Like sunlight dancing through the trees the Omnipotent One tenderly eludes His offspring....Does it seem strange that the beauty and perfection of the Infinite One should be obscured not only by divine decree but also by outer conditions? Nevertheless this is cosmic law as it applies to the three-dimensional world, and its purpose is the sealing of the perfection of the Presence from the prying eyes of the human until that human becomes divine.
Will you recognize with me then the great fact of creation that God by design reveals to the individual step by step the cosmic truths, the cosmic realities of his life pattern? This He does in increments and at a pace that will naturally develop the God-potential of the individual, leading to the unfoldment of his divine plan.
The plan is centered around the individual; it provides for the transmutation and advancement of his consciousness. But there is danger in bypassing the plan when one is taken up with the outer manifestation, ignoring the still small voice or the knock at the cosmic door of the heart. The individual must learn to listen to the voice of God, for through the years some have heard voices that were not His, and they have been turned from the true path by psychic impostors who have sought to separate the brethren by claiming the exclusiveness of this or that master or organization.
Beloved hearts of light, all of life is one, and every ascended master has the interest of every chela in mind. -Pallas Athena: Pearls of Wisdom 13:46
-Roman copy of a lost Phidias figure of Athena
sophos is Greek for "clever" whereas sophia means "wisdom"; sophistication and sophistry apparently derive from sophos.
575. In the course of the ages let the Teaching be transmuted, and thus the scattered parts of the one body will be collected. But who will gather them?... Remember the many who have toiled for the Brotherhood. -Morya: Brotherhood 1937
93. The manifestation of luminosity is more frequent than is thought, but prejudice and sophistry will always draw their own conclusions.
211. Yet Sophia is not sophistry, and experimentation is not prejudice--thus one may gather a useful collection. -Morya: Fiery World 1933
For to ignore the guidelines of the sacred scriptures of East and West leaves one with the dry leaves of secularism, sophistry and a science without God. Where there is no God man elevates himself to the throne of deity. Thus many man-made gods roam the earth. -Meru: Understanding Yourself, see
Fukushima and radiation-dumping into oceans worldwide
The catalogue of waste dumped at sea by the Soviets, according to documents seen by Bellona, and which were today released by the Norwegian daily Aftenposten, includes some 17,000 containers of radioactive waste, 19 ships containing radioactive waste, 14 nuclear reactors, including five that still contain spent nuclear fuel; 735 other pieces of radiactively contaminated heavy machinery, and the K-27 nuclear submarine with its two reactors loaded with nuclear fuel.
The United States alone dumped vast quantities of nuclear material off its coasts between 1946 and 1970—more than 110,000 containers. ...In Europe alone, some 28,500 containers of radioactive waste were dropped into the English Channel between 1950 and 1963 by European states, some of which are being now discovered to have leaks. In addition, lots of radioactive waste was disposed of off the coast of Japan and in the South Korean Sea. In all honesty, every nuclear nation, to some extent or another, could be possibly linked to the dumping of radioactive waste, and, most of them to that of the oceans. Collectively the known containers from Europe, let alone the rest of the world, translate to hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive waste.
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