When you destroy harm you no longer have need to create harmlessness. In the absence of harm or harmlessness the innocence of childhood prevails, enabling the souls of men to commune gently with nature and nature’s God. The vast drama that keeps the way of the Tree of Life that guards the alchemical secrets has also been born of necessity. Man’s disobedience to cosmic Law, his hesitancy in matters of the Spirit, his gathering momentums of destructivity upon earth—they have necessitated the curbing of his activities in heaven. In a very real sense then man has been confined to the earth to work out his destiny. Eden, the Garden of God, and the secrets of life contained therein have been denied him because he would not heed the divine injunction “In the day that thou latest thereof thou shalt surely die!” (Gen. 2:17) Now and always man must understand that when he partakes of the consciousness of evil he becomes subject unto the laws of mortality; yet God has always been ready to receive him again as a little child….
Men either think that heaven is remote, unfulfilling and lacking in the joys of this world, or they imagine that it is the ultimate goal--the reward of the faithful and their relief from the oppressions of a world of sin, a place where they will have nothing further to do and all progress will cease. In both cases the fallacy is in thinking that the future will bring man something that is not available to him today. Life is abundant here, now and forever; wherever you are it needs only to be tapped.

-Saint Germain:
Pearls of Wisdom 13:15
Through the “sifting as wheat” (Luke 22:31) process the forces of deception seek to enlarge upon the inadequacies of the world’s religions. By pointing out their supposed failure to meet the crises of the times the dark ones anticipate that men will throw all religion, good and bad, out of their lives….Man is not intended to be an empty vessel but one overflowing with the abundant life, with creativity, with purpose, with wonder and with the hush of expectancy….Man is neither God nor demon; he is a potential God in the making.

-Archeia Mary:
Pearls of Wisdom 13:18
Let the scriptures rightly be broken. Let men understand that love is without alloy and that God can acknowledge only perfection in all even as He jealously claims all for the best gifts He can confer. He possesses the capacity to hold Himself and universal consciousness in the bonds of completeness. Hierarchical conferment of energy and responsibility is but the breaking of the bread of God-good among the many occupants of the universe who serve His holy will.

-Jesus Christ:
Pearls of Wisdom 13:20

illustrations: Francis Bacon by N. Hillyard, 1578; Mother Mary by Ruth Hawkins; Jesus as in
Prayer and Meditation, 1978; Romanov family chalice; unita ground squirrels
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