Beloved hearts, I cry out the Word of the Lord: Let My people go! that they may sacrifice unto Me. Understand then the bondage of the seed of the wicked. It is an economic bondage whereby they toil and continue to toil and therefore, in that binding of the economy, they are not given the hours lawfully unto them for the sacrificing unto the Lord. And if they be idle they then are called upon by the fallen ones to once again be engaged in their cults of indulgence or success.
And beloved hearts, such is the taxation, such is the gross burden upon the people that they are forced to toil longer and longer. And therefore when they are given freedom they yet dance and play as did the children of Israel in the absence of my own presence when I was upon the mountain with the Lord. Realize then that though a people await deliverance their consciousness is not prepared to receive it....
Realize, beloved hearts, how the fallen ones are jealous of the time and energy and space of the children of the light. And therefore they increase the burden, requiring that they shall make bricks without straw. Beloved hearts of light, this is the withdrawal of the essential commodities in the mainstream of life in the nations. It is the withdrawal of the essence of energy and of the essence of gold itself so that the people must build their buildings, erect their civilizations and multiply their light without the necessary physical manifestation of those elements that are required.
Beloved hearts, this also, this deprivation is a weaning process whereby the Lord God Almighty allows this deprivation so that the children of light will lean upon the arm of the Lord and not exclusively upon materialism--that they will enter into the alchemy of Saint Germain and recognize that all necessities of life can truly be drawn out of God’s heart. Even the daily manna which they were fed in the wilderness can be unto them in this hour both the spiritual and the material food for body and for soul and for mind.
It requires miracles, blessed hearts, for this escaping out of the consciousness of death. And I AM here! I AM here in the full panoply of light of Sanat Kumara that you might be touched and infused with a spiral whereby the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood is truly intent upon the deliverance of the children of the light in this age....
Therefore I raise up the Messenger as I was raised up, as it is written, to be “a god unto Pharaoh.” What is the meaning of this?
It is the meaning of the descent of the I AM Presence in the Messenger and the descent of the Christ Self within you that therefore the fallen ones and their Nephilim consciousness might have in matter the focalpoint even of Sanat Kumara, even of Jehovah, that when the Word is spoken and the judgment call is given they may know that the God of very gods is in the earth dwelling once again in his people....
It requires then the I AM Presence, the Christ Self and the souls of the children of the light acting in concerted harmony even in the mighty line of flux as the light descends as you view it on the chart of your own Divine Self. These personages represent also offices that must be kept holy in the earth. And therefore the holiness of the aspiring one, the lower figure in the chart, is the obedient consciousness who will follow the true shepherds who have become priests after the order of Aaron....
It is the hour of the consummation of Israel and the fulfillment of all that is to take place in the promised land. And therefore look not for miracles outside of thee; for miracles there are. And there were times when Pharaoh did not accept the miracles, and there were times when the children of Israel also rejected those miracles as the signs of the Lord’s appearing.
Therefore I raise up the Messenger as I was raised up, as it is written, to be “a god unto Pharaoh.” What is the meaning of this?
It is the meaning of the descent of the I AM Presence in the Messenger and the descent of the Christ Self within you that therefore the fallen ones and their Nephilim consciousness might have in matter the focalpoint even of Sanat Kumara, even of Jehovah, that when the Word is spoken and the judgment call is given they may know that the God of very gods is in the earth dwelling once again in his people....
It requires then the I AM Presence, the Christ Self and the souls of the children of the light acting in concerted harmony even in the mighty line of flux as the light descends as you view it on the chart of your own Divine Self. These personages represent also offices that must be kept holy in the earth. And therefore the holiness of the aspiring one, the lower figure in the chart, is the obedient consciousness who will follow the true shepherds who have become priests after the order of Aaron....
It is the hour of the consummation of Israel and the fulfillment of all that is to take place in the promised land. And therefore look not for miracles outside of thee; for miracles there are. And there were times when Pharaoh did not accept the miracles, and there were times when the children of Israel also rejected those miracles as the signs of the Lord’s appearing.
Blessed hearts, there have been pharaohs among you as there are pharaohs in the world, self-appointed princes in the land--those who see themselves as rulers of the people without God. These are everywhere to be found and always found where least expected in citadels of power--spiritual wickedness in high places of church and state. Be not dismayed; be not dismayed. Recognize then that when the Lord is determined to separate out His people from among them He hardens their hearts; and the descent of their own karma prevents them from accepting the Word either of the God-man or of his prophet or of the Christed ones. Thus it is a self-inflicted judgment accelerated by the will of God, by the will of Jehovah, by the Lord our God who does indeed accelerate or decelerate the Law according to his own signs and choosings and dispensations. -Lord Ling: 12-28-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles

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