1) I refer to the principle of the abundant life and to the problem, so-called, of economic inequality. There is a constant din that can be heard in the world, a clamor from those who have not against those who have. An interesting sidelight is that the babel of voices for the have-nots and against the haves is being joined by many among the upper class who in effect are begging their own destruction. Let me hasten to say that all wealth belongs to God, that the earth is His, and that He has asked man to take dominion over it and to share in the practical proof of the principle of the abundant life. This life is, was and always will be for all. -Maitreya: Pearls of Wisdom 12:43
2) By your own consciousness you break the thread; by your own consciousness you weave the thread. Again and again you weave the thread only to break it again by allowing your attention to be diverted into amplifying the substance that is unreal.
And so I come. I come in the flame of Cosmic Christ awareness. I come to mend the broken threads in the delicate lace of the veil of your virginity. I come to reestablish the virgin consciousness. I come to mend the flaws and I must have your cooperation.
10-19-1975 at Colorado Springs,
Pearls of Wisdom 43:25
……………………………………………………………………….3) The perspective of life as a schoolroom and all things to be dealt with as measures of the individual integrity will allow you to make swift progress--and to see in weeks and months and short years a considerable degree of self-mastery of ‘undifferentiated suchness’ of the Buddha, of entering into a certain level of consciousness that contains the God-desire to move mountains--and therefore will move mountains!--and yet remain supremely unattached and therefore not connected to the astral stumbling blocks that, as grains of sand or pebbles beneath your feet, would (if you would allow them) prevent you from moving great mountains of light as well as adversity. Let not the grains of sand disturb you from your flight. Let not the grains of sand produce that irritation which manifests as imperil. Let us consider the grain of sand as the cornerstone of victory. Let us consider the grain of sand, a single one, as capable of causing your defeat only if you allow it to do so. It is the proverbial making of a mountain out of a molehill.

10-10-1981 at Camelot, L.A.,
Pearl 24:48
………………………………………………………………4) And therefore you see, beloved, what is the true meaning of the haves and have-nots on this planet is those who have
light and those who have it not.
And those who have it not may receive that light by the very same means that those who have it do have it, and that is to bend the knee before the Universal Christ, to accept his laws, his God-government.
And that Universal Christ, beloved, is supreme in the earth and they long ago did rebel against that Universal Christ. They were cast out of heaven by Archangel Michael into the earth. They have never relented and never recanted their position and therefore they do not bend the knee neither to your I AM Presence or to my I AM Presence nor to your Christ Self or my own Christhood. And because of this, therefore, they have no light, and the light that they once had in their hearts is self-extinguished by their denial [of that Christ]. -Jesus Christ: 2-28-1988 at Lisbon, Pearl 31:38
5) Most beloved of the light, most beloved of the light, it is essential to pass your tests, to accelerate your own vibration by a conscious will and entering in to the sacred fire. You shall gain your mastery by freewill. Trusting our reminder then [you shall find that] our presence will bring home to you [the awareness of] both the lack and the light that is waiting to fill it, the realization that all that you sense that you have not is simply the sense imposed upon you by astral hordes who are [themselves] the have-nots and who truly come to steal your light in your comings and your goings.
These hordes that gather around the retreat as beggars outside the castle walls have been bound and taken in this hour in answer to the calls of all. Through the heart of the Messenger therefore the call has ascended to God and descended. Know then, beloved, that this is a weekly ritual, the clearing of the astral hordes who gather without [outside of ] the tube of light of our retreat. They must be cleared, for they block the way of the coming of the lightbearer and the new keeper of the flame.
-Sanat Kumara:
3-31-1988 at RTR, MT,
Pearl 31:44
…………………………………………....................................6) But the blue and the yellow are not enough. Therefore the sword of truth must be wielded by those who have some degree of the mastery of God-love–understanding that the most intense and fiery love for God, for one’s Guru, for one’s twinflame or spouse or child must be seen as the love that is instrumental in the defense of those who are the have-nots, those who have not the Light or the spiritual fortitude to bear the strength of truth surrounded by love. (Therefore you see how Paul the Venetian does also wear the emerald cape and at times the emerald lining to his [rose-pink] cape.)
Truth then must contain the fundamentals of the will of God, the fundamentals of learning, the nucleus whereby the mind may surround a concept, a word, a self-knowledge and build thereupon. Men do not often speak of truth, for they are more comfortable in relative right and wrong, in excusing the self for their absence of shining allegiance to the sword Excalibur that is drawn.
-Pallas Athena:
12-31-1988 at RTR, MT,
Pearl 32:1
………………………………………………………….7) We desire this awakening principally to draw them to a path of individual Christhood, as it has been said. We desire them to become aware that they are also victims and that those things [which] are wrong in the earth are no accident and that they do come about by conspiracies that are based on the fundamental necessity of those have-nots--yes, the sophisticated ones, the wealthy, the godless, the have-nots who have all the money and the power but have no light, no Presence, no threefold flame. These have-nots desire to have the light of the haves; and the haves are the common people, the poor who must be cared for, the homeless, the children, the middle class--all those who are a part of the body of God.
Let it be known, beloved, that what you have they cannot live without. Your lifestream and life-force is a daily transfusion that they must have. Know this, beloved, and recognize that to this awakening, this divine awareness we would bring the people of earth once and for all, that they will no longer hand over their money nor be enslaved by the fallen angels who have embodied in their midst, but they will adopt Alpha’s Agenda and see that the planet must be cleaned up, the bodies that have been sown with impure substances must be cleaned up, the minds must be cleaned up, souls must be cleaned up.
