Thursday, May 14, 2020

4 sci papers showing sodium bicarbonate's efficacy in fighting various pathogens including viruses

11-29-2018  Background and aim:  Microbes grow within a particular range of external pH, change of this pH may affect the respiratory pathogens. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of sodium bicarbonate (SB) 8.4% on the retrieved lower respiratory tract pathogens. Pulmonary infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites [1]. All microbes grow within a particular range of external pH which affects many biological actions as enzyme activity, reaction rates, protein stability and structure of nucleic acids [2]. 
The airway surface liquid (ASL) contains a complex mixture of antimicrobial factors that kill inhaled or aspirated organisms and act as a first line of defense. The composition of ASL is critical for antimicrobial effectiveness [1]. Changes in the local media occur with inflammation or infection as local acidosis that is attributed to the local increase of lactic-acid production by the anaerobic, glycolytic activity of infiltrating neutrophils and to the presence of short chain fatty acid by-products of bacterial metabolism [3].  The abnormally acidic pH partially inhibits bacterial killing by ASL.
3-31-20  Consumption of sodium bicarbonate – baking soda can help to alkalinize the pH of the body and microbes do not do well in alkaline environments.It is important when consuming sodium bicarbonate that you use a baking soda without aluminum – this will typically be stated on the packaging.  Arm & Hammer is the most popular brand which is aluminum free.
1-3-2018  With antibiotic resistance on the rise, scientists are looking everywhere for better treatment approaches, even inside a box of baking soda--otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate.  Bicarbonate ions, like the ones in this kitchen staple, act as a ubiquitous buffer in the human body. In a new study, scientists have figured out that bicarbonate diminishes the pH gradient across bacterial membranes, which can help usher some antibiotics in and keep some out (ACS Infect. Dis. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.7b00194).  Using bicarbonate to create more realistic physiological conditions in the laboratory could help scientists develop new antibiotics, or adding bicarbonate to certain existing antibiotics could improve their effectiveness, the researchers say.
April 25, 2018
Source:  Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
  A daily dose of baking soda may help reduce the destructive inflammation of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, scientists say.  They have some of the first evidence of how the cheap, over-the-counter antacid can encourage our spleen to promote instead an anti-inflammatory environment that could be therapeutic in the face of inflammatory disease, scientists report.
4-12-20   The increase of CO2 in the body leads to a decrease in pH of the body as CO2 adds acidity. This in turn give Coronvirus even better conditions for virus fusion and for a damage to human lungs and thus continue to increase a level of CO2 in the body (as the lungs get infected even more) and to increase acidity in the body ( lowering pH) .  So the more CO2 in the body the higher acidity level the better virus fusion and spread and more CO2 level, etc.  We observe a feedback here which lead to spiraling the development of COVID 19 quick and out of control. The patients lungs get worse and worse fast.

  As a conclusion, a suggested way of medical intervention here:  first we need to observe patients (pH level) using ABG tests (or others) regularly and keep the pH factor as the main factor to control, possibly via using sodium carbonate( Na2CO3 ) as acidity reducing compound which has a low toxicity.  It is understood that currently Covid 19 patients are checked for a level of Oxygen in the blood but this check is not sufficient.

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