Friday, August 9, 2019

Sometime, somewhere the sword of steel must be drawn and the right hand of the Buddha within you must be raised!

     There is great darkness at the end of this cycle, preparing for a new birth.  And where there is the vortex of the living Word within each and every one of you, there you may know that that self-luminous, intelligent energy--which is the will of God that has been imprisoned by black magicians and betrayers of the Word--itself seeks to make contact with the Mother’s heart….For unless there be an extraordinary transmutation, how can the age endure?   How can miracles of light come to pass? 
  And thus in an age of terrorism, in an age of depraved minds made so by all sorts of chemicals (many that are harmful that are a part of the daily fare even of the light-bearers) there is an opening such as there has not been before from the astral plane.  And there is a communication through the astral plane--through the vulnerable astral bodies of many upon earth in this era--of the death of the seed of the wicked, the death of the demons and the discarnates….And the communication must be identified by each and every one, for it is the death of that which has never lived.  It is the removal from existence, out of the forcefield of the Creator himself, of all that which never should have been, which has been the creation of the Nephilim coming forth out of their godless consciousness….
  And unless those who incarnate the living flame of peace [Messenger forms the abhaya mudra] raise the right hand for the manifestation of peace and the reversing of war, you can see that there is no stopping the fallen ones and their advancement, for they are marching to their own death march.  They have heard the death knell, and therefore they will march until they are no more!
  You must understand that they will march across any and every land where the freeborn allow it, where the sons of God do not intervene, where the children of the light do not have the shepherds to contact the living Word.  Sometime, somewhere the sword of steel must be drawn and the right hand of the Buddha within you must be raised!
  Realize then that nations are making decisions.  The president of the United States and his cabinet are making decisions--decisions that ought to be made by the people through their representatives in Congress!  Yet these decisions are being made and not questioned.  As greater and greater power is centered in one individual there is the greater opportunity for calamity by reason of the wrong choice and the wrong decision….
  There is a logic to victory.  And this victory can be won by pursuing the absolute God-control of the economies of the nations and the world.  So long as these rest in the hands of the fallen ones they will make token sanctions, they will make speeches that cause the people to clap their hands and jump up and down when in reality nothing is gained and perhaps more is lost! …
  Let the people of Earth who have borne the burden upon their backs and the economic yoke of the policies of the Nephilim, through the international banking-houses, no longer bear this burden!   Let them rather bear the burden of complete sanctions against the Soviet Union and the cutting-off of all supplies, technology and credit to those who are aligned with World Communism. …
  Precious hearts of light, my fiat is out of the heart of the will of God.  Its implementation--judicious, righteous, and at times with forbearance—must come through the Christ-flame of every son of God.  Let us begin with the obvious necessity and move toward it.
  After all how long will these United States of America and the nations where the I AM race dwell be in economic servitude to the planetary dragon and the beast* so that they will not be able to call the shot when the shot must be called?  If the people of the nations fear economic loss, then they have followed the wrong policy of becoming economically dependent in their commerce upon the nations of the fallen ones and the Nephilim gods.  There is no alliance at any level that God does not ordain the breaking of when that alliance is with the seed of the wicked. 
  Precious hearts on fire, all of your being--heart, soul, and mind, domestic, private, national, international--must immediately be disentangled from the world chains of slavery, forged not only militarily but especially economically by the seed of the wicked.  It is fear of physical/financial loss that causes the Western nations to refrain from joining what meager measures have been taken.  It is fear of war, fear of death, fear of the enemy.      
                               -El Morya:  12-31-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles
*planetary dragon and beast:  the dragon (Rev. 13:2, 4)--the international bankers; the beast “out of the sea” (Rev. 13:1)--the beast of world communism; the beast “out of the earth” (Rev. 13:11)--the beast of world capitalism.
  How can I speak through the vessel if the vessel be not stern in the strength of God, fierce and terrible before evil and uncompromising with friend or loved one or enemy?  For all receive the love of the sacred heart of this one [my Messenger], and therefore I can impart that love to you, multiplying the intensity of the heart that my Messenger does embody.  I seek to multiply the love of your heart. Therefore let the fat be consumed by the fire of the lamp, by the fire of the furnace, by the fire of the Mighty I AM Presence!  O be willing to be the chalice of God!  If the heart be not perfected, the Son cannot enter….  
  And thus for the two-thousand-year period of the age of Pisces I still hear the word “We have no need of Jesus Christ–we are Sons of God.”  And I bow my head before the Lord, who came unto me with so great a promise, and I say:  “How long, O Lord, shall I struggle with this stiff-necked generation who know all things and yet know nothing, for they have not perceived the Son of God, nor in Jesus nor in themselves nor in their contemporaries nor in the little child who shall lead them!”
  Therefore the cleavage [between the soul and the I AM THAT I AM] remains and shall remain.  And how long shall the Lord God extend opportunity unto those who in their spiritual pride deny their need for the Son of God?  If they have no need for the Son of God, how can they have need for God Himself?…
