Saturday, September 12, 2020

This is your natal day when you are born of the flame

  Also you must have control over that which is beneath your level of awareness.  And so you must test your control not by observation buy by vibration.  You must develop sensitivity in the center of the Christ to know when threes turbulence beneath the surface and when there is calm, for only by that omnipotence can you go forward in the action of becoming the Christ.
  Do you see, precious ones, to be the fullness of the manifestation of the Divine Mother requires that you be with God omnipresent, that is everywhere present….And so the Mother teaches Her children to exercise daily in the rituals of soul expansion, of solar awareness, for only then can you go forth to heal, to raise up the energies of the Christ in your fellowman….
  Do you see, precious hearts, if you do not have the correct awareness of your God-identity, you cannot go forward, you will not master the tests of the Divine Mother, you will not understand the Personality of God—how God can be a Person and yet be a flame at the same time….It is almost like playing a dual role, for you know that those who are on lesser rungs of the ladder of attainment will not know how to identify with the flame.  It is not necessary that they do so….And so the form is there, and as long as you yourself do not become attached to it but only to the flame you will not become scarred in your service or hindered by other people’s opinion of what you are.  For you know that I AM the flame and I AM the power of the heart of the flame, I AM the love of God in the heart of the flame, I AM the wisdom of God in the heart of the flame.  And by the power of that flaming consciousness, the flaming awareness of Life you will go forth to heal as the fullness of the manifestation of the Divine Mother.  This is God-control, this is God-power, this is God-harmony, this is God reality and this is your victory.  This is your natal day when you are born of the flame, to the flame and in the flame, and there you remain.
  If you can comprehend this mystery, you will follow in the footsteps of Jesus all the way to Golgotha and you will experience the mortification of the ego as a ritual of the Brotherhood through which all must pass.  And you will come down from the cross.  And when you are in the tomb during the period required you will descend into the astral realm to preach unto the souls that are caught there even as Jesus did….
  Having dominion over death and over form you will command the atoms to coalesce.  And standing in the flame, the resurrection of all that manifested in the planes of matter will take place and your identity will be secure in the plane of Spirit-form.  And so you rise to meet your God and your God descends to meet you, and so in the center of the six-pointed star there the victory will manifest and you will be master over matter and over spirit.  This is your reason for being and your divine calling.
  I, Mary, will remain with you as I did with Jesus to hold the immaculate concept for you.  And I will remind you of this key and this mystery whichh I gave you this day of identifying with the flame (through the latticework of consciousness).  I will remind you of your dual role and I will remind you of the Permanent Atom within the heart that is your true personality, your true identity.  I leave you with the fragrance of the resurrection of the lilies and of the white rose from my heart….I hold you close to my heart in a divine embrace and I place upon your forehead the kiss of the Divine Mother.    
-Archeia Mary:  3-31-1072 at Santa Barbara via Messenger E C Prophet
  Yes, that impostor  named as the Great Whore has sought to take the children of the Mother from Her hand before they could understand Her Word, before they could decipher the meaning of Her coming and Her teaching!  See then that they are torn not from the crucible of life!  Hold their hands!  Talk to them and walk with them, o children of the light!…
  I release the jewel of my heart unto your heart.  It is a jewel of emerald fire!  And in the jewel a seed atom  of cosmic purpose for each one--I implant it now within each one, O souls of fire!  I place it there if you will receive it by your freewill that there might be released to you day by day, week by week in the months to come the knowing, the seeing, the understanding of taking the bread of the Mother, of assimilating the bread, of taking the wine of the Anointed One and drinking the cup, the whole cup of cosmic consciousness.  
  O humanity, be transformed!  O humanity, be transformed in living fire!  Be transformed by coming into the unity of the Mother!  Then all will go well and all mankind shall know the truth, the truth that shall make them free!

-Pallas Athena:  7-4-1975 , 5:31-5:54 p.m. PDT at Mt. Shasta via Messenger ECP

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