Saturday, May 22, 2021

composed of an anti-light forcefield, an anti-nucleus and an anti-magnet.

1)   As a substitute for the ritual of self-sacrifice of the synthetic image (shedding the snakeskin of the serpent mind) the false priests offered temple virgins (in place of themselves) in sacrifices of appeasement to the gods.  (It came to pass prior to the flood that young men were offered in place of women.)  The malpracticing priesthood encouraged the bizarre and sensual in their subjects and, magnetizing denizens of the astral world through nefarious incantations, cooperated with black magicians who created the conditions which led to the Noachian deluge and sinking of Atlantis.                                     The Canaanite idea of child sacrifice, “burning their sons and daughters in the fire,” temple prostitution, and burnt offerings and sacrifices to Baal, imitated by the Israelites, recalled the last days of a decadent Atlantis.  These abominations, of Nephilim origin, were denounced by Jeremiah and Ezekiel, as well as by Isaiah, Amos and Micah.  By and by substitution of the blood of sheep and other animals for that of human beings was deemed preferable in the rites of atonement practiced in the cultures of the Fertile Crescent.  Yet to this day human as well as animal sacrifice can be found on the continent of Africa.

  In the knowledge of the foregoing historical facts and self-evident spiritual truths consider how unreasonable it is that a formula for human or animal sacrifice or the shedding of blood could have been required or ordained by God for the propitiation (atonement, expiation, balance) of sin (i.e., karma).

  If then sacrifice is not required for the remission of sins, what does Life demand in order to balance humanity’s debts?  I am happy to clear up this point for all who adore the truth that will make them free from such smoldering error which blind theology has kept active, thereby mutilating both the human and the divine image in man which would otherwise have been universally outpictured upon earth long ago.

  Let us together examine the mystery of the blood of the Lamb as the acceptable sacrifice which, we are told, meets with the divine approval in remitting the sins of mankind.  Life and God are synonymous terms and denote interdependence in the interchange between the divine and the human, for the life of man is God and God’s Life flows in man’s veins.  The term life is equivalent to blood in the scriptural sense and is preferred to blood by the spiritual student, who rejects the idea of the shedding of blood as abhorrent and inconsistent with true humanity and certainly with divinity.

  The scriptures declare that “without shedding of blood there is no remission” of sins.  I am declaring to you and to all men forever the truth concerning this biblical statement, herein quite simply revealed:  without the shedding (casting off) of that life, or life-force, which has been misqualified with human foolishness, the sins of man can never be remitted (requalified with the love plan of God).  Moreover without the release of the life-essence (i.e., ‘blood’) of the Lamb who is your Holy Christ Self, you cannot balance your karma.   

                                  -Jesus Christ:  Pearls of Wisdom 4:49  ………………………………………………………………..........................…

2)  Thus the eternal Guru/chela relationship is always the nucleus, is always the magnet of heart in the center of every constructive endeavor.  And therefore destructive endeavors that have come to manifest on this soil and on the shores of America are composed of an anti-light forcefield, an anti-nucleus and an anti-magnet.

  This usurping of the light of Alpha and Omega has manifested in many ways--ways with which you are entirely familiar in the culture of drug, rock, sensuality and perverse misuses of the body of the Mother’s children and of the sacred fire of Her light.  Thus crime and death and murder and rape and all forms of dishonor in the body of the lightbearers, as seeds of the wicked, are the forces of corruption which are counteracted today.

  So the knights went forth of old to slay these dragons, to redress social injustice, and to challenge the Nephilim who had set themselves up then as kings, as feudal lords--and in holding their fiefdoms, holding bound the children of the light and depriving them of their energy and their very lifeblood.  

  So the history of cycles moves on.  There is an opening in these cycles in this very era and in this decade as the seven archangels bring into manifestation the mysteries and the initiations of the eighth ray under Sanat Kumara.    

      -Archeia Mary:  5-25-1980, Pentecost, at Cadbury Hill, UK, Pearl 23:42      ……………………………………………………………………..

3)  It is the call of the Lord to make haste and to go to the mountains and to send forth the light, even the light from within the Inner Retreat that you may be found in a haven of safety and purity and love and strength by oneness when the Word does go forth for the full exposure of the Nephilim and the fallen ones. And when the reaction does come, see to it that ye are found in the very Holy of Holies.

  Whithersoever the Lamb goeth, there are found upon the mountain the hundred and forty-four thousand initiates of the sacred fire who preach the Word of the Lord, whose mouths are undefiled.  

               -Archangel Uriel:  summer 1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 23:37    ……………………………………………………………

4)  Lo, I AM Sanat Kumara.  Lo, I AM with you alway, even unto the end of the cycles of the Nephilim--for their cycles are come to an end.  Lo, the Lord God hath pronounced it.  Lo, let there be the staying and the enduring unto the end of the very disintegration of the remainder of their human creation.  For lo, the Word has gone forth!   

                 -Sanat Kumara:  summer 1980 at Camelot, Pearl 23:39    ……………………………………………….……………………….

5)  And discover now the greatest power in the universe, in all of cosmos that is delivered by the alignment of the Messenger with my own forcefield and by your own alignment through the sense of victory and not the sense of sin or struggle with my own God Flame!  This is the meaning of the purple fiery heart. It is the eternal fount of the release of the Holy Spirit unto you, my beloved.

  I AM Saint Germain!  And I am prepared to deliver this land into the Light everlasting, into the golden age!  And I demand reinforcement for the binding of organized crime, for the binding of the fallen ones who misuse the light of my people.

