1-31-16 Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, a leading voice on trade, immigration and executive powers, is urging Americans to choose their next president carefully because 2016 “is the last chance for the American people to take back control of their government.” ...
In a sober interview with Secrets, the Republican warned that liberal special interests, Wall Street moguls, and international media conglomerates are fast turning the United States into just another member of the European Union and that the effort is being led by a Democratic president eager to go his own way with executive orders. “This election is different because we have pell mell erosion of law, the constitutional order, where President Obama has pushed an agenda that eviscerates the immigration legal system, and pushed this trade agreement that will commence decades of transferring American economic power to an ever-expanding international commission. It’s just not going to stop” unless voters take action, he warned.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
who know that to issue and control a nation’s money is more important than writing its laws
As harbingers of this continual swallowing upon the world’s landed areas and peoples by the forces of Communism and anarchy the dark plotters have operated in America in the subbasements of life, preparing their take-over of the nation not by destructive acts of war “unless necessary,” according to their teachings but rather by invading the universities and school systems of the country. There they have sought to destroy the faith and the morality of the young students and to take over the institutions of religion where they could not accomplish the total breakdown of individual self-respect by the systematic destruction of Christian values. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 13:22
These manipulators--who know that to issue and control a nation’s money is more important than writing its laws--are drawing the halter tighter and tighter about man’s destiny in this age. -K-17 for the Cosmic Secret Service: Pearls of Wisdom 13:24
All of the children of God are intended to abate the astral floodtide that would destroy a planet and an age. All are intended to be inundated with the great cosmic faith that I AM, that I represent and that is also within themselves. Implanted by God it requires only the key of recognition turned by right action and the initiation of discovery to be known by man. -Archangel Michael: Pearls of Wisdom 13:47
Beloved ones, in one’s home and sanctuary one ought to be able to speak without surveillance and persecution, whether by one’s government or by private citizens. -Archangel Zadkiel: 2-16-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Oneness is the answer
I AM the power of God in manifestation at the Elohimic level; you are the power of God in manifestation in the octave of the Mother. So let us serve together....Oneness is the answer, ones is the power, oneness is the radiation of the Most High God! It is a floodtide of light that cannot be turned back, that will not be turned back. -Elohim Purity: 8-5-1973 at Santa Barbara via Messenger E C Prophet
Friday, January 29, 2016
ISIS employing drones
1-20-2016 The first ISIS unmanned aerial vehicles were seen this week flying over the battlefields of the western Iraqi province of Anbar. Two were shot down by Iraqi Sunni militias, who had been trained and were supported by American military instructors at the big Iraqi Ayn al-Asad airbase in the province. The downed craft when tested at the base facilities showed they were fitted with cameras for spying on the militias and capable of transmitting surveillance images to the jihadists’ rear commands.
...informed that the jihadi terrorists were in the final stages of preparations for testing drones armed with missiles or bombs, having hired the services of experts in a number of Muslim countries to work on their development at top speed for exceptionally high pay. http://debka.com/article/25173/ISIS-is-flying-homemade-drones-developing-a-missile-armed-model
1-29-16 As we noted in our last post, research from the Open Technology Institute showed that almost all the popular encrypted communications app that were named as being used by ISIS were either open source or not maintained by a US company, meaning any such law (requiring US backdoor anti-encryption or other US anti-encryption) would be basically meaningless to ISIS folks trying to communicate. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160128/15384633453/isiss-encrypted-messaging-app-isnt-real-backdooring-encryption-still-wont-help-nsa.shtml
The Messengers of the Brotherhood on the laggards: https://books.google.com/books?id=NnhQHG05d-AC&pg=PA79&dq=clare+prophet++laggards+control+government&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiKtMLzm9DKAhWJKGMKHT6EBT0Q6AEIIzAB#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20%20laggards%20control%20government&f=false
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Victoria Sharp on the Bundy scene; FBI chief & UK PM don't like encryption
9-26-2014 On Thursday, FBI Director James Comey told reporters that he is "very concerned" about the tech giants' plans for encryption, which deter police from unlocking encrypted devices.
"I am a huge believer in the rule of law, but I am also a believer that no one in this country is beyond the law," Comey said, as reported by The Huffington Post. "What concerns me about this is companies marketing something expressly to allow people to place themselves above the law."...
But there needs to be a loophole that allows for government access in extreme cases. "The notion that someone would market a closet that could never be opened—even if it involves a case involving a child kidnapper or a court order—to me does not make any sense," he said Thursday.
