Our subject is the spreading of the network of joy, the antithesis of sorrow, in the domain of consciousness and its communication into the world of form.
When the individual monad can willingly give up the personal self beyond the point of test in a genuine act of surrender he is soon magnetized to the God ideal of spreading in the world domain the marvelous activity of vibrant joy—joy in Self, joy in nature, joy in opportunity, joy in service, joy in music, joy in art, and joy even in the process of purifying the self.
Every facet of life takes on the aspect of challenge to those who daily strive to become more like Him. But this is not a challenge of discomfort, it is one of hope. The very fact that the individual can improve regardless of his station, that he can change his concepts, his vibratory action and the contents of his mind as he would his garments is a sign of hope and a portent of delight. -Lanto: Pearls of Wisdom 12:32
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