The level of spiritual culture of the world has waned with the increase of material knowledge and the emphasis that has been placed upon worldly success. Let me make clear that mankind need not cast aside prosperity and success in order to be spiritual, but by a like token they do not need to cast aside spirituality in order to be materially prosperous and successful. High ethics and high standards always evoke a benevolent karma wherein all success can be translated into God-success….
Now I would like to point out the shifting pattern in the values of men that has been outpictured in the current age. This is the result of the interplay of old karmic patterns upon a new permissiveness in society which has been advocated through works of fiction and nonfiction dramatized on the stage, on film and in radio and television. We find that this accent on material happiness has led to a greater preoccupation with materialism….
Since men have the tendency to take sides, those who would manipulate nations and peoples find it to their advantage to divide humanity and to pit them against one another as a mean of controlling the world. -Alexander Gaylord: Pearls of Wisdom 13:26
80. Reflect on the manifestation of thought. Realize its omnipresence and rejoice at the laboratory of thought that, from the mineral cell up to the infinite, links all kingdoms. The magnetic wave, the electric spark and thought--these three voyagers greet those who strive into the infinite. -M: Agni Yoga 1929
373. The understanding of cooperation readily brings one to cooperation with the forces of nature. Where is the boundary between the forces of nature and spiritualization? -M: Heart 1932
140. It is sad to see how people limit themselves and try to destroy the universe. Perhaps overproduction, competition and distortion of the meaning of life will bring humanity into a blind alley, and then it will be obliged to stop and think. Because by setting aside all limitations the recognition of the higher worlds will come along. -M: Fiery World 1934
146. Space breathes, space resounds and creates. As little is known about spatial currents as about the higher worlds. The fiery essence which permeates all that lives is cosmic Fire, emanating from the depths of the cosmos and proceeding into infinite creative manifestation. Rightly have been related the miracles of life. Fiery creativeness is a law of the cosmos. The impregnation of cosmic energy is a law of the cosmos. In omnipresence it attests its tension; ts omnipresence is expressed in all life. This Fire of space impregnates thought by unification of subtle energies. Space contains subtle forms ready for materialization. One has but to awaken in oneself those energies which can be unified for creative power. Thought and aspiration are the forerunners which can attract spatial fertilization. In ancient times the significance of invocations to the higher beings was known, therefore thought-creativeness is a great manifestation in the cosmos, for the Fire of space assumes forms in the Spirit manifested on the planet.
(by H. Schmiechen, 1884)
-Morya: Fiery World 1935
Love is the foundation whereby truth might triumph. Love is the homefire burning in the heart of Mother to which you return after each battle. The love of Our heart is for the cleansing and anointing of the wounds of life. The love of Our heart is to catch each tear as the soul rejoices to behold the person of the living Savior.
We are Mother in heaven and in earth. And Our Mother’s heart perceives now the little children who tremble, for love has forced out both the real and the unreal from their parents, their teachers, their society, their civilization. And their hearts beat fastly as their heads turn and wonder whether the sounds in the air or in the earth signify military warfare or merely the coming of some new supersonic jet.
Little children nation by nation are waiting to be God-taught in the way of the I AM Presence, in the way of their own souls’ dominion. And the child of every age is longing for the vision of truth and of Mother.

-Lady Venus: Pearls of Wisdom 23:31 .............................................................................................
There is more than one form of cataclysm, as you have seen. And so often it is that in the physical absence of the Messenger those dimensions of the human consciousness that are kept at bay do come forth, and that by Our will. For it is the desire of the Great White Brotherhood to show the people of America and the Keepers of the Flame what is lurking at the very threshold of consciousness and beneath the surface of the earth that must be transmuted, must be challenged and must be faced.
Therefore elemental life by order of the Lords of Karma, bringing to the surface then the turbulence in the heart of the earth, makes plain to all those who read the handwriting in the rock itself that this planetary body contains a residue of karma of molten lava and ash spewing forth that must be there and must precipitate for redemption.
Those who are no longer so superstitious as to take from nature the judgments of the Almighty do err. For this indeed is not superstition but the communication of the Lord’s hosts through nature itself when all other communications fail because their ears are waxed dull and their hearts are hardened unto the very Presence of the Lord.

-Saint Germain: 6-1-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles ..............................................................................
Hail, sons of light! I descend into your midst by the action of the Lord’s hosts, the unified action of the seven archangels. And I AM that Michael, that prince who shall stand for the children of the people of the Ancient of Days...
I AM leading the armies of heaven with Sanat Kumara. I enlist you as bearers of his light. Now enter as you have never entered before. For I tell you, by the dispensations made known to me this day by the Lords of Karma there is every reason to believe that more and more light and more and more miracles will manifest by your certain choice of freedom.
O my beloved, be free to be servants of the will of God. I AM here now. I AM here for the binding of all that stands between you and your very first love of that will of God. Burn through, O flaming hosts! Burn through! Burn through! Burn through! So in the Word of the Great Guru of the people I say: Let my people go!

