Wednesday, January 27, 2016

a grand cycle of opportunity and freedom

Prospero….For thou must now know farther.
Miranda.  You have often
Begun to tell me what I am, but stopt
And left me to a bootless Inquisition,
Concluding, stay:  not yet.    -The Tempest,1623, I, ii, ll. 119-123.

  The above design shows the title page of Bacon's Advancement of Learning, Paris, Latin edition, 1624
 In the 1700s came forth the Comte de Saint Germain, serving the cause of freedom. 
Image result for comte de saint germain

Bacon's secret society was set up in America before the middle of the 17th Century.  Bacon himself had given up all hope of bringing his dream to fruition in his own country, and he concentrated his attention upon rooting it in the new world.  He made sure that the American colonists were thoroughly indoctrinated with the principles of religious tolerance, political democracy, and social equality.  Through carefully appointed representatives, the machinery of democracy was set up at least a hundred years before the period of the Revolutionary War.   -Manly Hall:  Secret Destiny of America, 1944, ch. 13
Brutus Soţia lui Portia (Iulius Cezar) (536x700, 75Kb)
-Portia by John William Wright, ink & watercolor, 1846, England
Mrs. Constance Pott in her Francis Bacon and His Secret Society, 1891, starting at page 107 reveals the correlation between Shakespeare plays and Bacon's private life:
Guy Ballard met Saint Germain at Mt. Shasta in August 1930.
The practical aspects of alchemy* are to be found in manifestation only in the one who has developed the power to execute the design of freedom....The more the individual becomes aware of the inner power of the self to sense the various shades of reality, the more his powers magnify.   -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom of 2-8-1970 and 3-1-1970
*alchemy:  Alchemy became more widely known...through the synthesis of Greek philosophy, Egyptian technology and the mysticism of Middle Eastern religions.    -Pearls of Wisdom 21:1
At Easter Conference 1974 in Los Angeles Messenger ECP led the congregation in the affirmation "I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!"
And thus the extension of the light of the Mother from that focus in Santa Barbara and all focuses on the West Coast must push on to the islands of Hawaii, to Japan, to Australia, to Indonesia and to Taiwan.       -Saint Germain:  12-8-1975 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
at Shasta 1975 Conference
By the grace of God then this organization, built life upon life, is the organization and the instrument for the contact, and without the organization you would be as those crying in the wilderness....
Let now then the novena go forth to the heart of that great one (Divine Director) and to myself and to all who stand ready to open the door--the door that is kept sealed by the God of Gold and the Council of the Royal Teton, the door to that cosmic abundance....My standing before you does not guarantee your victory, it only gives to you the promise that the victory is possible if you do your part.    -Saint Germain:  4-24-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger ECP
Beware then of political division for that division may become the very instrument needed by the fallen ones to overturn the children of light, to divide and conquer and to level the nation itself.   
-Saint Germain:  11-20-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger ECP

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