Sunday, April 10, 2016

the chaff of human experience can be separated from the wheat of spiritual growth

  Not words, words, words but the Word. “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1); in the middle are words, words, words.  But in the ending only the Word will remain.
  The students who would understand themselves should realize that the expansion of the middle—a term which I use symbolically to describe the finite realm—is intentional in order to describe in the field of kal (time) and desa (space) what may be called a fort of opportunity.  Here the chaff of human experience can be separated from the wheat of spiritual growth.  Here the false starts and the false moves that inscribed the karmic record can be adjudicated and balanced.  And here the beautiful purpose of realigning the consciousness and of manifesting the original purpose for which the individual took embodiment can best be served….
  We would make clear that it is essential that they (men) do not prematurely forsake—before they exit from the world of form—those natural and reasonable obligations which they have made….
  When men are willing to surrender their habitual  sense of identification with the changing, death-centered mortal personality at that moment they actually attain immortality.  This act of surrender is a splendid one; it is truly a rebirth by the power of the Holy Spirit.  It is a transfer of the consciousness from the forcefield of mortality with its attendant sense of struggle to the domain of the Spirit right while the consciousness occupies a physical body….

  You can never truly serve the needs of all whom you love until you hold within your grasp the infinite power of God.        -Lanto:  Pearls of Wisdom 12:38


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