I, Mary, say this so that you may understand that Jesus, Saint Germain, El Morya and the sons of heaven can only be the light of the world so long as they are in the world physically. Therefore there must be a physical oneness of yourself with the saints of heaven. And they may stand where you stand, even as hell stands where heaven is--except this is by the magnet of love and not by the warfare of the unreal pitted against the real.
This congruency and oneness is that lawful state of Hierarchy stretched out across a cosmos and then condensed and compressed into one fiery diamond heart, one single devotee, one single chela unswerving that becomes the point of our entrance....
Your victory is the most private affair of your entire life and lifestream. Your victory is that point of communion where only the One can occupy the third eye and the heart....
Let Maitreya be where you are. And then you will see Maitreya here, Maitreya there....the denial of Maitreya living within the heart of a flesh and blood person is also erroneous. Let be the incarnate light! -Archeia Mary: 4-1-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles
in Prayer and Meditation, 1978
This congruency of light comes through the capstone and the all-seeing Eye, and it can take place only in those who have at inner levels received this initiation, long before coming to Earth, of the oneness with the inner teachers and the emissaries with the Lord. -Sanat Kumara: 7-6-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
-S.K. by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985
Your victory is the most private affair of your entire life and lifestream. Your victory is that point of communion where only the One can occupy the third eye and the heart....
Let Maitreya be where you are. And then you will see Maitreya here, Maitreya there....the denial of Maitreya living within the heart of a flesh and blood person is also erroneous. Let be the incarnate light! -Archeia Mary: 4-1-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles
in Prayer and Meditation, 1978
This congruency of light comes through the capstone and the all-seeing Eye, and it can take place only in those who have at inner levels received this initiation, long before coming to Earth, of the oneness with the inner teachers and the emissaries with the Lord. -Sanat Kumara: 7-6-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles

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