Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Dominion and domination are not the same thing.

   The pulsations or risings of sacred fire in all of their natural­ness convey the essence of higher conscious­ness.  These deactivate all malintent that may be locked within the subconscious world of the individual, and they create and re-create in his total consciousness the most outstanding designs reflecting cosmic law.  Such patterns enable the individual who accepts them and uses the higher consciousness they convey to be completely free and yet to remain under the dominion of his divine Self.
  This so-called overshadowing of human consciousness by the divine when it is accom­panied by correct use of the flames of God will magnetize the sense of reality that in the innocence of childhood was realized by many men embodied on earth today.  The passing of the flames through one’s consciousness above and below, that is in  conscious and subconscious mind, is a ritual that has been practiced for centuries by devotees of the mind of God….  
  We plead then for a return to that state of holy innocence which has no need to defend itself against a host of enemies.  It is not that we would deactivate those defenses that are necessary to the maintenance of one’s spiritual life or the protection of one’s family.  But we ask you to set them aside temporarily during your periods of study in order that your consciousness may enter once again into the happy state it once knew before its nature was warped by the opinions and verdicts of men that are based on a hard view of the world and its people.
  Ask yourselves why men have developed this hard view.  Our answer in part would be--what they have received many of them have also given out, yet not all.  Those who have given harsh­ness to the world and then have received it as recom­pense are often the first to chafe at the bit of their own energy as it returns for redemption.  They want to be free from responsibility.  They want to feel that they have the privilege of damag­ing other parts of life and of expressing an im­mense dislike of the very life principles--such as the quality of mercy--which in moments of stress they expect to assuage their own existence.  What they think to accomplish by stressing their own importance through destroying the self-respect of others remains a mystery to many.
  By contrast the great teachers who have walked the earth have again and again showed men how to live.  Their instructions have been simple.  They have taught men not to hate but to love.  These admonishments were for the most part accepted by those who heard them; yet when the first tests came it was as though they had never been schooled in the righteousness of God.  Struck with self-righteous indignation at the ignorant acts of untutored souls, they hurled wounding arrows from the bow of emotion and then stepped gingerly over the bodies of those whom they felled.  Such reactions are unneces­sary in the life of the man of God.  He can walk the earth and maintain not only a graceful dignity and God-control, but also the correct attitude toward every part of life.
  Attitude is all-important, for it is like a screen through which the ingredients of life are pressed.  What comes out as the individual’s life is molded by his attitude.  Therefore it is utterly important that every follower of truth understand the folly of patterning his life after human conduct.  Instead he should recognize the peace that passeth under­standing which comes when he kisses the hands and feet of the Law of God as his savior.  For the Law leads men to life eternal….
  The safest way is the way of using the flames of God, but the knowledge of just what the flames are is seldom realized by men; and when we speak of them they are often puzzled.  Let us say again, then, that there is a natural order and universe and there is a spiritual order and uni­verse.  The glory of the terrestrial is one, and the glory of the celestial is another.  Flames of God are of the spiritual order; and these by grace of God penetrate the natural order with transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
  The experiences of the devotee who loves truth enough to search it out will help him to under­stand that the qualities of God are inherent within the spiritual order and that although these qualities penetrate the material order they do not originate in it.  It is in the correct understanding of matter in its relationship to Spirit therefore that men become enlightened.  To understand oneself as a spiritual-material being is to appre­hend one’s relationship to others.  To understand the need to purify one’s consciousness insofar as it has taken on a limited, self-centered view of existence is to apprehend one’s relationship to life as a whole.  The reception of the consciousness of God as though one’s physical form, one’s mind and one’s consciousness were wholly permeated by the fire [energy] of creation will produce in one’s total being the Godly estate that is desired.   

