Thursday, May 20, 2021

To surrender or not to surrender: whichever you decide

1)   As we honor Saint Germain on Columbus Day this year, try to envision the lovers of freedom who are united with you.  There you will find, whether all are conscious of one another or not, the legions of the violet flame, the hospitalers of the New Jerusalem--those sincere Masonic consistories (of which Saint Germain is the true sovereign grand master); and with justice, equality and love, those blessed Knights of Columbus (which twain are really twin arms destined to serve when the divine ultimate is revealed as arms of freedom and justice, which shall not perish from the earth).  We love you, Saint Germain!    

-Morya:  Pearl 2:40    ……………………………………………………………..     

2)  Now I think the service beloved Victory (the great cosmic being from Venus) rendered last week is very great and incomparable, and I am most grateful for it.  In the lives of both rich and poor (a mere relative distinction, for in our eyes you are all rich in God’s heart-treasure of the equality of the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power) among our chelas, there are problems which need overcoming, and it is always good to know that your victory is ever at hand.  Beloved ones, failure is never permanent unless you let it be so, and even then life acts to set changes into motion so as to place every part of life in a more propitious set of circumstances!  This is Love or God in action in you!   

                                             -Saint Germain:  Pearl 3:3  ……………………………………………………………………..
3)  Come then and reason with me now.  If heaven has not conspired against you, then heaven must have designed all with an equality of viewpoint.  And therefore all could if they would make their ascension.  What then hinders you, beloved ones?  If it is not God, if it is not the ascended masters, is it your contemporaries?  Beloved ones, I do not think that it is your friends in this activity who hinder you.  Is it, then, mankind in the outer world, those who know not the fullness of this light?  Are you letting them hinder you?  I think not.  Beloved ones, the entire trouble (if you wish to call it that) is with the state of consciousness of individuals who have almost hypnotically accepted the idea that they will perhaps require another embodiment or that they are not quite good enough to attain the same wonderful experience that beloved Jesus and beloved Godfre attained and which I attained.  Let me dispel from your minds herewith, now and forever this idea.    -Saint Germain:  6-30-1962 at Washington D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 49:40


4)  Beloved El Morya, our knight champion of old, whose knights of the round table sought to express in that cycle the balance of divine equality, joins me in ordered service to amplify the power of TRANSFIGURING CHANGE upon the mountaintops of spiritual seeking throughout the coming week.  May the illumined Spirit of the loving Christ girdle the globe around with transfiguring light!   

                             -Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 6:6    …………………………………………………………..........................

5)  And as the dawn of spiritual reason replaces human reason men will come more and more to accept the righteousness of God, which declares to mankind in the holy name of Justice: “I AM true equality before the Law.”  Men, in seeking justice, have ever so frequently denied to themselves or to others the very justice which they have sought.  This they have done unwittingly and by reason of human density.  It is always human nature [that one individual], while performing the same inequitable act [that another is performing], will point the finger of scorn at the other individual and say, “Behold how he has fallen!”

  Well, let me tell you, beloved ones, it has never been the intention of God Almighty that any upon this planet should fall or stoop to deface or to defame the holy name of God, which bids them:  “Arise and receive from God, light!”    -Saint Germain:  8-18-1963 at NYC, Pearl 60:9


6)  All are not the same, and yet we have given to all the same cosmic cube.  All are not the same, for all have not cognized the use of that which is within their hands.  And yet the possibility of equality lies as a gift in the hand of all.  As men bear this responsibility and knowledge well, they shall no longer blame another for their own shortcomings or failures.  Neither shall they blame themselves, but they shall say to their own God Presence:

  I AM ready!  In all of the ages that have passed when failures have plagued me, generated by my own lack of understanding I know that Thou wert there and that Thou have guided me unto the present hour. Therefore I stand waiting my own cosmic initiation.  I desire a place in Thy great sheepfold.  I would be a stone in the temple pure and holy and immortal.  I offer myself and all that I AM to Thee!  Take me and use me, assimilate me and direct me.   

-Maitreya:  3-28-1964 at Washington D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 27:11

7)  They (men) themselves had destroyed the equality of that creative moment for themselves” (and in a state of) nihilism and distress (cry out) “Where am I?  Who am I?”  

       -Elohim Hercules:  3-31-1968 at Colorado Springs, in Elohim and Their Retreats   
8)  There is always the need for a rephrasing of the old tenets of justice and equality.  Freedom is greatly desired by men, and yet it is carelessly placed in the balance scales of ignorance and self-love.  How men wish to be thought wise.  How they enjoy the popular ideas, yet in their elections and predilections they trample again and again upon the robes of their own best interests.  They are promised liberty by those who are themselves the servants of corruption.  These can never bring deliverance to the world but only an excess of bondage.  -Saint Germain:  Pearl 12:18


9)  Jesus said long ago “I and my Father are one....Thou, Father, art in me and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us” is our prayer.   Let all understand that oneness does not mean loss of opportunity.  God, if he desired to do so, could long ago have absorbed into himself all of creation by a fiat of his mind.  But he preferred to take mankind into his heart as conscious, God-free beings possessing the equality (the energy-quality) of all eternity.  He wants them to possess every quality that he has in dynamic abundance, retaining for them forever that wondrous happiness of utter givingness which the Presence of life is.   