In June, the Supreme Court ruled that police must obtain a warrant before searching the contents of someone's mobile device—smartphone or feature phone. The decision comes more than a year after whistleblower Edward Snowden confirmed the National Security Agency's spying tactics. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2469302,00.asp
1-21-16 There is one important detail in the (anti-encryption) bill in California, though: If it were to pass right now, as it is written, that would mean anyone who buys an iOS device right now, with encryption in place, would be fined $2,500 per device. Worse, the bill actually backdates purchases all the way back to July 2015, which means the bill would fine buyers after they purchased legal devices.
This isn’t just an issue in the United States, either. In the United Kingdom, anti-encryption legislation continues to rise to the surface. The law, if passed, would mean that Apple could no longer completely lockdown/encrypt a phone or tablet, effectively locking it down even from its own resources to access the content therein protected by a passcode or Touch ID. http://www.iphonehacks.com/2016/01/california-encryption-backdoor-bill.html
1-28-16 http://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/kyiv-post-plus/putins-silenced-critics-a-chronicle-of-people-killed-or-who-died-suspiciously-after-challenging-the-kremlin-406918.html
9-26-2014 On Thursday, FBI Director James Comey told reporters that he is "very concerned" about the tech giants' plans for encryption, which deter police from unlocking encrypted devices.
"I am a huge believer in the rule of law, but I am also a believer that no one in this country is beyond the law," Comey said, as reported by The Huffington Post. "What concerns me about this is companies marketing something expressly to allow people to place themselves above the law."...
But there needs to be a loophole that allows for government access in extreme cases. "The notion that someone would market a closet that could never be opened—even if it involves a case involving a child kidnapper or a court order—to me does not make any sense," he said Thursday.
In June, the Supreme Court ruled that police must obtain a warrant before searching the contents of someone's mobile device—smartphone or feature phone. The decision comes more than a year after whistleblower Edward Snowden confirmed the National Security Agency's spying tactics. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2469302,00.asp
1-21-16 There is one important detail in the (anti-encryption) bill in California, though: If it were to pass right now, as it is written, that would mean anyone who buys an iOS device right now, with encryption in place, would be fined $2,500 per device. Worse, the bill actually backdates purchases all the way back to July 2015, which means the bill would fine buyers after they purchased legal devices.
This isn’t just an issue in the United States, either. In the United Kingdom, anti-encryption legislation continues to rise to the surface. The law, if passed, would mean that Apple could no longer completely lockdown/encrypt a phone or tablet, effectively locking it down even from its own resources to access the content therein protected by a passcode or Touch ID. http://www.iphonehacks.com/2016/01/california-encryption-backdoor-bill.html
1-28-16 http://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/kyiv-post-plus/putins-silenced-critics-a-chronicle-of-people-killed-or-who-died-suspiciously-after-challenging-the-kremlin-406918.html
I am the Buddha of the sun of your heart.
I am the Buddha of the sun of your heart. I am the Buddha who lives in the light of love. I live only where love is fulfilled in the fulfilling of the Law and where love remains unfulfilled I withdraw. This is the law of octaves, this is the law of cosmic consciousness that those in Hierarchy who personify cosmic consciousness may only be where cosmic consciousness is personified.
With what crystal quality the concepts of Truth are defined! With what geometry the equation of Being is revealed! Line upon line as the formation of crystals of fire within you and within Mater--so are the lines of God’s consciousness formed.
These lines are the fire of the Mind of God. Not a particle of dust, not a particle of human emotion can cling to the lines that compose the forcefield of God-awareness within you. By gazing on the dust, on the particles of energy misqualified you lose contact with the blueprint, with the fiery forcefield, with the mandala of Being; and when you lose contact you lose the thread of Hierarchy and for that moment you are out of contact with the Great White Brotherhood.
By your own consciousness you break the thread, by your own consciousness you weave the thread. Again and again you weave the thread, only to break it again by allowing your attention to be diverted into amplifying the substance that is unreal.
And so I come. I come in the flame of Cosmic Christ awareness. I come to mend the broken threads in the delicate lace of the veil of your virginity. I come to reestablish the virgin consciousness. I come to mend the flaws and I must have your cooperation....
I AM who I AM. I AM where I AM. I AM only where the devotee is sealed in the Law of Love. I release to you the formula for your initiation. It is locked in your heartflame.
