Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The first and greatest error that can be made subsequent to the departure from wholeness is to attempt to gaze upon all things as though they were good

The first and greatest error that can be made subsequent to the departure from wholeness is to attempt to gaze upon all things as though they were good without actually having either retained or regained the Edenic consciousness of good as the platform of perception from which one may gaze....
The garden of the heart must be prepared to receive the immaculate conception.  This can best be done by calling upon the higher law of God to release mighty light rays from the Sun of Universal Wisdom.  Faith must be engendered within the heart that these light rays are tangible and real--atomic flames of universal substance which can actually be passed through the very field of consciousness which the student would use to plant the fertile and germinal ideas of the Spirit....
Consciousness and its field must be prepared so that an understanding of the Real and the unreal will enable the individual to draw upon the Real while persistently replacing the unreal by the Real.  Unless the ability to do this is conveyed to individuals they will continue to feel that they are the acting power.
-Divine Director:  Pearls of Wisdom  11:45
None in the caravan should despise the other, for each child and man can but manifest at a given point in time those hopes which he alone has externalized on the altars of his consciousness.  One cannot be another but all can become One.  The great cosmic Merge is not only accomplished in the divine aspects of power and wisdom but also is it achieved through infinite love.  Love is the key to the use, and misuse, of one's life and energies. Thus reins must be established to hold in check unbridled manifestation.  An undeveloped faith that mounts up like Icarus of old may find the tempered heat of the sun too much for the waxen wings of premature aspiration, and the chariot of consciousness may rush into the sun while the driver unaware falls to the earth, a broken and defeated spirit.
Cherish well then the need to rule your faith and to establish it sufficiently for the ends which each hour requires. -Meru:  Pearl  9:7
The cup of need/ The world lifts up/ We'll fill refreshingly/ With love/
As beams extended from afar,/ The radiance of our happy star./
O shed thy darkness,/ World of men,/ Receive the ray of hope again:/
I, Vesta, drop the mantle flame,/ The power to raise,/ New hope acclaim./
In cosmic union men shall rise,/ The power of heaven will open eyes/
And blind shall see/ And men shall be/ The kindred of Reality.          -Vesta:  Pearl  12:1

We are concerned then with the building of an impregnable tower, a spiritual fortress that shall be forever a rock of the ages.  Standing on the promontory of time that just out from the eternal shores this tower of faith must first be builded within yourselves.  All must create a healthy vision of spiritual possibilities not only for their own lives per se but also for the humanity of this Earth, for the heart-pangs of the race are multiplied by worldly entanglements, by wars, by the density of human deceit and by the network of human greed that would make merchandise of men.
Replace all of this by light!  Seek peace and pursue it but understand that the price is high.  Understand that your freedom must be maintained together with your faith.          -Morya:  Pearl  12:42
Why do you tarry in your cups?  Why do you wonder?  Why are you indecisive, always wondering what you shall do?  O precious ones, the days of wondering are over and the day of the great wonder is come--the great wonder that is your own I AM Presence, the great wonder that is the Brotherhood of Light ascended.  We merge with mankind unascended and all souls of light.  We have that God-determination that this Earth shall ascend freedom's star and that you will go into the community of the world at large and deliver the mandate of freedom for souls to live and breathe on Terra....
Never lose sight of the Oneness, for this, this is the message that I have placed in the heart of the Messenger this day.  And I have conveyed to you even before my coming that great feeling of Oneness which the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood shares....
Thank God for receptive hearts on Terra.  Thank the Almighty One for the swelling of the great movement of life!    -Elohim Astrea:  12-30-1976 at Pasadena, see

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