                                      -Mighty Victory:  Pearl 11:33    ……………………………………………………………............................

10)  But today such freedom is not the common lot of the race.  Human greed lurking in the hearts of many blinds them to the deceitful purposes of their overlords and closes the gateway to the realm of spiritual truth and perfection; thus they go their separate ways as neighbor is set against neighbor, race against race, and men demand economic equality in defiance of the law of their own karma.

  Long ago the Master Jesus reminded Peter of this law when he sought to take justice into his own hands:  “Put up again thy sword into his place:  for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”  Thus man should not seek by intellectual or religious doctrine to cheat life or experience, which in returning to him that which he has sent out, would teach him those momentous laws that alone can give him his individual freedom.    

                                           -Paul the Venetian:  Pearl 14:17    …………………………………………………………………………. 

11)  In the transfiguration

The whirling stars

Of victory, reality, fulfillment, vision and peace

Release the energy

For the transformation

Of every particle of selfhood,

Every nook and cranny of the four lower bodies;

And life below is imbued with Life above.

At last the soul has found

The plane of oneness.

No more to go the round

Of the toilers and spoilers,

The soul confirms the equality

Of Christ-conformity.    -Djwal Kul:  Pearl 17:48 


12)  Even so, all who are in Christ who have chosen the real Self, all who are in the light of Buddha and of the Divine Mother are also one.  And in this oneness is their strength, in this union is that light of overcoming.  This too is a conspiracy.   It is a conspiracy of light reflecting light.  It is the manifestation of the law of equality, of equal measure, of things equal to the same thing being equal to each other.  This is congruency.

  Lightbearers are congruent with the mind of God.  And the ones who carry the darkness, they are congruent with the minds of the self-deceived and the self-hypnotized.  And therefore there is a connection, there is a reason why the world movement of Communism (that despite the arguments of the Communists is one and is not separated from nation to nation) has seized upon Angola.   -Elohim Arcturus and Victoria:  7-1-1976 at Washington D.C., Pearl 44:37


13)  Blessed ones, the annihilation of the Person of God is the ultimate hatred of the Fallen One, for the Fallen One’s sin is to refuse to bend the knee and to confess the name of the Cosmic Christ in Maitreya, in Jesus, in Krishna, in Christos, in your eternal Christ Self.  Therefore understand that the lie of the denial of the personification of God originated in the pride of the evildoer who would not worship the Son of God but made himself equal with God, who would give homage to God only on the basis of a pride-filled equality, almost as a patrimony, as a condescension.   -Maitreya:  12-3-1977 at San Francisco, Pearl 43:32


14)  Beloved ones, we may not enter into the level of legislation.  That is your freedom and your calling.  We acknowledge to you, then, that we have deposited the energy which is equal to the task if you are equal to the task.  This is equality, beloved ones. It is the matching of the light of the people on Earth by a corresponding light of the Great Central Sun.  Measure for measure, as you invest your energy and light in constructive endeavor, so God returns to you equal portion. 

                         -Portia:  7-1-1978 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 53:18    ……………………………………………...........................................................
15)  And so you see, it ought to be the kings and captains from among the fallen ones who are checkmated, for truly their attainment is not attainment by the gift of God.  How is it so then?  How is there equality among forces of light and forces of darkness when the forces of light are obviously the victors and are superior?  It is because some would enter the ranks of forces of light and don the garments of the forces of light without putting on inner soul attainment of the seamless garment.  And how easily the outer garment is mistaken for the inner garment of the soul.  Beloved ones, the only king that can be checkmated is the one who has not the superior attainment to leap and break those strongholds of the fallen ones by superior methods.   
                 -Alexander Gaylord and Leto:  7-9-1978 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 52:15    ………………………………………………………………….......................

16)  The difference between a child of God and the son of God is that the child is the soul of God entering the path of initiation whereby, measure for measure, through words and works, he shall put on and become the fullness of that potential who is Christ the Lord (Adonai).  The son of God is one who has entered into a relationship of co-equality--co-creatorship--under God the Father. The son of God is the soul who has realized the fullness of the Christ of God--the Christ consciousness that descends out of the Lord who is God (YHWH, or YAHWEH), who is I AM THAT I AM.  

                                      -Archangel Gabriel:  Pearl 22:9    ……………………………………………………………..….