-Lord Maitreya: 10-19-1975 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP

181. But where are the signs of the achievements that exalt the spirit? First the inner fires of the centers will be kindled. Then will be heard the voice of the unseen Teacher. And finally the external flame which binds the individual consciousness with the consciousness of space becomes manifest. Then will become possible the contact with the wondrous, perilous, subtlest energies--with all that transforms life and eliminates the concept of death. -Morya: Agni Yoga 1929
147. When the spirit touches the fiery principle it is imbued with the power of the Cosmic Magnet. Each contact with the fiery threads effects a link with the higher worlds. Only the principle of consciousness can impart the beauty of the higher worlds. When we speak of the higher worlds an understanding of every subtlety must be manifested. Creativeness untiringly attracts all the higher elements for perfecting. Thus the spirit can strive toward the evolution into perfection. When the spirit-understanding will begin to draw in the subtle elements it will then be possible to manifest to humanity the symbol of true Be-ness. Thus let us build the path to Infinity. -Morya: Infinity 2, 1930
59. Three circumstances can burden karma especially. The first--the denial of the Teacher; the second--the suspicion that the contact with Hierarchy can bring harm; the third--shrinking from a mission of responsibility. -M: Heart 1932
557. Great cautiousness is necessary during the contact with higher concepts, Brotherhood being among them. -M: Brotherhood 1937
27, 51, 79, 104. Our Abode is the bulwark of such patience, and it is those who have been with us, and those who have heard about us, who carry the contact with us in their hearts and wear this armor of patience. We value this quality, for it belongs to Infinity.... No one should think that such persecutions are meant only for certain people. Every messenger of Truth must experience the onslaught of falsehood. This contact with chaos is inevitable.... One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse....We often direct the attention of people to us so that contact can be easily established. But they have freedom of will and rarely choose to follow the voice of the Brotherhood. -M: Supermundane 1, 1938
270, 306, 337. Contact with the higher worlds is not achieved by an increase of will power but through the deeper consciousness, the repository of pure primal energy....The Thinker knew that everyone has, as an inner gift, the ability to contact the Highest....One must love the momentary contacts and should feel the beautiful wings that they provide! We value each such bridge of love, which is built from love of labor. Contact with us is established therefore on love and labor. However any harmony can be disrupted and is difficult to restore. -M: Supermundane 2, 1938
-Lord Maitreya: 10-19-1975 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
181. But where are the signs of the achievements that exalt the spirit? First the inner fires of the centers will be kindled. Then will be heard the voice of the unseen Teacher. And finally the external flame which binds the individual consciousness with the consciousness of space becomes manifest. Then will become possible the contact with the wondrous, perilous, subtlest energies--with all that transforms life and eliminates the concept of death. -Morya: Agni Yoga 1929
147. When the spirit touches the fiery principle it is imbued with the power of the Cosmic Magnet. Each contact with the fiery threads effects a link with the higher worlds. Only the principle of consciousness can impart the beauty of the higher worlds. When we speak of the higher worlds an understanding of every subtlety must be manifested. Creativeness untiringly attracts all the higher elements for perfecting. Thus the spirit can strive toward the evolution into perfection. When the spirit-understanding will begin to draw in the subtle elements it will then be possible to manifest to humanity the symbol of true Be-ness. Thus let us build the path to Infinity. -Morya: Infinity 2, 1930
59. Three circumstances can burden karma especially. The first--the denial of the Teacher; the second--the suspicion that the contact with Hierarchy can bring harm; the third--shrinking from a mission of responsibility. -M: Heart 1932
557. Great cautiousness is necessary during the contact with higher concepts, Brotherhood being among them. -M: Brotherhood 1937
27, 51, 79, 104. Our Abode is the bulwark of such patience, and it is those who have been with us, and those who have heard about us, who carry the contact with us in their hearts and wear this armor of patience. We value this quality, for it belongs to Infinity.... No one should think that such persecutions are meant only for certain people. Every messenger of Truth must experience the onslaught of falsehood. This contact with chaos is inevitable.... One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse....We often direct the attention of people to us so that contact can be easily established. But they have freedom of will and rarely choose to follow the voice of the Brotherhood. -M: Supermundane 1, 1938
270, 306, 337. Contact with the higher worlds is not achieved by an increase of will power but through the deeper consciousness, the repository of pure primal energy....The Thinker knew that everyone has, as an inner gift, the ability to contact the Highest....One must love the momentary contacts and should feel the beautiful wings that they provide! We value each such bridge of love, which is built from love of labor. Contact with us is established therefore on love and labor. However any harmony can be disrupted and is difficult to restore. -M: Supermundane 2, 1938
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
diesel stealth subs
a grand cycle of opportunity and freedom
Prospero….For thou must now know farther.
Miranda. You have often
Begun to tell me what I am, but stopt
And left me to a bootless Inquisition,
Concluding, stay: not yet. -The Tempest,1623, I, ii, ll. 119-123.

The above design shows the title page of Bacon's Advancement of Learning, Paris, Latin edition, 1624
In the 1700s came forth the Comte de Saint Germain, serving the cause of freedom.