                                                           -Lanto:  Pearl 12:26
  But far too many of the children of God upon earth are unknowingly subject to various methods of control of self by others whose ideals and purposes are not identifiable with the divine plan but with a plan of personal domination.  Dominion and domination are not the same thing.  To take dominion means to be aware of the cosmic potential that has been implanted within the Self as a gift of the living God and then to begin to externalize in the outer world of form the beautiful pattern which God holds for every man, whereas domination of mankind is the usurpation of his freewill.    -Meru:  Pearls of Wisdom 12:40

  Now I will have to transform the Messenger into a “male,” as Jesus said of Magdalene, that male being the incarnation of Christ and Buddha.  For you see, it is a seemingly male-dominated world, and yet those of either gender may incorporate the fullness of that part of themselves that is the yang spirit of Christ, Buddha, Atman.
  You must understand that there are many false teachers who are not at all alive in the flame of Buddha.  They are jealous of the light of bodhisattvas and of the Messenger and of those whom they deem to be simple and not learned in the many Buddhist texts.  These false teachers have much learning but little knowledge of the active alchemy of truth….
  And so we gather here and the Keeper of the Scrolls does come bearing the thoughtform for year 1994.  The year shows increasing complexity of challenges, almost--and note I say almost--defying solution. The solution of course is always in the universal solvent of the violet flame and secret rays of Cosmos and the unique vibration of the whitefire core of each of the seven rays.
  So then with the complexification of life and karma and the coming to the surface of consciousness of more and more tangled threads and knotty knots that must be undone, presenting challenges that most consider or shall consider (when they come upon them) too difficult to resolve, I therefore give to you a complex thoughtform for the year:  this thoughtform can be reduced to a single map.  But behind that single map showing the karma and karmic potential of Earth and the light and the light-potential of Earth there are many, many maps.
  Thus I am here and in the Royal Teton Retreat simultaneously.  I am in a room called the great Map Room. And therefore we with the Lords of Karma, the Dhyani Buddhas and other councils gather to examine the maps that show the records of light and darkness, of wars of infamy and wars of light and liberation.
  There are parts of Earth that are supersaturated with these records upon records.  There are other areas, such as parts of the Western hemisphere, that have been purified by the forces of nature through the last major cataclysm and the most recent ice age.  Thus we calculate what areas of Earth are likely to see more war and devastation and what areas could see eras of peace and yet are asleep, such as areas of the West and those dominated by Western thinking.
  There are those in Earth who are old souls and there are those who are young souls.  And then there are those who choose not to remember how long they have been going through the wars of Earth, upheavals, cataclysms, the rise and fall of positive and negative karma on continents and in men’s hearts.
  Thus I am telling you that the complications in Earth and crisscrossing of currents in Earth do make war more probable and more likely than ever.  You have but to read your newspapers and listen to the news and follow the signs of the times and recognize who are the tyrants and potentates who have absolutely no tethering to, no mooring whatsoever, in the heart of the Lord of the World or even in the heart of the simplest deva, undine or sylph.
  Know then, beloved ones, that it is mostly madmen who have destroyed continents and civilizations, for they have not embodied the true “male” Spirit of God.  And insomuch as there is a prolific number of such individuals in Earth who seek destruction, who seek warfare, who seek to build nuclear weapons you should recognize that, as has been said before, Earth is a warring planet….
  You must come, as we invite you this night, to the Map Room of the Royal Teton Retreat that you might understand that it is the records and momentums of individuals brought forward from the past and yet remaining in the very soil (which is itself bloodstained from battles of former ages) which, when assessed as a composite, give us a reading that we can study and from which we can draw certain conclusions….The more complex solution rests upon the unpredictability of freewill and the shifting sands of mankind’s loyalties.
  As you have formulated the sequence of your decrees, understanding the use of “Reverse the Tide” and the Astreas and the calls to Archangel Michael, Elohim, Seven Archangels, the Holy Kumaras and so forth, you have come to realize that there is an order to invocation.  And when you follow that order and prepare the mind, the heart, flesh and soil of consciousness you can raise up individuals—one by one and by the thousands—by your prayers.
  But you must understand that if you fail to hold in check your own dweller-on-the-threshold or another’s and you do not recognize when an individual is enslaved by his dweller, acts through his dweller (instead of through his Holy Christ Self), is the dweller in embodiment, your decree matrix will not be complete.  For the violet flame alone [or mercy flame alone] will not cure a world of tyrants, no, indeed.  For they will simply take the violet flame you send to them and turn it to use its power against the lowly, helpless, poor and those who seek God and have nothing much else but God to fill the void of life.  So, beloved, it is a war and it is a warfare of the spirit.  And those who denounce the Messenger for declaring the warfare of the spirit denounce me also, for I wage continual warfare against the fallen ones.  
                                    -Gautama Buddha:  12-31-1993 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 37:5

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