Tuesday, July 21, 2020


  we must understand that the energies of which the veil is comprised—whether they appear to be pride, hardness of heart, prejudice, hatred or human gluttony and greed—can be reduced to one common denominator which I expose in this discourse as fear.  This fear is the anxiety and uncertainty that emerge from deep within the recesses of human consciousness the moment that it separates itself from God.  Out of this fear there comes forth every dark form, every mania, every evil influence to which the race is heir.
   Truly it can be said thtat there are islands of dense substance, psychic pollution, located within the consciousness of mankind.  Under certain conditions always accompanied by an outburst of emotional energy these islands--again conglomerate globs of fear and  compounds of fear—rapidly unite with the mainland of negation in the mass consciousness of the world, at the same time amplifying the momentums of negation within the world of the individual.  This results in a great inrush of tides of unhappiness caused by an intensification of these qualities and conditions which are quite the reverse of the heavenly plan….
  What then can the modern-day disciple do to protect himself from evil intent and evil action which he finds manifesting within himself from the influences of other than benign manifestations in the world at large?  What precise measures can he take to counteract such tendencies?  How can he insulate himself from the influences of other than benign manifestations both within and without?…The schoolrooms of Earth contribute to mankind’s understanding of the outer world.  Philosophy and psychology as well as science and religion further to some degree man’s understanding of himself.  Yet there are a host of deficiencies within these disciplines; and the mass confusion and unhappiness of the day which occur at physical, mental and even spiritual levels confirm this fact.
  What then is fear?  First of all fear is vibration, negative vibration, a sense of misapprehension of life and its purposes.  But it is more than that, it is wrong custom….The memory of past failures keeps alive in the present the records of fear. …
  Indeed the Word of God affirmed in divine decree and reaffirmed by man in defense of righteousness and truth overcomes every temptation….If I might paraphrase one of your own poets:  “I drew a circle and shut Him out; He drew a circle and took me in.”  (Edwin Markham:  “Outwitted”)   
-Maitreya:  Overcoming of Fear through Decrees, in Science of the Spoken Word
  When man becomes a law uno himself the path of liberty is inverted and, like the children of Israel, he condemns himself to endless wanderings through a desert devoid of heavenly graces.  Then only a compassionate prophet like a Moses or a Saint Germain can deliver him.  This has been going on for century after century, and still the children of God have not perceived the great conspiracy of the false hierarchy.    
-Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Path of Self-Transformation, 2000, p. 79
 The power of right thought to guide the lives of men is often overlooked, for the preeminence that men give to ego-centered emotions when making decisions that will affect their entire lives leads them into wrong thought patterns and negative spirals that can produce only more ego-centered emotions….

  How easy it is for men and women to find fault with one another!  Yet how true it is that each such episode of faultfinding--when it is falsely based in any respect--brings forth a karmic recompense which may well create in the lives of the faultfinders those very faults that they so easily condemned in others.   
-Kuthumi:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:3

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