When the head of state of this nation fails utterly to challenge the fallen ones who enslave peoples in the nations of the Earth there is a dropping of the torch of freedom and a great karma that accrues to the people....do not support those candidates who cry "Peace!" but will not defend peace with honor and are ready to appease and to capitulate to every demand of darkness both foreign and domestic. Precious ones, the stand for light must be taken at every level....
Beloved ones, those who have sworn to destroy this nation and therefore the platform of freedom for all nations have encamped in your very midst and they are the rats in the granary of America and they have freedom unparalleled in the history of nations to work against the light. Beloved ones, your means of energy, your reservoirs are unprotected and easily subject to sabotage. -Gautama Buddha: 4-23-1978 at NYC via Messenger ECP
The keeper of the lighthouse must tend the light, must keep the lamp burning bright, must know that all is well through the night--in storm, in rain and in fair weather. For if the ships do not see the light they may be wrecked upon the rocky shore or they may not reach the shore at all....
And the great barrier to the bringing in of the golden age in America and in Terra is human selfishness....The fallen ones are marching, and the Martian evolutions on the astral plane are combining their forces to reinforce the dragon of world take-over so that this Earth may become the coordinate of Mars under a one-world darkness of the fallen ones. Precious hearts, there is no resistance!...
I tell you it will take a revolution in consciousness! And the people of America and of the nations of the free world will have to surrender their selfishness if they are to win in the name of true freedom upon Terra. -Saint Germain: 3-7-1976 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
The most skilled among the false hierarchy who abide in the astral plane appear regularly to receptive channels in embodiment. They impersonate the ascended masters with such cunning that many sincere seekers have been fooled. Thinking they were in the presence of one or more of the ascended masters they have dedicated themselves unwittingly to the cause of Darkness and chained their energies to the wiles of the masters of deceit.
It is the policy of the false hierarchy to trap mankind by imitating the dictations of the ascended masters. This they accomplish by parroting truisms. When they have lulled their listeners into a state of false peace and utter self-satisfaction they introduce points of doctrine that are in absolute contradiction to cosmic law. These deviations from basic truth are couched in glowing terms and rationalized to the ego by appeals to pride and the desire to be thought wise among men
-Messengers Mark and E C Prophet, see https://books.google.com/books?id=zOLOfDMy10gC&pg=PA137&dq=clare+prophet+enslave+peace!&hl=en&sa=X&ei=4W7eVPKMLcitoQTLnICwDQ&ved=0CDQQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20enslave%20peace!&f=false
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