5-20 India (new cases/active cases) 6147/54716= 11% rise https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india/
Mexico 2414/8500= 28% rise https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/mexico
Brazil 16517/130591= 12.6% rise
2-19-20 The biology company in Sichuan where Huang works also clarified that
2-16-20 The statement said Huang graduated with a master's degree from the institute in 2015. Since graduation, she has been working and living in other provinces and has never been infected with novel coronavirus and is in good health. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202002/16/WS5e48dccaa310128217277d84.html
www.pubfacts.com › author › Yanling+Huang
Int J Mol Med 2019 Sep 20;44(3):857-870. Epub 2019 Jun 20. The State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan
But the just above Huang Yanling has co-published also in 2002, 2007. 2009. 2011 and so forth—too old for our grad student of WIV. -r, mt. shasta
-Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)

Finn Yeung, Biomedical student 5-1-20 Her profile was removed from the WIV page because she was no longer affiliated with the lab. There was no reason to feature her on the website anymore.
The biotech company she works with is in Chengdu, not even close to Wuhan. I don’t know her address. Her WeChat. Her QQ. Her apartment. Any of that. One would presume she is in Chengdu. For her to be in Wuhan is just bizarre and unnecessary, if that’s what you want me to disprove. Again, Eric has a great explanation, much more detailed and with a lot more evidence.
I guess the argument was that her profile disappeared and WIV is apparently close to the market, so she must have been there? I don’t know. Her profile would have been removed ages ago, around the time she moved on.
She’s said multiple times that she is healthy and well and the things circulating online about her are false. She has said she does not want to be in the public spotlight and does not want to be involved in any of the controversies.
Leave her alone. She’s fine, she did not introduce the virus to the public, and she is definitely not to blame for any of this. She’s not in Wuhan, not with the WIV, and let’s just allow her to keep living her life without any of the weird, disgusting things that people are saying. Privacy is important. She’s not in any way affiliated with this mess.
Let’s stop pointing fingers and instead just work together to fight this virus. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy, and most importantly, I think, stay sane.
= = =
Wishing we last forever,
Finn https://www.quora.com/Has-anyone-been-able-to-locate-the-current-May-2020-whereabouts-of-Ms-Huang-Yanling-a-former-lab-assistant-at-the-Wuhan-Institute-of-Virology
Finn https://www.quora.com/Has-anyone-been-able-to-locate-the-current-May-2020-whereabouts-of-Ms-Huang-Yanling-a-former-lab-assistant-at-the-Wuhan-Institute-of-Virology
……................... some of his precious entries:
Finn Yeung, lives in Beijing, China 4-30-20
Finn Yeung, non-binary
Answered April 24, 2020 · Author has 156 answers and 61.7K answer views
Finn, what gender are you?
- Genderfluid, please use [insert pronouns] for the time being.
- Oh, it changes from time to time, but right now I’m feeling [insert gender].
- *indicated pronouns/gender pin* It’s here, I’m [insert gender], I’d appreciate it if you’d refer to me as [insert pronouns]. Thanks!
- Yes.
- I heard it's better for the environment if you don't have one. Really, I’d love to fit in, but I feel better knowing that I'm doing my part for the planet. I know, I know, don’t thank me. I’m just sacrificing my social standing for a fighting chance for our children.
- Mine just keeps dying, so I kind of gave up after a while. Yeah. I don’t have a gender thumb. How do you keep yours alive?
- Um… embarrassing story: when I was born, the hospital was out. And my parents didn’t find me another one. Oops.
- I keep losing it and I never find time to buy another one. I’m lazy. Sue me.
- Yeah, the ones I get are always clunky and malfunction after a few days so I have to return them per the shipping company's policy. I gave up.
- You see, I have little siblings who like mine better than their own, so it gets stolen every few days and I have to get it back.
- My girlfriend and I are the same sizes for pretty much everything, which means she steals all my clothes, gender included. I’ll text her, gimme a second…
- See, when I was younger I thought it was a good idea to play a practical joke and try to summon demons with it. The demons took my gender and I’m too scared to get it back. Do you think you know how to help?
- Gender works like earrings. You have to have both for Karen to accept you. But I hate Karen, so I destroyed one and now it doesn’t work anymore.
- I ate it. I got hungry. I eat everything, okay?
- *rips apart a piece of paper* Here, I’ll make you an origami diagram about how it all went down…
- I lost one of the gears and it’s one of the irreplaceable ones and the shop that makes them went out of business years ago.
- *chucks shirts over shoulder* Hang on… *opens closet door* Not here… *looks frantically over bed* I swear, I saw one here, just a few days ago… I have one, I promise! I do! Just give me a second!
- And lastly, why the fuck is it your business?
= = =
Wishing we last forever,
Finn Yeung, lives in Beijing, China 4-15-20 The government isn’t a regime like you might be led to think by the Western media, and we pretty much have complete freedom. Living in China is great. You have a lot more liberties than you get in America, and I like it a lot. https://www.quora.com/profile/Finn-Yeung-2
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