13) Take then for example the military establishment of this nation. Various groups of people upon earth have assignments to thwart the enemy’s betrayal of the light. Can you not understand, then, that though the troops be never used nor the armaments drawn, it is necessary in the hour of the judgment of the fallen angels and of the reapers who come to separate the tares from the wheat that some understand that survival and preparation is not for the ultimate doomsday but for the prevention thereof? And though it may never be needed, it must be accomplished.
Blessed ones, a great deal is at stake. Our first priority is to release such light as to prevent the darkness of the remainder of this century. But, beloved, I tell you frankly from our hearts, the hour is long past when there is opportunity for the many to respond.
When spirals of malintent begin to cycle into the physical, let the Keepers of the Flame watch and unite. The time comes when the avalanche cannot be turned back.
Seeds of unrest and betrayal, seeds of the profligate ones, seeds of those who are unalterably tied to a pleasure cult of materialism, who sleep already and know it not—these shall not be turned back [i.e., converted, to the light].
Some have already awakened to the light, and it has awakened in them their own evil. And thus they are already in their everlasting contempt of the Lord. These will not be converted by the Holy Spirit. Seek the lightbearers and let them be galvanized to the very power of the Archangels, who know well how to achieve the victory.
What do you think is the karma of a nation? The sin of omission? When a nation allows Afghanistan to be devoured, when its members encourage the destruction of South Africa, leave alone the nest of serpents in the Caribbean, will not come to the aid of the freedom fighters appreciably, will not see the Panama Canal as the nexus of freedom, a territory to be claimed by the enemy if it does not act soon—when a nation of people turn their backs and allow millions to be aborted: what is the karma of that nation?
-Saint Germain: 11-27-1986, Thanksgiving, at Los Angeles, Pearl 29:75 ……………………………………………………………………14) Thus, beloved, know that with the coming of the legions of light, there must be a quickening and an awakening. Therefore I, Michael, send through this nation the blue lightning of the awakenment that must come to all. For better or for worse this nation must rally to a spiritual defense long neglected, else any physical defense shall not prevail. The very atoms and cells of being and of military might must be charged with the Holy Spirit, that that might not injure life but protect it only. This is the mission of a Christ nation, and that is the destiny of this land.
-Archangel Michael: 10-11-1987 at Baltimore, Pearl 30:60 ………………………………………………………..................................….15) This people must rise and monitor their public servants and agencies. They must call them to task and challenge them in my name. For you are in the earth and therefore you are the Light of this world. My light flowing through you with the same fierceness whereby I overturned the money changers in the temple will do much to serve notice to these wolves in sheep’s clothing that occupy the state, local and federal governments that the people of this nation have had enough!
How many proofs do you need that your best servants go unprotected who would defend life from a military posture? How many more proofs do you need of those self-seeking and self-serving politicians who would occupy the first office in the land?
Beloved, now you know that there is something you can do. I come to you to tell you that there is something you must do and you can begin at the altar you erect in your own home to call to me daily to deal by the highest law of God with these interlopers who are [the] betrayers of the very purposes of freedom in this nation and every nation upon earth.
-Jesus Christ: 2-19-1988 at Santa Barbara, Pearl 31:28 …………………………………………………………………………16) And yet we could not pry the Western leadership to that point of absolute God-awareness as to what the equation was. Whether we would bring the facts through K-17 or your own Lanello or myself, I can tell you, beloved, our legions and our agents of Light have worked very hard and overtime, have knocked on every single door available to us on the planet. We have attempted to contact every individual who could be instrumental in exposing this military buildup and its intent….We told you numbers of years ago to prepare the food, and this you began already in 1973 with Lanello Reserves. This has been an ongoing project since the hour of the ascension of beloved Mark. Would to God it had been an ongoing project of the United States government, the Congress and the military [establishment]; and America would be on the brink of a golden age, I tell you!…
Let us understand, beloved, that for this [war] not to occur it would take the complete undoing of the military strategy of the Soviet Union this day. It would take the healing of their economy. It would take the resignation of the entire Politburo and leadership to the idea that the people of the Communist world are determined to be free!
-Saint Germain: 10-8-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearl 32:55
17) And let that defense prevail, beloved. Let it be first and foremost the spiritual defense yet do not neglect the physical and military defense of your nations! For I tell you these ones who would take over the earth, they do plot their wars and there is no question that the prophecy stands that these things shall come to pass unless the people of the world repent and reinforce their alliance that it be the alliance with Almighty God.
