Sunday, September 13, 2020

You cannot see what you do not believe in.

  You think that mankind squander their attention and their love upon the children newly born, but I tell you there is no comparison to the love of the angelic hosts.  From the mighty archangels to tiniest cherubim they stand almost with bated breath awaiting the fullness of their appearing.  My beloved Raphael who ministers unto the flame of life, who assists birth, also assisted me in holding the pattern of divine truth for the Christ even as Archangel Gabriel did appear unto me and does appear to this very hour to every mother with child.  If they could but know him as I did, as I do!  Would it be so that all could stand in the presence of Gabriel and see him declaring the ringing truth of the perfection of man, of every son and daughter of God!  This is a ne’er to be forgotten experience, but the angels of annunciation are announcing hourly to the very chimes of church bells the divine union and perfection of the pattern of every man, woman and child upon this blessed planet.
  Do you know the meaning of hearing the annunciation of your own divine perfection, the power of the Word of God that utters unto you “This is My beloved son in whom I AM well pleased”?  Is it not so that the Lord of Creation is well pleased in the offspring of His heart?  Accept then the praise of the Most High God and give it unto Him also; rejoice daily in the perfection that the Creator has given unto you in the beginning.  Rejoicing!  Rejoicing is such a great part of the love of mothers and fathers of the world, rejoicing at each step, at each moment of progress, rejoicing each step of the way, believing in the son of God.
  Do you believe in the son of God within your own heart?  I say unto you, believe as you have never believed before!  Believe in him!  Believe in the power of divine example of the Word in you and then you will believe in your fellowman.  No more the veil of cynicism—the veil of doubt and fear!  Believe in man.  You have been taught to believe in God, I say, believe in man!  Believe in His creation.  Believe that God can raise up in mankind those noble souls who shall deliver this planet in her hour of trial!
  There is no doubt in our consciousness that Christ is victor in all and that divine compassion of the Holy Spirit--the tender love and warmth of the Maha Chohan--is with each one.  I say, down with this creation of man that has dethroned man, that has made of him an idol and then cast down that idol--for want of faith and vision!    How important the vision of the Christ is, and that immaculate concept is based upon faith.  You cannot see what you do not believe in.  If you would love God you would love Him because you have faith in Him, and you would have faith in Him because you love Him.  And so it is true with thy brethren.
  Mankind do not believe in themselves.  How can they accept those whom they have appointed in public office?  Their teachers, those who should command the respect of the world, all have fallen!  Mankind are fallen idols one and all, and there is chaos and confusion where broken statues lie midst corruption of the age.  It is time to resurrect!  It is time to raise up in the consciousness of mankind the divine image that cannot be torn down.  It cannot be broken for it is a unified whole—the perfection of the mantled of God.  This cannot be torn down because it is not based on outer
consciousness, it is not based on cominitygs and goings of human consciousness, of human emotion, of intellectualism, of pride, of ambition.  Nay, the Christ remains!  The Christ remains just behind the veil.
,   Would you admit your lack of vision with condemnation of the human identity when there standing before you is the Christ in all men?  Do not give voice to your own ignorance; be ashamed to utter a word in defeat of thy brethren, beloved ones.  Do you think that any son of God could return to the heart of the Father if someone somewhere did not hold faith that he would succeed?  Who do you suppose is holding faith for mankind in this hour of trial?  Who do you suppose?  Not mankind!  The students of light--it is our hope.
  But I tell you, the greatest focus of faith that is held for mankind comes from the very heart of the Christ himself and from the hearts of the angels who have never descended into the world of form and therefore know not human consciousness.  Yet they are aware of its degradations, and still they plight their faith.  And this is the beauty of God in manifestation—that the faith of God as a ray of light descends to the very heart of the earth to uplift and to carry every child-man back to the heart of the Central Sun.
  I AM a cosmic mother.  Those who share with me the ministrations of a planet, of a system of worlds realize that it is the humble who reach most quickly the heights of spiritual victory.  But we hold for all the vision of perfection and because we hold that image there are some among mankind who make the grade, who do not fall short of the mark of the high calling in Christ.  These come home, for our arms are outstretched.
  Will you not hold with us for them the Christ-design?  Will you not determine in the face of every form of density and opposition to call forth in your fellowman the manifestation of the Christ?  Say in your heart “I will not accept aught but Thy perfection, O God, and I know that Thou art ever-present in this beloved one.  So be it.”  Accept it, beloved ones.  Become a cosmic mother for one day you too shall share in the creation of systems of worlds, of spiral nebulae even as the universe expands the Father’s  plan for His creation.
