I am the Buddha of the sun of your heart. I am the Buddha who lives in the light of love. I live only where love is fulfilled in the fulfilling of the Law and where love remains unfulfilled I withdraw. This is the law of octaves, this is the law of cosmic consciousness that those in Hierarchy who personify cosmic consciousness may only be where cosmic consciousness is personified.
With what crystal quality the concepts of Truth are defined! With what geometry the equation of Being is revealed! Line upon line as the formation of crystals of fire within you and within Mater--so are the lines of God’s consciousness formed.
These lines are the fire of the Mind of God. Not a particle of dust, not a particle of human emotion can cling to the lines that compose the forcefield of God-awareness within you. By gazing on the dust, on the particles of energy misqualified you lose contact with the blueprint, with the fiery forcefield, with the mandala of Being; and when you lose contact you lose the thread of Hierarchy and for that moment you are out of contact with the Great White Brotherhood.
By your own consciousness you break the thread, by your own consciousness you weave the thread. Again and again you weave the thread, only to break it again by allowing your attention to be diverted into amplifying the substance that is unreal.
And so I come. I come in the flame of Cosmic Christ awareness. I come to mend the broken threads in the delicate lace of the veil of your virginity. I come to reestablish the virgin consciousness. I come to mend the flaws and I must have your cooperation....
I AM who I AM. I AM where I AM. I AM only where the devotee is sealed in the Law of Love. I release to you the formula for your initiation. It is locked in your heartflame.
-Lord Maitreya: 10-19-1975 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP

181. But where are the signs of the achievements that exalt the spirit? First the inner fires of the centers will be kindled. Then will be heard the voice of the unseen Teacher. And finally the external flame which binds the individual consciousness with the consciousness of space becomes manifest. Then will become possible the contact with the wondrous, perilous, subtlest energies--with all that transforms life and eliminates the concept of death. -Morya: Agni Yoga 1929
147. When the spirit touches the fiery principle it is imbued with the power of the Cosmic Magnet. Each contact with the fiery threads effects a link with the higher worlds. Only the principle of consciousness can impart the beauty of the higher worlds. When we speak of the higher worlds an understanding of every subtlety must be manifested. Creativeness untiringly attracts all the higher elements for perfecting. Thus the spirit can strive toward the evolution into perfection. When the spirit-understanding will begin to draw in the subtle elements it will then be possible to manifest to humanity the symbol of true Be-ness. Thus let us build the path to Infinity. -Morya: Infinity 2, 1930
59. Three circumstances can burden karma especially. The first--the denial of the Teacher; the second--the suspicion that the contact with Hierarchy can bring harm; the third--shrinking from a mission of responsibility. -M: Heart 1932
557. Great cautiousness is necessary during the contact with higher concepts, Brotherhood being among them. -M: Brotherhood 1937
27, 51, 79, 104. Our Abode is the bulwark of such patience, and it is those who have been with us, and those who have heard about us, who carry the contact with us in their hearts and wear this armor of patience. We value this quality, for it belongs to Infinity.... No one should think that such persecutions are meant only for certain people. Every messenger of Truth must experience the onslaught of falsehood. This contact with chaos is inevitable.... One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse....We often direct the attention of people to us so that contact can be easily established. But they have freedom of will and rarely choose to follow the voice of the Brotherhood. -M: Supermundane 1, 1938
270, 306, 337. Contact with the higher worlds is not achieved by an increase of will power but through the deeper consciousness, the repository of pure primal energy....The Thinker knew that everyone has, as an inner gift, the ability to contact the Highest....One must love the momentary contacts and should feel the beautiful wings that they provide! We value each such bridge of love, which is built from love of labor. Contact with us is established therefore on love and labor. However any harmony can be disrupted and is difficult to restore. -M: Supermundane 2, 1938
-Lord Maitreya: 10-19-1975 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
181. But where are the signs of the achievements that exalt the spirit? First the inner fires of the centers will be kindled. Then will be heard the voice of the unseen Teacher. And finally the external flame which binds the individual consciousness with the consciousness of space becomes manifest. Then will become possible the contact with the wondrous, perilous, subtlest energies--with all that transforms life and eliminates the concept of death. -Morya: Agni Yoga 1929
147. When the spirit touches the fiery principle it is imbued with the power of the Cosmic Magnet. Each contact with the fiery threads effects a link with the higher worlds. Only the principle of consciousness can impart the beauty of the higher worlds. When we speak of the higher worlds an understanding of every subtlety must be manifested. Creativeness untiringly attracts all the higher elements for perfecting. Thus the spirit can strive toward the evolution into perfection. When the spirit-understanding will begin to draw in the subtle elements it will then be possible to manifest to humanity the symbol of true Be-ness. Thus let us build the path to Infinity. -Morya: Infinity 2, 1930
59. Three circumstances can burden karma especially. The first--the denial of the Teacher; the second--the suspicion that the contact with Hierarchy can bring harm; the third--shrinking from a mission of responsibility. -M: Heart 1932
557. Great cautiousness is necessary during the contact with higher concepts, Brotherhood being among them. -M: Brotherhood 1937
27, 51, 79, 104. Our Abode is the bulwark of such patience, and it is those who have been with us, and those who have heard about us, who carry the contact with us in their hearts and wear this armor of patience. We value this quality, for it belongs to Infinity.... No one should think that such persecutions are meant only for certain people. Every messenger of Truth must experience the onslaught of falsehood. This contact with chaos is inevitable.... One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse....We often direct the attention of people to us so that contact can be easily established. But they have freedom of will and rarely choose to follow the voice of the Brotherhood. -M: Supermundane 1, 1938
270, 306, 337. Contact with the higher worlds is not achieved by an increase of will power but through the deeper consciousness, the repository of pure primal energy....The Thinker knew that everyone has, as an inner gift, the ability to contact the Highest....One must love the momentary contacts and should feel the beautiful wings that they provide! We value each such bridge of love, which is built from love of labor. Contact with us is established therefore on love and labor. However any harmony can be disrupted and is difficult to restore. -M: Supermundane 2, 1938
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