The power of the people of the Earth is one. Let them unite! Let them separate [out from their oppressors] and come apart from their differences [with one another] and their argumentations concerning politics, theology, doctrine. All these things are non-essentials. What is essential, I say, is the cosmic honor flame!…
Move apart from these things and put your attention on that which counts! For unless you stand for life, beloved, then life will not stand for you. You must live on behalf of those who are being denied the due protection of the law and of the forces of Light and of the military might that is available to the United States.
Let there be leaders who will rise up in fulfillment of God’s law and let those who have a hidden agenda be exposed! Let them be exposed by the outcry of the people! It is your voice that carries the power of the day, for they have no power except that which they steal from the people.
-Saint Germain: 4-27-1991 at San Francisco, Pearl 34:22 …………………………………………………………………….................18) for that vulnerability has to do with the passing of cycles of time and of opportunity to take action. Soon that time will run out if it has not already. For the mobilization of forces in the spiritual defense, the psychological defense, the military defense of a nation and a people and of an entire free world does require cycles of time….
You must then pray diligently for the transmutation of fear and doubt on the part of the people and their leadership that they will have the courage to stand midst the people regardless of the consequences to their position, their name or their fame, to speak the facts and to speak truly of the grave conditions both in the economy and in the military….
It takes the decrees to the violet flame to dissolve their doubt and fear, their recalcitrance, their willful nonseeing and the clogging of their minds [to the point where] they are stupefied and unable to act or move or comprehend something that has become quite complex–and that is the military equation of our time, the equation of the superpowers. This problem is magnified by the fact that the intelligence services of the West are not revealing to the people what is the truth about what is going on. -Saint Germain: 10-14-1991 at New Orleans, Pearl 34:64
19) The governments of the nations, the government of this nation and the military establishments thereof are making choices for all of the people of the entire world. I tell you, many of those who are serving around the world in the military have no heart. Their hidden agenda, sometimes unbeknownst to themselves (for they are thus programmed), is based on the desire only to conquer those who have light and all that Sanat Kumara has built.
-Gautama Buddha: 12-31-1993, Pearl 37:5 …………………………………………………………………….................20) Many in the earth in this hour are the fallen ones. For one reason or another they are not taken, the most important reason being, beloved, that it requires far more calls and fiats on your part. To bring forth the judgment of the laggard evolutions whose time is up is surely your commitment for the remainder of this year and moving on to the next. Let the whitefire of God descend! Do not fear to receive that fire in your chakras. Sometimes it is necessary to receive the fire and to be burned and to be consumed by it, only to find oneself having purged much debris of the centuries. There is no victory without pain, therefore embrace it….
Understand, beloved, that the evil forces in the earth must not have the preponderance of the weight, but the balance of the scales must be in favor of the lightbearers. Since you know individual by individual may not have the fullness of the causal body of light, know, then, that you can call to the causal bodies of Elohim, the Holy Kumaras and the entire lineage of Sanat Kumara. You may call upon these, beloved, for their causal bodies can easily stand upon the nothingness of those in the earth who have not built their causal bodies, who have no contact with the I AM Presence, who have long ago departed from their Christ Self. And they will not, they will not, they will not bend the knee and enter into the heart of the Divine Mother. O beloved ones, those who move against God and the Godhead in the earth, they shall come to naught….
If you will look at the mighty action of the seven rays, please understand, beloved, that the power of Cyclopea and the All-Seeing Eye of God is the ultimate power to bring to justice and to divine judgment these fallen ones. It is sickening to us, beloved, to have to report to you and show you on the news what horrendous lifestreams there are and how they have considered how they might become great stars for a moment and then dissipate and then burn themselves out for that moment of glory. How can it be, beloved, that there is such insanity?
Well, I will tell you, part of that insanity, excluding that which I have already said, has to do with sugars that are taken in, alcohol, red meats—substances that truly cause the brain to be greatly burdened and bodies to be burdened. And therefore individuals know not how to see clearly. The perception of reality is called for! And I ask you to call for that God-reality. For without God-reality, how can you know the way to go?
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21) I ask you to look at what is taking place in the United States
military establishment among those who believe there is no necessity for further defense. I ask you to be knowledgeable so that you can decree incisively on these subjects. Throughout the world souls are defiled and the word of truth is trampled upon. And everywhere there is defilement promoting the degradation of the individual, and especially is there defilement in the media.
-John the Beloved: 3-30-1997, Easter, at RTR, MT, Pearl 40:38
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