17)  Now I stand today and my legions stand with me and we are determined that those individuals upon the planetary body who demand equality and freedom simply to manifest the greater and greater degradation of the not-Self shall not stand.  No, they shall not stand in the holy place of the congregation of the righteous!  No, they shall not be allowed to purvey their abominations any longer because we stand--because we stand in you and we have heard your calls and your cries for freedom.

  And so we have taught the Mother the lesson of the deadly force of condemnation that is the anti-harmony that besets the decent, honorable people of Earth.  Therefore we match her vow [to bind the forces of condemnation].  We will come each day to reinforce her calls and we will stand with the heart of every friend of freedom to multiply those calls and the clearing crystals that descend by the “terrible crystal” invoked by the Mother.  -Mighty Victory:  7-3-1979 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 43:18


18)  Let us understand the meaning of the Trinity and the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.  In him is the Son of God.  And even Origen has proclaimed the co-equality of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Therefore that Christ who is in you is God in the matter sphere!  And by the authority of that name Jesus Christ, the Christ Self of you and of me is the judgment and is the action of the fallen ones.

  And therefore it is a misnomer and a mistake, even of the woeful prophet Habakkuk, to ask how and why does God allow it, when it is the fulfillment of cosmic law itself that in this octave the one who is God is his Son.  He has committed unto him--you and me--the footstool kingdom.  What we will shall be.  What we do not will, will not be.  

                     -Messenger ECP:  1-3-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:13    ……………………………………………………………............................

19)  We look therefore at the arena of world consciousness and we see that every day that passes, there is a greater physical entrenchment of the forces of Moscow in the Caribbean and in Central America.  Much as you have given of your hearts, you must realize that ten thousand more decreers are surely needed on this continent to deter the entire movement in South America.

  Emboldened by these advances, rebel forces in Chile and elsewhere are fomenting against the more conservative and militaristic regimes and are moving against their reactionary forces to establish a greater freedom and a greater equality, not realizing, of course, that they play into the hands of takeover such as was already demonstrated in Nicaragua.

  Let us not underestimate the intent of darkness, for too many do.  Let us realize that until checked, until challenged, these forces will continue.  It is the intent of Red China to build her forces, to amass technology and armaments and to be prepared to move against the West.  Therefore I say, that which will prevent the takeover of the world by these forces is the immediate withdrawal of money, technology, gold, food and those necessary supplies that have fed the enemy of light in the world wars and in every war that has been fought in this century.    -Saint Germain:  7-1-1983 at RTR, MT, Pearl 45:31


20)  And I tell you there is evil in the Earth.  And there is no equality between the U.S.S.R. and the United States of America.  There is none whatsoever!  It is indeed a battle of light and darkness and an Armageddon, and it is the powers-that-be pitted against the children of the light in both nations.   

                              -Archangel Michael:  4-5-1985 at RTR, MT, Pearl 28:20    ………………………………………………………....................................…

21)   Because of the sustaining presence of the great Lord Gautama, it is not always clear who has attainment and who does not since all line up with a certain base equality in his sponsorship and all can perform at a certain level.  But then when darkness becomes greater in the earth and the stresses increase, we can see that those who have the developed threefold flame from many past ages are the ones who are enabled to endure.   -Maitreya:  1-1-1986 at Camelot, L.A,, Pearl 29:22


22)  Beloved ones, therefore we come to understand that all are created equal in the beginning.  But from that moment on there is no equality, but each one by free will, stepping forth from the Great Central Sun, makes that decision by the power of the divine spark to be the manifestation of God by this quality or that quality--to emphasize a path of science and the whole science of cosmos and healing power of God, or to emphasize a path of study of wisdom or increase of auric emanation of love, or to emphasize freedom and to endow civilizations with that freedom and  understanding of how freedom is best codified in constitutions reflecting the covenants of God, with the laws of men serving only as a chalice for divine law that guarantees their liberty.   -Archangel Michael:  5-24-1986 at Vancouver, B.C., Pearl 29:52


23)  Therefore, beloved, sensing the bondage being forged of an ignorance [that descended upon you as nightfall] through a light lost and a Law ignored, you said in your heart:  “Though I have sinned against the law of wisdom, yet I know and I believe, I trust and I have faith that I shall pursue.  And as I pursue the Law of my God, so one day by an equality of co-measurement I shall be received again into the courts of wisdom’s master to begin again to weave the coil of light that I did forgo in the presence of these spoilers.”

  Blessed ones, those who have perverted illumination’s flame are angry this night.  They are not happy in the least to see the restoration of so many pure hearts [to wisdom’s holy fount].  May you recognize what power is restored illumination.  