Bacon's secret society was set up in America before the middle of the 17th Century. Bacon himself had given up all hope of bringing his dream to fruition in his own country, and he concentrated his attention upon rooting it in the new world. He made sure that the American colonists were thoroughly indoctrinated with the principles of religious tolerance, political democracy, and social equality. Through carefully appointed representatives, the machinery of democracy was set up at least a hundred years before the period of the Revolutionary War. -Manly Hall: Secret Destiny of America, 1944, ch. 13

-Portia by John William Wright, ink & watercolor, 1846, England
Mrs. Constance Pott in her Francis Bacon and His Secret Society, 1891, starting at page 107 reveals the correlation between Shakespeare plays and Bacon's private life: https://books.google.com/books?id=tKc_AAAAYAAJ&pg=PA405&dq=pott+bacon+circle&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjyn_ao8crKAhXBKWMKHYWAA0AQ6AEIIjAB#v=onepage&q=pott%20bacon%20circle&f=false
Guy Ballard met Saint Germain at Mt. Shasta in August 1930.
The practical aspects of alchemy* are to be found in manifestation only in the one who has developed the power to execute the design of freedom....The more the individual becomes aware of the inner power of the self to sense the various shades of reality, the more his powers magnify. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom of 2-8-1970 and 3-1-1970
*alchemy: Alchemy became more widely known...through the synthesis of Greek philosophy, Egyptian technology and the mysticism of Middle Eastern religions. -Pearls of Wisdom 21:1
At Easter Conference 1974 in Los Angeles Messenger ECP led the congregation in the affirmation "I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!"
And thus the extension of the light of the Mother from that focus in Santa Barbara and all focuses on the West Coast must push on to the islands of Hawaii, to Japan, to Australia, to Indonesia and to Taiwan. -Saint Germain: 12-8-1975 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
at Shasta 1975 Conference
By the grace of God then this organization, built life upon life, is the organization and the instrument for the contact, and without the organization you would be as those crying in the wilderness....
Let now then the novena go forth to the heart of that great one (Divine Director) and to myself and to all who stand ready to open the door--the door that is kept sealed by the God of Gold and the Council of the Royal Teton, the door to that cosmic abundance....My standing before you does not guarantee your victory, it only gives to you the promise that the victory is possible if you do your part. -Saint Germain: 4-24-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger ECP
Beware then of political division for that division may become the very instrument needed by the fallen ones to overturn the children of light, to divide and conquer and to level the nation itself.
-Saint Germain: 11-20-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger ECP
The above design shows the title page of Bacon's Advancement of Learning, Paris, Latin edition, 1624
In the 1700s came forth the Comte de Saint Germain, serving the cause of freedom.
Bacon's secret society was set up in America before the middle of the 17th Century. Bacon himself had given up all hope of bringing his dream to fruition in his own country, and he concentrated his attention upon rooting it in the new world. He made sure that the American colonists were thoroughly indoctrinated with the principles of religious tolerance, political democracy, and social equality. Through carefully appointed representatives, the machinery of democracy was set up at least a hundred years before the period of the Revolutionary War. -Manly Hall: Secret Destiny of America, 1944, ch. 13

-Portia by John William Wright, ink & watercolor, 1846, England
Mrs. Constance Pott in her Francis Bacon and His Secret Society, 1891, starting at page 107 reveals the correlation between Shakespeare plays and Bacon's private life: https://books.google.com/books?id=tKc_AAAAYAAJ&pg=PA405&dq=pott+bacon+circle&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjyn_ao8crKAhXBKWMKHYWAA0AQ6AEIIjAB#v=onepage&q=pott%20bacon%20circle&f=false
Guy Ballard met Saint Germain at Mt. Shasta in August 1930.
The practical aspects of alchemy* are to be found in manifestation only in the one who has developed the power to execute the design of freedom....The more the individual becomes aware of the inner power of the self to sense the various shades of reality, the more his powers magnify. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom of 2-8-1970 and 3-1-1970
*alchemy: Alchemy became more widely known...through the synthesis of Greek philosophy, Egyptian technology and the mysticism of Middle Eastern religions. -Pearls of Wisdom 21:1
At Easter Conference 1974 in Los Angeles Messenger ECP led the congregation in the affirmation "I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!"
And thus the extension of the light of the Mother from that focus in Santa Barbara and all focuses on the West Coast must push on to the islands of Hawaii, to Japan, to Australia, to Indonesia and to Taiwan. -Saint Germain: 12-8-1975 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP

By the grace of God then this organization, built life upon life, is the organization and the instrument for the contact, and without the organization you would be as those crying in the wilderness....
