Berezovska-Song, Baku 2016, 41.? (answer below)

Berezovska-Song, Baku 2016, 43...? (answer below)
41. correct was g4! and white can win: 41....Kd4, 42. g5 Kd5, 43. Ke3 c5, 44. bc5 a5, 45. c5 Kc5, 46. f5 Kd7, 47. e6 fe6, 49. fg6 Ke7, 50. Kd4 Kf8, 51. Kc5 Kf5, 52. Kd4 e5+, 53. Kd5 e4, 54. Kd4 +-.
43....Kd5! (if 43....c5?, 44. g4 hg4, 45. Kg4 +-.), and now: ((44. Kg5 c5 45. bc5 Kc5 46. Kh5 a5 47. Kg5 b4 48. ab4+ ab4 49. h5 b3 50. h6 b2 51. h7 b1=Q 52. h8=Q Qb3!! and black can draw.)
44.g4 hxg4 45. Kxg4 c5 46. bxc5 a5 47. c6 Kxc6 48. h5 b4 49. axb4 axb4 50. h6 b3 51. h7 b2 52. h8=Q b1=Q and black can fairly easily draw.
But in the game there was played: 44. Kf6? Kd4, 45. Kf7 Ke5, 46. Kg6; and with 46....c5! black wins the race to queen and the game. (Stockfish analysis) -r.
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