Tuesday, January 12, 2016

But there is danger in bypassing the plan when one is taken up with the outer manifestation

               On Encryption
A high level communicator/philosopher/psychologist uses terms such as encryption, cipher, code, decrypting, symbology and archetype according to his own school or ray or what he considers his audience can handle across some cycle of life.  What Lord Bacon, for example, deemed fit in such an area is not what another expert would necessary deem fit.

There are, possibly, in the field of encryption/decryption two primary modes:  more blatant, more subtle.  In the Far East in a martial art one hears of the yin school of Martial Art and the yang school--the same logic then.

Lord Bacon’s position in England was generally not really strong/secure overall, meaning that his (or Athena's) school of mysteries was not so very well established there.  This matters; it is likely that Lord Bacon chose mostly a more subtle approach wherever he deemed there to exist danger and space/time to deal with it.  Metaphysics, philosophy, literature and drama generally are not highly dangerous, but could in the case of a not-well-anchored State be considered dangerous because these areas can be potent influences upon the public.  He certainly would not be alone amongst masters to use a highly cautious approach if that is indeed how he built his school of mysteries.

The degree of danger counts.  For example, the Middle East has long had high degrees of danger, therefore those of a yang school of martial art might find the going rough in the context of establishing either a yang school of martial art or a school of mysteries in such a region.
Now by the time we get to the current era and place called contemporary America there is a certain amount of background context relevant.  Everyone fits into the mandala a certain way, each having a role on life’s chessboard.  All chessboards are somewhat alike; but not all games of chess are for the same goal nor at the same degree of mastery nor even of the same degree of necessity.  Some chess is just recreational amusement.

The number of problems extant in contemporary America in assessing the type of ciphering that Lord Bacon largely ran with back in 1600 England is in itself daunting.  I rather prefer to understate the whole matter somehow; but I will say that the degree of danger and the degree of necessity involved is something one would probably have to live amid directly in order to appreciate.  This I think means that many of us are not hic et nunc in a great position to figure out what Lord Bacon was doing precisely.  Which leaves us where?   
 -R., Ashland, Oregon
It is the prerogative of heaven to either provide an immediate solution to your problems or to begin the process that will lead to the solution--almost as though it were a game of chess with you as one player and heaven as the other.  I think that the reason for this is that mankind have often given false promises and appearances to the heavenly hosts only to return to the old pathway of struggle and doubt upon receiving their deliverance.  Now by a slower rate of interchange heaven is able to trade smaller increments of its precious treasures and gifts in exchange for man's obedience, that as man receives these gifts he may also grow step by step in grace and understanding.           -Goddess of Liberty:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:47 (11-19-1972)
The (divine) plan is centered around the individual; it provides for the transmutation and advancement of his consciousness.  But there is danger in bypassing the plan when one is taken up with the outer manifestation, ignoring the still small voice of the knock at the cosmic door of the heart.      -Pallas Athena:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:46

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