Let now then the novena go forth to the heart of that great one (Divine Director) and to myself and to all who stand ready to open the door--the door that is kept sealed by the God of Gold and the Council of the Royal Teton, the door to that cosmic abundance....My standing before you does not guarantee your victory, it only gives to you the promise that the victory is possible if you do your part. -Saint Germain: 4-24-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger ECP
Beware then of political division for that division may become the very instrument needed by the fallen ones to overturn the children of light, to divide and conquer and to level the nation itself.
-Saint Germain: 11-20-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger ECP
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Those who seek to destroy the codes and systems of the world that have evolved out of the dark ages --Casimir Poseidon
Those who seek to destroy the codes and systems of the world that have evolved out of the dark ages of human history--from the old Babylonian Code, the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule, the Code of Hammurabi, the Magna Carta, the Constitution of the United States and other instruments of Liberty--these would offer the world in return for its imperfect state one of nihilism and chaos....once life is understood as purposed by God to convey to each lifestream the wonders of its own internal security (through both innocence and the initiative system) in the divine system, in the order of universal beauty and perfection, then to live life to its fullest becomes the goal of individual man for himself and for his world....
The order of science has reached forward in giant strides while religion has fallen backward, lagging still in medieval superstitions, in old encrusted hatreds and in diabolical involvements of horror, fear and greed. To condemn the world does not prepare it for salvation of any kind; the real example of benign power is to be simply the Christ....Let men learn then to do well -Casimir Poseidon: Pearls of Wisdom 12:21
Especially through pp. 106-13, 119-20, 135-39 very good light is focused on the cipher/code/hidden plan and life-character of Shakespeare/Bacon See this 1891 book by Constance Potts:
The order of science has reached forward in giant strides while religion has fallen backward, lagging still in medieval superstitions, in old encrusted hatreds and in diabolical involvements of horror, fear and greed. To condemn the world does not prepare it for salvation of any kind; the real example of benign power is to be simply the Christ....Let men learn then to do well -Casimir Poseidon: Pearls of Wisdom 12:21
Especially through pp. 106-13, 119-20, 135-39 very good light is focused on the cipher/code/hidden plan and life-character of Shakespeare/Bacon See this 1891 book by Constance Potts:
Monday, January 25, 2016
60 new Shakespeare stage-plays announced by Wells Gallup
An example of Elizabeth Wells Gallup's farcical "biliteral decoding":
Ere long there will be many of like style, purpose and scope added thereto, which shall both ayd and instruct you in th' work. This should make it cleare, e.g. sixty stage-plays which, in varyi'g stiles that are contrary to my owne well known stile of expression, whilst for more of our lighter work, an impenetrable mask, for a history, much too varied; hence these great plays have bin devis'd which, being similar, often held this inne' history therein unsuspected.
-E. Wells Gallup: at page 63 of https://books.google.com/books?id=56FVAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA1-PA63&dq=wo'drously+co'ceal'd&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9jIa4ssbKAhVG1WMKHbu9BEoQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=wo'drously%20co'ceal'd&f=false
Sure, 60 new Shakespeare stage-plays. -R, Ashland, OR
Wells Gallup gave two precise test examples of her "decoding" in her 1900 Biliteral Code of Bacon and one precise test example in her 1910 Bilateral Cypher. So the public has had 3 examples of her showing how her method supposedly worked! No excuses then!! -R, Ashland, OR
Ere long there will be many of like style, purpose and scope added thereto, which shall both ayd and instruct you in th' work. This should make it cleare, e.g. sixty stage-plays which, in varyi'g stiles that are contrary to my owne well known stile of expression, whilst for more of our lighter work, an impenetrable mask, for a history, much too varied; hence these great plays have bin devis'd which, being similar, often held this inne' history therein unsuspected.
-E. Wells Gallup: at page 63 of https://books.google.com/books?id=56FVAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA1-PA63&dq=wo'drously+co'ceal'd&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9jIa4ssbKAhVG1WMKHbu9BEoQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=wo'drously%20co'ceal'd&f=false
Sure, 60 new Shakespeare stage-plays. -R, Ashland, OR
Wells Gallup gave two precise test examples of her "decoding" in her 1900 Biliteral Code of Bacon and one precise test example in her 1910 Bilateral Cypher. So the public has had 3 examples of her showing how her method supposedly worked! No excuses then!! -R, Ashland, OR
Who gave all possibilities? Who has given the direction? Who has manifested all good?