-Archangel Jophiel and Christine:
3-26-1989, Easter, at RTR, MT,
Pearl 32:22
……………………………………………………………………........................8) If you tarry in the old, you will miss the very initiations of that new spiral and the initiation of the spiral by the Great Divine Director. Therefore you see, since you have the light, since you possess the riches of heaven, since you have the wealth of the Teaching, since you have the gold mine of the gifts of God, you have something that the have-nots want. And they will trick you and continue to trick you until you [determine that you will] no longer [be] tricked. They will trick you into giving them bit by bit this storehouse of light and gold and wealth and riches of the kingdom of God.
This reservoir of that which God has given you is so great in the etheric octave that it is able to magnetize to this Community all the supply you need to solve all of your problems. And therefore do not enter into degrading, self-degrading spirals of recrimination but seek justice, seek honor, seek mercy, seek compassion and seek the freedom to let these things pass through and go on.
-Archeia Mary:
6-30-1990 at RTR, MT,
Pearl 33:23]
………………………………………………………....................................9) It is not comprehensible to your mind, yet you might find a point of co-measurement to experience what is the City Foursquare, what is the meaning of Church Universal and Triumphant. It is a cosmic cube. It is the vessel of the body of God, even the mystical body of God, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood made up of all lightbearers in all worlds. This is the meaning of church: [it is] the temple of God and of the godly and of the God-manifestation. Those who are the have-nots have nothing to lose and nothing to defend. You are the haves. Therefore you must guard well your supply, your light, your levels of attainment. For the have-nots will always covet the abundance of the haves, seeking to gain it not by oneness with God but by fraudulent means, for it is “too much effort” and they are “too tired” to make the same effort you have made to be with Jesus in the holy mountain of God.
The cosmos is a better place, especially in this sector of this solar system, for the great victory of your labor regarding the Twelfth Planet. This, beloved, provided a stupendous arena of a vast light show for many evolutions beyond who watched with wonder, some in joy and some in anger. Let them look back in anger. We look back and forward in joy!
-Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia:
10-6-1990 at RTR, MT,
Pearl 33:37
………………………………………………………………………10) For there are many in this world who consider themselves to be the have-nots, who are angry against America and all that she stands for. They will not hesitate to commit acts of terrorism if they believe that they have nothing to lose and that they must fight for their cause because their cause is not being championed by the Establishment.
Let us get on with our concerns then and take decisive action on behalf of those who are oppressed everywhere. Let us give them hope and a reason not to be depressed, not to resort to terrorism or, God forbid, the use of nuclear weapons to settle the seeming injustices of life.
Beware then these groups all over the world, beloved. For many of their members are insane and they have nothing to lose, for they have long ago allowed their flames to be snuffed out and lost their souls. Pity them. But pray also that, inasmuch as they are empty houses, the howling discarnates who occupy them shall not give force to a race of insane and dispossessed and disenfranchised persons.
-Archangel Gabriel and Hope:
2-26-1993 at Chicago,
Pearl 36:13
……………………………………………………..........................................11) Even as Becket said to Henry “When did you begin to love God?” and Becket said “I began to love the honor of God,” if you cannot know God, you can know His qualities. Let us begin with honor. Honor is to be honorable toward the children in the streets, the have-nots, and those who have been indulged and then neglected. What will you do when you pass the torch to them? This is a monumental challenge.
I say you are futurists, one and all. You can look into the future even as you can look into the mists of the distant continents that are no more. You can see the repetition of cycles of history. You know you have reincarnated again and again only to return, only to not have the violet flame or the ascended masters. And finally, finally you have found that alchemy of the Holy Spirit. Finally you have come to the conclusion “I can do something for this planet. I can do something for my town, my children, my world. I can do it and I will do it! For who will do it if I do not? This is my calling; it belongs to me. I shall seize it and I shall run with it as an Olympic runner runs with his torch.” [25-second standing ovation]…
You are architects. But begin with the block of marble and then sculpt the true identity, made in the image and likeness of Adam Kadmon, the truly spiritual archetype for humanity. We want you to see yourselves as you were in the last golden age of South America. We want you to go back to those records, to clear them, to see what is the greatest impediment to the balance of the threefold flame.
-Divine Director:
6-30-1995 at RTR, MT,
Pearl 47:4
……………………………………………………………………12) Besides a technological challenge we will also face a social challenge. Scientific progress is on the verge of permanently dividing societies into those who understand technology and those who do not. If that happens, the technological elite will control the wealth and power. The technological have-nots will become a permanent underclass. That’s a formula for disaster.
-Messenger E C Prophet:
3-2-1996 at Buenos Aires, Pearl 39:6
………………………………………….............................................…13) You might say that there are the haves and have-nots, and this too is the dividing of the way. [There are] those who will be prepared at any hour when the Bridegroom cometh that he might take them to the heart of hearts of the Holy Christ Self and from that level they might live and sow good seed in the earth and multiply again and again the power of the violet flame till all Earth's evolutions will know the violet flame as well as they know their favorite candy, their favorite meal. [And then there are those who will not be prepared when the Bridegroom comes.]
Blessed ones, there is a dividing of the way because it is the hour when one is taken and another is left. It is the hour when worlds do change, when continents move that have not moved since the days of Atlantis. It is the hour, beloved, to indulge in spirituality, to indulge in the Holy Spirit, to be immersed in that Holy Spirit, beloved, and to know what the Holy Spirit has done from Genesis to Revelation and then through the lifestreams of the great lights of all history who have walked in that fire of the living God. I speak then not of fanaticism.
-Elohim Arcturus and Victoria:
4-3-1996 at RTR, MT,
Pearl 46:22