Saturday, January 2, 2016

Only those who do God's will can rightly ford the muddied stream of current human thought

Our Father who art in heaven, /Hallowed be Thy name I AM....
This prayer is spoken in the Christ consciousness by the soul whose self-awareness as the Grail enables him to understand that the affirmation "I AM" is the Word....
The "Lord's Prayer" recorded by Matthew and Luke is for children who yet pray to the Father and the Son as external to themselves.  For they have not yet known of their freedom to elect to be initiates of the Lion, the Calf, the Man and the Flying Eagle on the path of individual Sonship.  Their religion is hence exoteric until they choose to enter the path of the Grail Mysteries whereby that which is external now becomes internal, i.e., esoteric.  Needless to say, the esoteric format is essential to all who would obey the injunction "In my name cast out devils!"    -Sanat Kumara:  Opening of the Seventh Seal, #26
The saints of the inner church have always been devotees of the Mother, for they have understood that the one who is able to magnetize the garment of the Cosmic Virgin establishes himself within the white cube, even as he is established by the Guru Ma as the white cube.  That which the devotee first discovers in the secret chamber of the heart--the alabaster cube glowing with the inner light of the threefold flame--is the cornerstone of the Temple Beautiful that he must build line upon line, precept upon precept under the close supervision of the wise masterbuilder, the beloved Christ Self.  Thus by devotion to the Mother the adoring chela becomes the Mother, and that which has become Mother through the one who is Mother is the magnet incomparable    -ibid., #36 
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If the pyramid represents the population of the nation, the capstone would comprise .018% of the total population....
The capstone consists of the forerunners of the future, the spiritually enlightened, and coincidentally those with the least karma who are nearest to the individual process of etherealization or what we call the ascension, i.e., the acceleration unto the light of the I AM THAT I AM....
So not all of the people of a nation have to carry a spiritual fire in order for that nation to meet the requirements for self-transcendence...The crumbling of the old order and the building of the new take place simultaneously.    -Messenger E C Prophet:  Saint Germain's Prophecy to the Nations, 1, 1990, chapter 5
Only those who do God's will can rightly ford the muddied stream of current human thought....The words aum tat sat aum, I AM THAT I AM are scarcely understood by any upon the planet.  But their inner meaning will come to the fore as greater spiritual progress is made...
The omnipresence of God, the eminence of Spirit breaks the vain images of hypocricy erected both in ignorance and in partial knowledge by man who has inscribed upon the Book of Record the infamy of unbridled, untutored selfhood.  Let the reins of guidance be in the hands of God but be unafraid to take dominion over the earth.  Out of a common reason is born the meaning of love.    -El Morya:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:3

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