
Now that carelessness has become the natural function of humanity, now that carelessness seems to be in order it is also in order that we should ask ourselves the question of its origin. How did men created in the image of God ever come to a state of consciousness where they could be careless about the precious gift of life that is given to them? Well, beloved ones, the answer is so simple that men fail to reckon with it: it is a matter of contagion. From one to another spread the diseases of the spirit, of the mind and of the heart….
From one to another the balm of Gilead flows. -Maitreya: 7-3-1970 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
-bronze Maitreya, late 6th century A.D. Korea
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