Thursday, June 6, 2019

Ours is the frugality that will gather the eagles together

    No greater disservice has been done to the Deity than the denial of His intent for the ages.  It is unfortunate and I might add most inappropriate that human beings have also maligned His offspring--even those in the ascended state when these have desired only to grasp the highest principles, to convey them to men and to improve the lot of all people.  For those who question Our motives the record will clearly reveal that We of the ascended hosts have sought to glimpse the higher glory and to transfer it to men, letting Our defense rest in the righteousness of an honest heart that is never moved from its position by the misunderstandings of men.
  In past ages when the life-force was less understood We used such  ancient art forms as the crux ansata to  illustrate the office of the divine man and the divine woman and their role in anchoring the masculine and feminine rays of the Godhead in form.  The product of their union--the divine seed, the essence of the Christ that is the focus of perfection for every man--is endowed with the highest principles of the Father-Mother God.     
  Although some have perverted these concepts and inverted the image of reality Ours has never been to demean Ourselves but to remain glowing and vibrant in the highest ideals of the Spirit, to epitomize the ideals of freedom and to convey them across the face of the Earth….
  God intends to be near unto man,  He intends man to be near unto Him;…Ours is no delusion of the moment--and man cannot forever perpetuate delusion.  Ours is the frugality that will gather the eagles together with forthright heart when necessary and then again by excessive love and the adornment of souls who also love….
  What a tragedy it is that human beings should permit themselves to be divided.  What a tragedy it is that they should permit themselves to remain far from the Lord’s camp, to note the frailty of the moment without ever understanding that out of the moment eternity is born.  Hence let us consider the virtue inherent within the completeness of divine love.
  That God loves man is apparent; that His ways are higher than man’s ways is also apparent.  But that He will first appoint the bounds of man’s habitation and then that He will break those very bounds, those spheres of limitation, reveals the mysterious wonder of His love.
  Having observed people over the years I am convinced that fear is one of the greatest enemies of righteousness that comes as a thief in the night to steal man’s love for his God.  I have also observed that all negative qualities, including fear and anxiety unless they are brought under immediate control behave like the common virus, developing after their kind within the human consciousness to the point where the host experiences utter desolation and delusion….
  People love to fellowship with the light; but because they have darkened areas in their consciousness they accept dark concepts about others, not realizing that whether or not the darkness exists it is always the result of delusion….
  The definition of truth is accomplished through the promotion of cosmic principle, the industry of cosmic example and man’s edification under cosmic wisdom….Ours is the banner of hope in the new day that is dawning.  Old things are passing away and all things are becoming new in Christ.  Most sincerely, I AM

Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:44

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