  Many things are held in promise for you if you can go beyond  the simple manifestation of the immaculate concept.  But part of the test, part of the trial is that you know not what lies ahead.  For if you would see the reward you would work for the reward rather than work for the blessing of service in and of itself, which is a great fruit, beloved ones.  To us who are ascended the rewards of the ascended state seem like a gift, something extra, for our reward has always been and will always be the joy in seeing those whom we assist overcome.
  And so the reward for that service as beloved Morya has said is greater service.  Rejoice in service and weary not in well-doing, for you are Christs in the making, walking the earth, leaving your footprints upon the sands of time; and the children of men will follow in those footsteps.  Take care then that what you leave behind is what you yourself would like to find--guiding lights along the pathway to the ascension, not stumbling blocks in the road.
  Above all I would counsel you, beloved ones, to remember that all whom you meet are babes in Christ.  If you can remember Jesus in the manger each time you see someone who seems to misrepresent his God, you will have greater compassion, for someone in the harmlessness of a child-man there is no competition, there is no pride, there is no defense mechanism that is stirred up.  There is no need to react to a babe and therefore will you find it easier to carry the burden of thy brethren along the pathway of life.  Remember that divine matrix then, the image of a child in cradle.
  There is more to the celebration of Christ-man than mankind understand, for much is symbolism that involves the mysteries of creation and of the Christ.  The thought patterns that appear to mankind each Christmas are intended to invoke in them divine memory of the Logos itself, of their own immortal creation.  Take only, for example, the three wise men.  Mankind who do not understand the power of the threefold flame and who cannot accept the divine kingship of their own identity can accept this as out pictured in the world of form as three individuals.  But in reality these beloved ones who carried the flame of love and wisdom and power are intended to represent to everyone who knocks at the altar of the Christ the holy Christ-flame within the heart.
   And do you know, beloved ones, that the soul of mankind recognizes this fact?  It is only the thin veil of outer consciousness which continues to see this pageant as an outer objective manifestation when it is truly the representation of the trek of the soul to the altar of the Most High God.  The Star appearing is the mighty I AM Presence, the shepherds who watch their flocks by night the four lower bodies of mankind who must be vigilant over human emotions and thoughts that trample upon it in order to be ready when the Star does appear.  And those shepherds were ready and they saw the Star and they followed too from the East.  This shows the necessity of alignment of the four lower bodies, the control of Christ and the perfect identification of lower self with the higher Self.
  And even as the holy Trinity was carried by Joseph, the Christ and myself so is the holy Family the divine union, the triangle of God upon earth.  And that family must be kept intact as a social means of bringing mankind to the feet of the Master and also individually in each one.  For each of you is the divine Trinity of the holy Family, and at various times in your calling God demands that you manifest the aspects of Father, then of Son and of Holy Spirit.  And you know not at what hour you will be called upon to manifest the offices of God upon earth, but you know that you must be ready.  And every mother must be ready to be not only mother but father and son.  Do you understand, precious ones?  And the Son must become the Father and embrace the Motherhood of God.
  So is life one, not separate.  And so do the various players in this scene of the pageant of Christmas bring home to mankind the calling of the Father.  May your life be a pageant also of divine victory!  May mankind remember your triumphs, your overcoming!  May that pattern be so clear that the soul too may learn from that drama, for ye are all players upon the stage of life and to bring the knowledge and teaching of the Presence of God is your calling.  This you will do by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the Motherhood of God, by the Fatherhood, by divine Sonship….
  Therefore extend, expand and learn to flow in the wisdom of God that shall draw all mankind to the divine Presence.  There is no stoppage to evolution, beloved ones.  The Christ shall ever expand; therefore be not concerned at rumblings in the outer world but realize that life shall go on and shall be found victorious over every outer manifestation.  If worlds crumble, if earthquakes come, if cataclysm comes, realize that life continues to expand.  Our only request is that you be found with your lamps trimmed, that you not be found unprepared, that you be ready to hold the chalice of victory for those who will tumble in the tide and be swept off their meager moorings.  For they need the hand of righteousness extended unto them and in that time of trouble many will be needed to extend that help….

  “Fear not, little flock, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom!”  
-Archeia Mary:  10-13-1967 at Colorado Springs via Messenger of the Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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