140. Everyone knows, in the depths of his heart, whether he is led by the highest degree of striving or is just being dragged along in fear. -Morya: Supermundane 1, 1938
52. How difficult it is to introduce among the co-workers the true concept of success! Indeed only humility of the spirit and the feeling of gratitude are appropriate. Who gave all possibilities? Who has given the direction? Who has manifested all good? Only the hierarch, only the leader, only the forces of light. -M: Fiery World 1935
The problem then you see: that souls by disobedience have descended to the astral plane, lost their tie to the etheric antahkarana, and become enmeshed in this grid of the seed of the wicked. And therefore the seed of the wicked vampirize their light as they are caught in their very nets! And the children of the light who yearn to be cut free can be cut free, if you will understand the necessity for keeping the flame and keeping the light flowing and keeping the door of your heart open!
And therefore the light of Jesus Christ within your heart, and your heart in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is an enfiring, is an intense action whereby your heart chakra in these days is being prepared that you might always and always and always be instruments of the outpouring light of the God-Star, which truly is your origin and the point of your return when Earth's victory is won and therefore the very source of the Mother-flame/of God-government of the Great White Brotherhood and the victory of the Earth! -Surya and Cuzco: 4-10-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Sunday, January 24, 2016
illustrations of masters
When therefore governmental systems, religious bodies, movements of the masses say, "Come this way...
...it is so often the case that the people rally around those who carry a false banner and do not indeed keep the standard of that Christ. And why do they rally? Because the false standard requires no sacrifice, no discipline, no surrender of something in order to walk up the steps and stand with the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to be with him at the right hand of God.
You cannot have all these things of the creature comforts and pleasures of life and the full support of a socialist system of government that on the inner planes appears as a planetary beast with many tubes coming out of this giant beast, all feeding the lifewaves of Earth through the navel--a false mother in effect feeding the people rather than cutting that umbilical cord and allowing them to seek and find the crystal cord to their own I AM Presence and to draw down all of the ingenuity, the handiwork, the talent, the perfecting of the way to meet their own needs through the LORD God Almighty.
It is the inalienable divine right of every man, woman, and child to maintain direct contact through Christ the Mediator with this beloved I AM Presence. When therefore governmental systems, religious bodies, movements of the masses say, "Come this way and you will have all things given unto you," remember that they deprive you of the path of becoming the Christ where you are. They deprive you of that moment of aloneness--be it a desperate moment, a painful one, even one of disillusionment--when you must cry out to the living God and be reconnected to that divine source because you have left off from the way of the Tree of Life.
Beloved ones, there is a moment in every life when the individual must feel bereft and alone, moving into adulthood and knowing one can no longer depend upon human parents but one must become the divine parent who I AM--that moment of saying, "I AM truly launched from the heart of God. Now I must stand beneath my own vine and fig tree."
Beloved ones, it is a delicious moment to go hungry, having forsaken and rejected the mess of pottage that the world offers perpetually. It is a moment of the fresh mountain breeze....
Beloved of the light, understand that this message comes to all but not all receive it: the receptivity, the desire, and the willingness to give up the false props of civilization contrived by the fallen ones must be there--self-contained. God has given much good to civilization. And the pioneer spirit is always the key to the expansion of the causal body here below.
But they have inserted through the media, through the control of the press and the food itself these dependencies upon chemicals and drugs and everything else but the living God. With their lips they recite, but in their hearts they are far from Him. -Zarathustra: 3-29-1986 at Summit University, Camelot, Los Angeles
It is not that the germ of reality and truth is not active within the many spiritual organizations upon earth; it is simply that individuals do not grasp truth when they find it but prefer instead to form their own anthropomorphic god and to embrace concepts that are foreign to reality. -Goddess of Liberty: Pearls of Wisdom 11:26
It is not that the germ of reality and truth is not active within the many spiritual organizations upon earth; it is simply that individuals do not grasp truth when they find it but prefer instead to form their own anthropomorphic god and to embrace concepts that are foreign to reality. -Goddess of Liberty: Pearls of Wisdom 11:26
Saturday, January 23, 2016
illustrations of some masters
But if the individual would be the director of his own life pattern
But if the individual would be the director of his own life pattern, the motive behind each vision and each thought must be carefully analyzed and approved by him before he attempts to carry it through. To be given the control of one's life, to have the opportunity to take dominion over one's world is a most generous gift. But it is in its correct use that the gift becomes invaluable. Thus the Masters have always directed their students to ask to be given the wisdom of right choice, to ask for God-direction in all that they would do for they know that man triumphs in the arena of action proportionately as he obeys the admonishment "Ask and ye shall receive." -Elohim Cyclopea: Pearls of Wisdom 15:2
Friday, January 22, 2016
The ladder of success in this world, let down by the prince of this world
The ladder of success in this world, let down by the prince of this world to all who are made in his image (the image of the beast), is no measure of Christed man and woman. Only Jacob’s ladder is the measure of the Son of man becoming the Son of God. -Sanat Kumara: Opening of the Seventh Seal, #18
-Queen of Light by Singular
(invocation) Beloved Archangels Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel! Enter my four lower bodies, my electronic belt, my subconscious/unconscious now! In the name of Jesus Christ bind and cast out all discarnate entities and all momentums of doubt, fear, human questioning of God, depression, death, aggression and anger! Cast out all animal magnetism connected with them.
