Be a Keeper of the Flame. And go set the world on fire with violet flame! -Spokesman for the Delegation of the Priesthood of Melchizedek: 7-1-1992 at RTR, Montana
That which they (fallen angels) most desired to pervert in you, beloved, was and is the chakra of the Divine Mother. For it is the fount of life on earth and the fount of eternal Life that rises from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown and is activated and crystallized and sealed by the descending light of your I AM Presence....
Therefore know, beloved, that when the buildings fall all around you and the avalanches descend and the continents shake, you must stand fast in the very pillar of your God!...There is no ongoing dispensation for those who are not servants of light. But unto those who become servants of light there is the grace complete necessary to their victory in this life or a succeeding life where their karma does not allow [it in this one]. -Alpha: 7-1-1992 at RTR, Montana
When the glorious Atlantean civilization began to decline, when the powers of invocation were utilized for selfish and personal aggrandizement, plans were made by the Great White Brotherhood to secure these Foci of the Flame upon the portion of the landed surface of the Earth destined to remain above the waves of purification when the water element was commanded to assist in the submergence of this once beautiful continent....
The ascension of the thoughts, feelings, actions and spoken word of the student is not the work of a moment. It is the constant, hourly application to rise into a spiritual consciousness of listening grace, of harmony, balance, purity, peace, ever-sustained supply, perfect health and ever-increasing illumination of soul until the spiritual self is manifest in every avenue and activity of the life experience. -Morya: October 1954 via Messenger Geraldine Innocente, in Law of Life and Teachings, 3, Luk Publ., Pueblo, CO, 1978, p. 716
While the masses enjoyed the "pursuit of happiness" these few (seeking a way back to perfection) continued to draw primal Life, qualifying it with adoration to the Source and divine beings, then consciously sending that promise, adoration and thanksgiving up to them. This ascending stream of love is a current of actual power and lifts the energies of those who choose to avail themselves of connecting with the ascension flame for the purpose of raising the vibratory action of their own inner and physical bodies. -Morya: July 1956, in ibid., p. 718
This (genetic engineering of Atlantean days) is reemerging at a fantastic pace. Therefore we are on the brink of facing those tests as to whether or not we will allow this manipulation of the Life that is God to go on to our own self-destruction.
Therefore as Atlantean genetic engineering rises above the plateau of traditional science ask yourself what kind of peop alere behind it and who will use genetic engineering for what purpose. Then ask yourself if you feel secure that we will pass through the dark night of the reemergence of Atlantean culture without a cataclysm. -Messengers M and E C Prophet, see
Pray then and invoke the Spirit of the Cosmic Christ and the Holy Christ Self of the sons and daughters of God to be in the positions of leadership in this nation. -Archeia Mary: 8-22-1992 at RTR, Montana
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