  Thus I say to you that at the core of the dweller-on-the-threshold within yourself is that point and it is the dot of the original beginning of the not-Self.  It is not the dot that produced the creation of you, the Christed being, but the dot that was the force, anti-Being.  That point, beloved, is what causes you to espouse evil, to fall into the hands of the Tempter, to deny the voice of the inner Christ, to deny the giving of love and compassion in words of comfort when you could easily give them rather than remain silent.  Therefore each one must root out of himself that which is a force of division and separation….Shall I tell you how many times I have simply withdrawn because I could not get your attention from outer focusing on the outer things of this world?  Well, I tell you, the events and personalities of the world will pass, and you will pass also….
  Every day is opportunity to receive of my fire!  How can you leave me and expect that I will follow you?…
  As someone once told the Messenger regarding a loved one, you cannot simply transplant a little flower, for it will not grow in another soil.  So you see, beloved, if I should pick you up and place you now in the true Shamballa of the East, you might be happy there for an hour or a day or three days.  But pretty soon you would say “Take me back to the scene of the familiar, the scene of my karma, the people I know, the people I need and those who need me.”  So you see, beloved, for this acceleration, greater than that which is usual, there must come about in you a leap in consciousness.    
 -El Morya:  6-26-1992 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
  It is a question of vibration, beloved ones.  When your vibration is somehow tied to the world by this or that, then you see I must defend you not only against the enemies of the Church but against your own vibrations and the vibrations of the world that you might yet knowingly or unknowingly cling to….But how can I rescue you from yourself?
  Well, I will tell you how.  I can give you labors on these substances and their false hierarchies, but it must begin with you.  It must begin with the will.  And it is not only the women and the mothers [whom I address] but it is all of you, for you are giving birth to yourselves.  And what you will give birth to in this lifetime as the example of your cause and your victory and your ascension, beloved, depends [in part] on the decisions you make regarding these substances.
  I wish to tell you that as long as you have these substances in you, starting first with alcohol, I cannot lock my Electronic Presence about you.  It does not even matter if it is less than one percent or a fraction thereof.  Even when the alcohol has been removed, the mark of alcohol yet remains.  And therefore when you partake for instance of beers and wines that contain within them a fraction of the amount or a shadow of the amount [of the alcohol] that was formerly in them because it has been removed, you are yet in the vibration of that substance, you are yet in the vibration of that alcohol [and the state of mind and behavior that goes along with it].
  And therefore you are affected and you do not realize that you are affected, and you do not notice because the covering over of your mind with the alcohol itself does not allow you to see that you do not have the powerful contact with me that you could have….It is no small task to meet the challenge of the IRS but it is an even greater task to deal with alcoholism nation by nation. Yet it is a plague upon the youth [that you must confront with the full fire of the Holy Ghost].
 Thus I tell you, beloved, in the matter of the other substances named, such as nicotine and caffeine, such as sugar and chocolate, beware, for there is the same effect.  And beware, mothers in this Community, lest you pride yourselves in abstaining from these things and yet [partake of too many] yin foods because you know not the difference….
  I would tell you that in the Soviet Union and its fragmentation we find an instability even greater than before [its disintegration].  We find a malintent on the part of the military and many, many, many lifestreams throughout that vast expanse of territory who are yet fully tethered to the force of their own dweller-on-the-threshold and the force of Antichrist.
  Blessed ones, even in the matter of the pollution of the seas and the earth do you not understand how [human] life is not regarded of supreme worth because [human] life is not recognized as being the receptacle of the Christ?
  Our Messenger brought to you the report on this pollution of the environment by the Soviets and this nation and did deliver to you my message that the violet flame is truly able to transmute that toxic radioactive substance that could [one day] affect you through the foodchain.
  Beloved ones, it is no small matter and those who do not know what to do about it do minimize the negative effects.  The effects are negative!  You see far less toxins [than those released in the Arctic and Norwegian seas] literally causing a change in the genes of the entire human race!  If you could see what fine bodies people had thousands of years ago upon earth in ages when there was not pollution [and in ancient] golden-age societies, you would be amazed to realize how degenerated your bodies have become and how difficult [they are to maintain]….
  Beloved hearts, it did not matter that Jesus would not become a carpenter full-time, but it did matter that he master a trade [that would bring balance–heart, head and hand--to his mission]!  Let it be so with the children.  Let the children not be set aside and deterred.  May you help them develop their Christhood.  May you enable them to know that this land is their land and that they [with this entire generation] are the inheritors of the Earth….
  Now is the time to stay with me at the altar of our God.  Purusha!  I send the breath for the quickening of your own.        
                -El Morya:  12-13-1992 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana


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