Beloved Archangel Zadkiel, blaze forth the violet flame to consume now all layers of repressed and unresolved emotions. I cast them into the flame! Beloved Archangel Michael, I call to you to excise the genetic tares of the fallen ones sown in the folds of the garment of my consciousness by the enemy while I was asleep. I ask you to sow the good wheat of the Christ mind in its place. I implore my God, beloved Mighty I AM Presence, to exorcise from me the cause, effect, record and memory of all negative conditions of consciousness (name conditions).
The prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me! Through God in me I have no point of vulnerability to the karma delivered by the Four Horsemen! I accept it done this hour in the full power, wisdom and love of the Cosmic Christ.
Beloved ones, the sound of the light reverberating through your microcosm is the power of the holy word of God to restore you to that magnificent God-free being you were when you first descended into the matter spheres! And in the aura and Presence of that God-being which I tell you shall be unleashed from the whitefire core of every cell and atom of your being you will be effective in the earth, you will stand as conquering heroes so humble in the presence of Elohim, beloved, and yet so empowered as to tremble the very web of cosmos and of the deceit of the fallen ones.
Understand then just how much God can become God in you when you know the one-pointed calling and when you remember the rise and fall of civilizations….
The Law is sealed as a grid upon you. Those who abuse the Law of Harmony may not advance in increasing God-consciousness. This is a protection to every disciple, not a punishment but a guardian action of the Great Silent Watchers. Understand it and believe, beloved. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia: 7-5-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Thursday, January 21, 2016
“Thy race,” Answered the King, “counteth a hundred thrones
Grizzly Peak, Cascades, 5920 foot elevation
Guru Ma took up this royal line proposition (i.e., "allowed to fulfill his destiny"), not by induction! This same proposition was championed by Wells Gallup, but not by induction! Nor was her “bilateral decoding” by induction, rather she just borrowed Dr. Owen’s material on Bacon! The royal line proposition so very long in favor in the nations of the Earth is the very one we see that Gautama refuted in favor of himself in the line of Buddhas, awakened beings, not by bloodline at all.
-by Sindelar
Afterwards passed he, said they, by the hills
Unto Benares, where he taught the Five,
Showing how birth and death should be destroyed,
And how man hath no fate except past deeds,
No Hell but what he makes, no Heaven too high
For those to reach whose passions sleep (nirvana) subdued.
-Sir E. Arnold: The Light of Asia, Theosophical Pub., Wheaton, IL, 1969, (orig. pub. in 1879), book 7, p. 121
“My son! heir of this spacious power, and heir
Of Kings who did but clap their palms to have
What earth could give or eager service bring….
Son! why is this?”
“My father!” came reply
“It is the custom of my race.”
“Thy race,”
Answered the King, “counteth a hundred thrones
From Maha Sammat, but no deed like this.”
“Not of a mortal line,” the Master said,
“I spake but of descent invisible,
The Buddhas who have been and who shall be:
Of these am I, and what they did I do,
And this which now befalls so fell before…”
-ibid., book 7, p. 131
In the 1970s and 1980s Guru Ma was hot for the proposition that great things could Bacon have achieved had he been granted the kingship of England by Queen and her high council. The royal line proposition is seen in Lords of the Seven Rays, 1986, wherein Guru Ma treated of Saint Germain’s embodiments. “Francis Bacon is known as the father of inductive reasoning and the scientific method….Yet he could have been an even greater boon to England and the whole world had he been allowed to fulfill his destiny. The same ciphers which run throughout the Shakespearean plays also run through Francis Bacon’s own works and those of many of his circle of friends,” wrote Guru Ma at pages 265, 267.
Well, Bacon achieved all right, but not because of the Tudor lineage! Notice that Kuthumi in 1976 Pearls treated of that Tudor lineage and the deeds of Henry VIII, exposing the falsity therein, especially Henry’s fiat claim to head (and his lineage after him to head) the Church in England!
Now kings (presidents) use fiat (executive orders) for what they like in America, including FDR’s decree that Americans own no gold, which ran from 1933-75. (Wall Street bankers of course did own that gold though from 1933-75—perhaps they too are of the royal bloodline, eh?, and covertly make the law of the land.)
