In every civilization where gold was in circulation as the medium of exchange and worn by all the people there was a corresponding attainment of great illumination, abundance, health and self-mastery.
The replacement of gold by silver and more common metals, and finally the substitution of paper as the medium of exchange, is a plot of the manipulators to magnetize people's consciousness to the lower vibrations of these metals and to deprive them of the benign, healthful and stimulating qualities of gold. -Messenger E C Prophet: Masters and Their Retreats, 2003, p. 118
186. There are and will be instances when in full consciousness you can take upon yourselves the responsibility for a decisive order . But intensify at that time all keen-sightedness in order to perceive clearly the circumference of your target. A most ugly consequence will issue from a misdirected order. -Morya: Community 1926
321. And yet as a faltering chisel can have a decisive significance, so also an opportunity missed will give another meaning to a complete task. -M: Heart 1932
298. Striving into the higher spheres gives the spirit the strength to break away from the earth. The greatest task is to teach every living being to aspire. In the construction of life the breaking away and the attraction to all vital manifestations must be equally cultivated in the heart, for such spiritual equilibrium will reveal many hidden aspirations. -M: Fiery World 1935
64, 434. Everywhere motive has the decisive significance.... By imitating the basic labors of the Brotherhood people may become united in useful cooperation. The Brotherhood is not a myth, and treading in its steps will be a decisive construction. It is not forbidden to copy anything lofty. In all Teachings it is proposed that one test oneself by comparison with the best and most difficult attainments. -M: Brotherhood 1937
136-7. In both earthly and subtle battles decisive results come from the quality of aspiration directed to us. One should repeat without end that aspiration to us is a strong shield. Help can be immeasurably increased where there is no room for discontent, complaints, depression and mistrust. People, give your Invisible Helpers the opportunity to stretch out their hands!...
Thus an experienced speaker will be momentarily silent and take a deep breath before uttering a decisive word. -M: Supermundane 1, 1938
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