Tuesday, February 16, 2016

one must have the courage to look at Fire

Anxiety is the cause of people’s tendency to hoard the goods of this world….Anxiety is a symptom of insecurity; it stems from man’s incorrect concept of himself and from his lack of perspective.  Many people feel unfulfilled, unloved, unwanted and they are not sure of just what they should be doing with their lives.  Their uncertainties under adverse conditions are easily turned into mental and emotional states of depression bordering on extreme self-deprecation….
You were born to win, and I say this to counter the lie that man was “born to lose.”       
-Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:14
Man must come to recognize that space and time are necessary subdivisions of one sole reality, that the limitations which they embody--providing necessary boundaries--can become ladders to boundlessness and a veritable means whereby any electron in space can become a universe or the universe can become any electron.  The drawing-in of the sustaining breath of the Holy Spirit and the expelling thereof creates an eddying of consciousness in concentric, rapidly moving rings expanding out to the farthest periphery of manifestation….
In the macrocosmic-microcosmic interchange, in the great flow of life, of delight, of boundless joy man senses the unity of all that lives; and he recognizes that his role as a receiver of benefits from the universe entails the necessary conveyance of benefits from his own creative consciousness back into the universe.  There is joy in the construction of the temple of life, for templed order and templed service create in the individual a sense of building when all around him there is a tearing down of values, morals and faith….

There is no need to hold in consciousness a destructive sense or even a sense of condemnation.  Beloved Jesus said, “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved.” (John 3:17)  The secret of the Tree of Life is to be found, but the seeker must first surrender his personal sense, his sense of separation from God and from life so that the universal consciousness can flow into him—thus the breath of the Great Alchemist shall become his own.        -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:16   
-photo of Saint Germain said to have been manifested into Guy Ballard's hands

II, i, 12.  There are no poor.  Who is unwilling to accept riches?    -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925

165, 421.  To understand the common striving means to construct a temple of the new world.  To strive, mutually nourishing one another, will already be the understanding of the Teaching.  Such striving will pave the path to the fiery world, but one must have the courage to look at Fire, to acknowledge it as one's only nurture.... A severe time requires a powerful armor.  This must be accepted even more deeply by the heart.  People must accept the scope of the world battle for the sake of encouraging each other by mutual efforts.  Condemnation and derision are especially out of place.        -M:  Heart 1932                ElMorya22.jpg
                                                                      by Hermann Schmiechen, 1884

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