1-20-2016 The first ISIS unmanned aerial vehicles were seen this week flying over the battlefields of the western Iraqi province of Anbar. Two were shot down by Iraqi Sunni militias, who had been trained and were supported by American military instructors at the big Iraqi Ayn al-Asad airbase in the province. The downed craft when tested at the base facilities showed they were fitted with cameras for spying on the militias and capable of transmitting surveillance images to the jihadists’ rear commands.
...informed that the jihadi terrorists were in the final stages of preparations for testing drones armed with missiles or bombs, having hired the services of experts in a number of Muslim countries to work on their development at top speed for exceptionally high pay. http://debka.com/article/25173/ISIS-is-flying-homemade-drones-developing-a-missile-armed-model
1-29-16 As we noted in our last post, research from the Open Technology Institute showed that almost all the popular encrypted communications app that were named as being used by ISIS were either open source or not maintained by a US company, meaning any such law (requiring US backdoor anti-encryption or other US anti-encryption) would be basically meaningless to ISIS folks trying to communicate. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160128/15384633453/isiss-encrypted-messaging-app-isnt-real-backdooring-encryption-still-wont-help-nsa.shtml
The Messengers of the Brotherhood on the laggards: https://books.google.com/books?id=NnhQHG05d-AC&pg=PA79&dq=clare+prophet++laggards+control+government&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiKtMLzm9DKAhWJKGMKHT6EBT0Q6AEIIzAB#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20%20laggards%20control%20government&f=false
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