  I am here and I demand reinforcement for the exposure of the manipulation of this economy and this money system by the fallen ones.  But I need reinforcements, beloved ones!  I am prepared to deliver this people.  I am prepared to deliver the people of Mother Russia and of Poland and of Eastern Europe, but I need reinforcements.  I need reinforcements for the securing of the Caribbean and Central and South America against the inroads of these hordes of death whose hour is very, very short.  And therefore they can be turned back by the light.   

                       -Saint Germain:  3-15-1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:59    …………………………………………………………..............................

6)  The will of God is good.  The will of God will deliver you.  Only stay with it and stay in your heart and let your perceptions be heart perceptions.  Let the eye of the mind be the perception of the vision.

  Maintain your identity and your integrity. Let nothing take from you that oneness here and now of God.  Beware.  Be alert.  Be on guard.  Expose the deceptors, the destroyers, the conspirators. They have no power.  They have no power!  Thus let them also make their choices.  This is an hour of choice and choosing.

  I shall touch you by the fire of my hand.  I say this, beloved: If you accept my touch, be willing to live by it.  Be willing to consummate my faith in glory.  Be willing to defend it.  And be certain of thy commitment to never go back into the questionable state of doubt and fear of thy own divinity.  Take guardedly the touch of the archangel and know that henceforth you shall have an extraordinary presence--my Electronic Presence--with you when you make the call.

  Insidious forces move against the defense of this nation, especially militarily.  Let us not rest until America is invulnerable within and without.  It is a tall order, but is anything too hard for the Lord or for His chelas or for the legions of Archangel Michael and Mighty Victory and all of His hosts?  I tell you no!--nothing is too hard for the Lord Sanat Kumara!  This earth and universe belongs to God.  I say:  go claim it!  Claim it for Him, claim it for the Mother and restore paradise.  It can be done, but you must equate with the task and know that it is the work of the ages.   

                    -Archangel Michael:  12-29-1984 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 28:2    ………………………………………………………………..….................

7)   I come in this hour and day of rejoicing in heaven and rejoicing on earth, for I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels--and I address you now in the fullness of your own God Presence.  For only by that God Presence can you witness unto me.  And by that great God Presence, beloved hearts--far greater than all those “men of renown” of ancient days--you then by the crystal cord, sip the divine nectar as through a straw, you tie in to our bands and our legions, and you are become one in the divinity we espouse….

  But I tell you from the heart of beloved El Morya this day that he reminds all that everyone must be tested and everyone has already had a prior understanding of the One Sent, the Avatar, the Christ and children of the Sun; for this has been repeated civilization after civilization.  Thus the test that is presented through dark ones is to hear the lie and to pass through the lie and therefore be able to enter through the doorway of truth.

  This is the initiation which each and every one of you has had before arriving to this very holy grail.  You have had to discount this and that--whether gossip or calumny or false theology or misinterpretation of scripture.  You have had to walk by faith of the heart, by certain knowing of the inner self and to disregard outer things that have been played against your minds aggressively to deter you from the perfect path.

  I speak then to those who are here and those who are not who have separated themselves spiritually from our cause. These are they who have judged unjust judgment of outer conditionings and have not been willing to take that sword of truth and puncture the lie and poke right through that vast panorama that they have portrayed.

  Why, the entire momentum of World Communism coming out of the Soviet Union is a fabrication, something they desire the people to see!  But The Faithful and True comes as The Word, comes with the sword going forth from the mouth.  And when it [the lie of World Communism] is punctured it is seen as a sham--as nothing but, as it were, papier-mâché, maya.  But it is fierce and intense as long as the lie is repeated.

  The lie is repeated in the perversion of the science of mantra.  Understand this.  The perpetual repetition of the lie of Lenin and Marx and Trotsky and all who have followed, such as Mao and the Soviets--all of this repetition and writing is the misuse of the Word.   

                      -Archangel Michael:  2-3-1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:10    …………………………………………………………

8)   Now with the descending of sons of God and angels of high hierarchical position such as the Archeia Mother Mary there has been therefore the rescue mission of the children of the Sun these two thousand years and longer.  And with the walking of Enoch in the earth and with the coming of the Ancient of Days, my own mantle into the physical octave long ago, there has been intercession while our shepherds have gone forth to teach and to bring the children of the Sun into a path of individual Christhood that they might put on divine sonship.

  This is the purpose of Maitreya’s Mystery School, which we now convoke, and therefore the Lords of the Seven Rays descend this day to take their place as instructors of those who understand and must understand that you come to our halls of learning for the single purpose of Christed realization and the living incarnation of the Word.  Lo, I AM THAT I AM! and I tell you the hour is now, as has been told to you.  -Sanat Kumara:  1-2-1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:4


9)   I desire nevermore to be separated from thee, O my beloved.  May the desiring of your hearts in figure-eight flow that our God has given to us give you more of myself as the Law allows it, as you give to me light and beauty and more light and beauty and decree and mantra that by that flow I surely may be again able to give to you more than you know.

  Now, beloved, I commend you to the high road and rugged road of victory.  The future is golden.  It is white light before you.  If you have the nerve and stomach, the will and astuteness and contact with Hierarchy and the thread is not broken, you will be there on a golden shore when the light is all-effusive.  Standing between two worlds, feet firmly in the earth, yet a planet cleansed and free, you shall know the meaning of striding the octaves with Hercules and realizing a goal you have seen before but the outer mind has not admitted to.    

                              -Morya:  8-8-1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:77    …………………………………………..…………………...................

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