Friday, July 10, 2020

the cutting edge of the sword of the Spirit that is held in the hand of the devotee

 The time has come for visionaries to understand that it is not necessary for them to build a house in which all of the people of the world can live.  These must understand what We have termed “the law of the wheel within the wheel.”  This law has to do with the interchange of the microcosm and the macrocosm, and it reveals that all manifestation must be patterned “as above, so below.”  Pur et simple this means that any endeavor regardless of its size can manifest the same cardinal virtue of sincerity which the Brotherhood advocates--for all who would embrace the truth can learn to outpicture within their own field of service an aspect of the design of the universal temple.
  Millions can drink from one spring if the water be pure, for there joy is conveyed, and this is the purpose of Our Brotherhood.  Men and women do not need to be joined together as an incongruous pile of lumber haphazardly nailed together.  But they do need the essential spiritual conveyances of service and of technique which bring peace to the heart and expand their knowledge of the mysteries of the Christ.  Working with the central purposes of Hierarchy they will then draw forth the necessary harmonizing factors that will make all life one.  On the other hand attempts to integrate religious groups and ideas often bring about a segregation of both, as people through encounter may become less tolerant of one another and less inclined to accept one another’s concepts and goals.
  Evolution in a spiritual sense comes either gradually or suddenly to men; and it is difficult for those in either category to appreciate the progress of those in the other.  How wise was he who said “With all thy getting get understanding.”  The business of educating humanity along the spiritual path is a great necessity at the present hour, therefore We are most concerned with the cutting edge of the sword of the Spirit that is held in the hand of the devotee, for it is the correct implementation of the Word, referred to in the Scriptures as the “sword of the Spirit,” that is all important to the evolving soul.
   Whether you fight under one flag or another as long as you are true to yourself and to the activation of the power of faith within your heart, as long as you are unfolding the principles of higher wisdom and removing the impediments of dogmatic interpretation that have prevented your acceptance of truth through the years, as long as you are amplifying a selfless love that recognizes what is real in the scientific manifestation of being you are a part of Our vanguard.  We want you to feel, each and every one of you, that the need for individual spiritual unfoldment is paramount.  Then We want you to see the value of collective associations and examinations of truth that follow the theme of the hour which must ever be acknowledged as Christly discrimination.
  Many rash deeds are done in the name of altruism whereas, if a little foresight had been exercised, much pain would have been spared to the self and to others.  Our concerns then lie in the forward movement of mankind in a service that is guided by the wholeness of cosmic reasonability and justice and in a purity that is free from personal pride, a purity that adheres with maximum effort to the principles of honesty for which there are no substitutes.
  As it has been said “God give us the freedom to do the right as we see it.”  May We then call forth in all of you the blessing of freedom to see with the eyes of Spirit the vision of one man transposed to become one world.  For only through the life-patterns of the masters of wisdom, only through living in keeping with the pure truth of Being will man and what he does become permanent.  He will not have to backtrack or to recycle old errors, for he will have transcended the world and all that’s in it.  Press on; keep on keeping on.  Only victory lies ahead!  For Hierarchy I remain graciously,   Vaivasvata Manu    Pearls of Wisdom 12:41  


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