-Mighty Victory:  7-5-1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:75


24)  That which Saint Germain received as dispensations of science  which was given to the scientists of this nation and others who have migrated here, these have not been guarded.  For the goal of life in America was lost.  The vision was lost!  Therefore for money or for equalization, for the sheer insanity of many, the edge in science, in space technology and in defense has been handed over to the enemy.  And truly it is the enemy and the enemy East and West in this Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy.  Thus, beloved, in many areas there is no longer even equality.

  I cannot even tell you what a great price Saint Germain has had to pay for the loss of that which came through his causal body.  For he did truly bear--as the Wonderman of Europe, as Francis Bacon--to the hearts and minds of the people of America all that was necessary to defend freedom in every nation, to eliminate war and disease, and to bring in the golden age of Aquarius. 

                      -Archangel Jophiel and Christine:  3-26-1989, Easter, at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 32:22    …………………………………………………......................................

25)  Why, in the twinkling of the Eye of God you can know the dissolution by the fire of the ruby ray--which is the all-power of the love of God--of any condition of consciousness, want or lack, ignorance or the poisons five.  All of these can go instantaneously!…

   I AM shredding to ribbons as I AM talking to you demons who attempt to assail you and the Divine Mother in embodiment.  Blessed hearts of light, you understand therefore the need to be all things in action perpetually and continuously.   

-Durga:  12-31-1991 at RTR, MT, Pearl 35:5


26)  Not all of you are prepared to replace [with light] what we would take.  Therefore we take something from each of you and we fill in [the blank spaces] by whatever momentum of prayer and devotion to God [you may have garnered over the centuries], such as it is, such as it is not.  Thus you see, in a sense of the word there is no [leveling] equality, for it is [only] by merit and personal striving that you do receive the initiations of God through the archangels.   -Archangel Chamuel with covering cherubim:  2-19-1993 at Minneapolis, Pearl 36:9


27)   As you know, the five poisons are:  (1) ignorance, antidoted by Vairochana’s all-pervading wisdom of the Dharmakaya, (2) anger, hate and hate creation, antidoted by Akshobhya’s mirrorlike wisdom, (3) spiritual, intellectual and human pride, antidoted by Ratnasambhava’s wisdom of equality, (4) the passions--all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust–antidoted by Amitabha’s discriminating wisdom, and (5) envy and jealousy, antidoted by Amoghasiddhi’s all-accomplishing wisdom, the wisdom of perfected action.  And the sixth poison is non-will and non-Being--fear, doubt and non-belief in God the Great Guru--antidoted by Vajrasattva’s wisdom of the diamond will of God.   -Vajrasattva:  6-28-1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 36:40


28)  There are many levels of lifestreams here.  And by the grace of Saint Germain and the marvelous violet flame and the presence of Omri-Tas you, beloved ones, have the ability to preserve a sense of equality amongst yourselves.  For the violet flame in your aura is a factor of equalization.

  Though some have much more karma than others, those with the heaviest karma can befriend, commune with, identify with and rejoice in those who have the least karma.  That equalizing factor is found nowhere else except in the communities where the violet flame is known and invoked, extolled and loved.  

                   -Lanello:  3-6-1994 at RTR, MT, Pearl 37:12    ……………………………………………………………….......................

29)  To surrender or not to surrender: whichever you decide, it will be the dividing of the way between the real and unreal. There are many defiant ones who move about the Earth a law unto themselves.  They are not about to bend the knee, confess the living Christ or embrace the living God.  They preen their feathers and strut about, all the while exulting in their sense of superiority.

  These creatures are of the earth, earthy.  They shall never bear the image of the Lord from heaven.  Their end is in sight.  You see them everywhere as they descend the left-handed path degree by subtle degree, for they have sworn enmity against the God of very Gods who lives not in them but in the hearts of his sons and daughters.

  The act of surrender to God is a sign of humility and obedience.  In this surrender you are making a statement to God that you have the deep desire to return to the original blueprint, etched upon your etheric body, out of which He created you in the beginning.  When you cleanse your etheric body with whitefire of God and scrub it with the scrubbing action of the violet flame by and by you will see the crystal reality that outlines the blueprint of your inner being.  -Archangel Chamuel and Charity:  Pearl 40:3  


30)  Now then, beloved, we ask you one thing.  For we have decided that each time we come in the name of Gabriel and Hope, we shall so ask.  And what we ask this day is for children of the United States of America to be fed, to be clothed  and to be given the best education possible in this nation so that they can come to that place where they have equality with all others.  We ask that they receive the food whereby they are nourished, whereby they can see themselves as moving with their peers.

  Beloved ones, reach out to this nation.  For you see, the nation is weak for the absence of the care of the little ones and their parents who have nothing.  Thus, beloved, look to home, look to where you are and realize that the place closest to you is where you must reach out.  -Seven Archangels:  4-12-1998 at Chicago, Pearl 41:19


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