Sunday, May 15, 2022

irrelevant gibberish

SPIRITUAL 44+ DIRECTOR 47=91. CALCINATION 47+ CARNAL 22 + MIND 22= 91 (47+44). Peter Duffy 54 + Neroli 37=91. ............ Vol. 18 No. 29 - Gautama Buddha - July 20, 1975 Quietly Comes the Buddha XIII The Perfection of Indifference What is the tenth perfection of the law? It is that which seals the action of the three-times-three and the nine-times-nine. It is called Indifference. It is the equanimity of being which comes when the mathematics of the soul is fulfilled. The soul that has mastered the nine perfections can be like Mother Earth, showing neither animosity nor amity to any or to all–the passive receiver of hot or cold or sweet or foul. In the power of the three-times-three, the flame of the Mother transmutes the vices and virtues of Her children. The flame of the Mother is the poise of the three-times-three, the poise of Shamballa and threefold flame. The tenth perfection of the law is the balance between desire and desirelessness. It is the point of the fusion of the active and the passive. And through it the power of the three-times-three is multiplied by tens, by hundreds, by thousands, by millions, by billions, and beyond. The Perfection of Indifference is the zeal that determines the quantity of energy entrusted to your care.

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