-R., Ashland, Oregon
Therefore while it is true that the universe could be considered as a great machine or motor it is also true that the currents of energy flowing through the outer form of that "motor" are derived from spiritual levels of universal love and power whose holy design can be found in the very Word (Logos) itself -Great Divine Director: The Soulless One, "Creation", 1965 
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
If one had an excellent tool such as a plumbline, is it not beneficial to use it?
‘Corporate Courts’ Have Taken from the Poor and Handed to the Rich – TTIP Will Turbo-Charge This Redistribution
The term “hard money” usually refers to one of two things.[1] It can, first of all, be used for actual gold or silver coins, for example. Using this definition, one can say that a hard money policy is one in which the government recognizes currencywhich is based on an actual, fixed item which is considered valuable.
Hard money is also considered the opposite of fiat money, which is currency that takes its value from the government declaration or law which assigns the said value to it.[2] As such, this kind of money is not inherently valuable, but may be used in transactions as long as it is said to be legal tender. The use of fiat money is now more common than the use of hard money, especially on an international level. The US dollar, for instance, is an example of a fiat currency. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_money_(policy)
11-12-2015 4 Arguments Against Gold Standard by Cullen Roche
1) The Gold standard does not create "Sound Money" policy. One of the biggest myths about the Gold Standard is that it will create "sound money" policies that won't allow the government to debase the currency. History shows this is totally wrong. A gold standard does not restrict the government from devaluing the currency....
2) The Gold Standard is inherently deflationary. During the history of the U.S., there have been 11 major depressions and/or financial panics. With the exception of the Great Recession, all 10 of the other panics or depressions occurred under the metallic standard, thanks in large part to its inflexible design and inherently deflationary nature (the Panic of 1797, the Depression of 1807, the Depression of 1815, the Panic of 1837, the Panic of 1857, the Panic of 1873, the Panic of 1893, the Panic of 1907, the Depression of 1920 and the Great Depression). Although growth was much higher in the era of the metallic monetary system this growth was also extremely volatile and resulted in numerous long and destructive depressionary periods.¹
3) A gold standard is disastrous for foreign trade. Under a true gold standard, a country with an overvalued currency will experience a deflationary bias as they will be forced to settle cross-border transactions by losing gold to foreign countries. This process will continue for as long as it takes for the currency to fully rebalance, a process that can take years and even decades....
4) There's a reason why almost no mainstream economist supports a return to the gold standard - it is an economic disaster. It was too restrictive and too deflationary. Yes, the current system is far from perfect. It is inherently inflationary and controlled largely by an oligopoly of banks. But it is a market based system with an elastic money supply...
On 11-8-2012 Cullen Roche addressed 1) & 2): The other common retort is that gold standards are somehow synonymous with freedom because they reduce the government’s ability to manipulate the money supply. Okay, that’s true to some degree. But this also misses another important point about the gold standard. The quantity and value of gold in today’s world is largely determined by foreign governments and guys with shovels. In other words, its value and quantity is mostly determined by a small group of people incentivized to corrupt its value. We read endless stories these days about how Chinese and Indian central bankers are buying gold or digging it out of the ground. Is that “freedom” for the USA? Is it wise for the USA’s money supply to be essentially pegged to dictators or foreigners digging the earth up? Yes, we will put the US government in check, but why don’t we just let foreigners run the whole damn US economy while we’re at it since they’re going to be determining our money supply indirectly. http://www.pragcap.com/the-gold-standard-is-not-synonymous-with-freedom/
On 11-5-2014 he again addressed 1) and 2): Under a strict gold standard, governments cannot print new money to finance expenditures, theoretically reducing the risk of high inflation caused by printing too much money. However, the government can still manipulate the purchasing power of a dollar under the gold standard by simply changing the amount of gold equal to $1. http://www.pragcap.com/understanding-the-gold-standard/
Comments upon the merits of a gold standard: If one had an excellent tool such as a plumbline, is it not beneficial to use it? The standard of gold is a true value, like a true anchor that holds very well, because it is enduring, clear-cut, pretty hard to falsify. Such cannot be said of fiat money, which are promissory notes when unbacked by gold. Now which is intrinsically better: promises in hand or reality in hand? As for Mr. Roche's ideas about government or "market based system with an elastic money supply"--these are not essential to a standard of value economically. What is essential about a true standard of value economically is its clear logic, its enduring capacity. Reference to gold's value is reference to its clear logic and enduring capacity--because gold is identifiable and lasting and useful as a physical object. What governments do or what money supplies do or don't do are other questions. The standard of gold is not about a monopoly on gold. The standard of gold is simply that gold naturally, inherently is valuable. Pieces of paper with famous people's images stamped on them might look novel, but they lack greatly under high pressure. That is, they return to just being pieces of paper. -R, Ashland, Oregon.........................................................................................................................
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