Thursday, July 16, 2020

ever on the alert to search out those manifestations that are subversive

  For my legions are agents of the Cosmic Christ, and they are ever on the alert to search out those manifestations that are subversive against the Christ and the unfolding Buddhic consciousness in mankind….
  For they are most zealous in the cause of ferreting out the dark ones; and there is a certain enjoyment, a certain reward that these angels, working with Ascended Beings and some among you who have already joined forces with them at etheric levels while your bodies sleep, hold dear.  You know, precious hearts, there is something of the sleuth in all mankind! …
   Thus I say that we do have openings in our ranks for those who would participate, by the use of the all-seeing Eye of God with the help of Cyclopea, in calling to the attention of Hierarchy persons and conditions, organizations and happenings that are not in keeping with the Law and that are a threat to the advancement of the light upon the planet….
  I desire also to acquaint you with the fact that in your service with the legions of K-17 you may don the cloak of invisibility.  The cloak of invisibility is a forcefield that can actually render you invisible as you walk in dangerous passages and along the highways in the service of the Brotherhood.  But I ask you to remember when you desire to be seen and to make the contact with souls of light, to request of your Christ Self that the cloak of invisibility be removed.
 Our own Messengers had an experience over which we have chuckled a number of times. As they walked together to a hotel in Colorado Springs they donned the cloak of invisibility so as to remain aloof from the large crowds of people that were gathered there.  They entered the restaurant, sat down, and waited to be served.  And they waited; and they signaled the waiters, who ran by madly, not even noticing them at all. After about an hour of this it suddenly occurred to them that they were wearing the cloak of invisibility. …
  But also remember that even without the cloak mankind do not always recognize the light.  They do not understand the sparkle of the eye, the purity and the love, the devotion which we behold upon your countenances….
  There are definitely times, as you will learn from my legions, when it is important to walk the earth incognito.  When you realize you are in the camp of the enemy and you are there to gather information and to learn what you can learn for the sake of the light, then you remain in the folds of the cloak of invisibility and your very conscience and soul tell you that silence is golden, that discretion is the better part of valor….
  I thank you for your gentle ears, your gentle hearts, your patience in receiving all that we have desired to bring you this night.  We salute you, and we do not take our leave of you.  For we shall remain with you as long as you desire our assistance.    K-17 at Land of Lanello, Colorado, Freedom 1973
  As I gazed upon the light sparkling in the night I thought upon the days when the company of volunteers journeyed with me to the planet Earth, each one carrying the torch of the dlame of Life.  And do you know that some among you made that journey as volunteers from Venus and from other systems of worlds to come to earth and to bring the power of the light?  You saw as I saw the great need, the great plight; for the Luciferians had determined to bring mankind to their very feet, to the very ground, and to manifest the low estate of what is known as the tail consciousness. 
 (by Ruth Hawkins)
-Sanat Kumara:  at Land of Lanello, Colorado, Freedom 1973 via Messenger ECP 
  In the name I AM I call for
Archangel Michael’s cloak of invincibility, invisibility and invulnerability to all not of the light and for Michael’s armor, sword, shield, crystalline helmet, boots and gauntlets, amen.     
=Messengers M & E Prophet
  When there is not the Shepherd to guide the sheep the sheep are scat­tered.  It is the scattering of the energies of your four lower bodies that concerns Us; and unless there be the lifting up of the Christ within you as the Good Shepherd of your own pasture, your own consciousness, how will you come into alignment with the inner Law of the flame?...
  Let there not be compromise within you!  Set the pattern and the promise that there may not be compromise in this nation or in any nation….Know that any compromise with the plan released by the ascended masters, any compromise with Their directives can only result in delay and more delay….If the cup of the Teaching is dashed, if the p  lan of the age, if the preparation for the incoming souls—if this is spilled upon the ground, who will recapture the sacred liquid?   
-Godfre:  2-22-1976 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
  Hear my call and  answer, O twinflames in love.  For by your wholeness you  are invincible, invulnerable. 
-Gautama Buddha:  4-23-1978  at NYC via Messenger ECP
   But those who have come here with the light of freedom burning in their breasts have not understood the threat of these tyrants nor have they understood the seeds implanted in their own subconscious to cause them to sway with the fallen ones rather than to walk with straight spine and straight arrow, with the mighty standard of the original Christ-purity upon which this nation is founded….
   Let there be alliances formed by the people themselves!  Let us not go through the United Nations or even through the government of this nation.      
   (Roger Bacon by Gordon Ross, 1941)-Saint Germain:  7-4-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles

   What the world needs today then is not less religion but more od the right kind.                
 (by Ruth Hawkins)
-Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:18
                            -Messenger E C Prophet:  Community, 2002
7-15-20  The CIA is running a secret cyberwar including Russian-style hack-and-leak operations with little or no oversight, US officials have warned.

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