-Archangel Michael: 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
The light is sent forth from the very heart of God. And I AM the Goddess of Liberty. And I AM the flame of liberty burning within your heart. O my children, as my eye perceives the goal of life so I penetrate thy soul to uplift, to upraise, to make you whole and to move you in cosmic dimensions toward the greater goal of life.
Now in this hour of greater peril than you know, our Karmic Board of emissaries of justice and goodwill confer and bestow upon you Our Word, the first to be heard in this decade on the eve of the Fourth of July.
Our hearts have crystallized a grand matrix of truth. And We are here for the preparations of a life that must be lived as a two-edged sword--a life that must be lived continuing, continuing as the Good Shepherd to draw the sheep into the sheepfold, and yet a life that must take care, a life that must take care for the very survival of the soul, body, mind and continuity of evolution of lightbearers.
Thus I am reminded of the passing of a torch nine months ago. I am reminded of the transfer of responsibility to Keepers of the Flame for transition. Transition into what? It is into the higher vibration and into levels of the new age. As they descend so those who are moving as an army of light before the population of Earth must ascend to meet the descending light, to converge with it and thereby, in that resplendent glory, reflect the oncoming Word unto those yet living in the valleys of life.
Thus, my beloved, Saint Germain has sent forth the call for the two-edged sword to save America and to survive. Both can be done by a practical application of the Law and by the Eye of Omega still upon your goal after these thousands upon thousands of years. Thus there are lines of force that are drawn. There are magnets of light yet to be assembled.
We come for your own integration with the eighth ray. We come to seal you in a larger purpose than that to which your lives are geared from day to day. Our community of lightbearers upon earth does not rest in a metaphysical metaphor. It is to us a very living and tangible reality.
If We could hold a desire in Our hearts for you that We would desire to be your desire, it is the assembling of the rods and cones of your varying and manifold light-identities in a closer molecule of service and living and giving of self unto God.
We would see that Inner Retreat manifest and with all deliberate haste--paced of course to the rhythm always of the heartbeat of Saint Germain. We would see you come together in a greater understanding of the true meaning of home and in all of those necessities of life that bring out the potential, the independence, the pioneer spirit.
You are all pioneers from the Great God Star. And at this conclusion of an age simultaneously with the dawn of another it is the arcing of the light of Sirius that is become your principal assignment, that the Great White Brotherhood and its God-government in the galaxies might have that physical focus which is necessary in order for those beings of light as well as the divine plan of God to manifest in the earth.
From century to century, emissaries of Sirius, sons of God, have sought to establish the nucleus of light that would anchor that certain elevation of light that is a certain key from the God Star in the very physical earth itself. From time to time these have succeeded but usually only temporarily.
Thus with the going out of the light of the nucleus of the God-Star itself there have come periods of darkness and misapplication of the Law, followed by chaos and old night and deterioration. Thus desolations, as the cold winds crossing the desert, have in their own time and space made the human consciousness itself a wasteland devoid of the cosmic connection with the God-Star.
Thus We plan ahead. Thus We come to inform you that the Great White Brotherhood, Surya, the Lords of Karma and the sponsoring hierarchy of your own souls are ready to accelerate a physical location for the Inner Retreat as well as your own souls’ development into the understanding of our molecule of light.
Saint Germain and Cyclopea have dwelt upon that magnificent conception of the drawing of the components of the capstone. This capstone, beloved ones, of which Cyclopea has spoken is the capstone of effort of the evolutions of the God Star to raise Earth into the greatest light and the greatest story of all history that has ever transpired here.
Now with conditions moving behind the scenes midst the manipulators of the people who ever return to spawn their darkness in the world We who understand the cycles of Life know that many of you who are not even aware of the need to be a part of that Inner Retreat do indeed have a very great need to assemble yourselves there in that community that We desire to establish through Lord Maitreya through the Mother for the ongoingness of Life--of the teaching, the teacher and the disciple.
Therefore We make known to you this great joy bursting in Our hearts as the love-flame. For We understand what a great leaven is the intimate community of families of light and new-age children who have the intense love of the Lord Sanat Kumara and his many servant-sons one toward another.

-Goddess of Liberty: 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Now you seek to implement this desire of Our hearts, and We are here to work through you. You need only to gather together, to counsel with the Lord and His hosts and you will receive the answers and the divine direction that is needed. Take courage, all. And take heart! There is yet an hour to give your life to the victory of Saint Germain. Lo, I AM his servant and his chela, lo, I AM THAT I AM.

-Afra: 7-5-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles ......................................................................................................
May you hear this my Word of God frequently to remind you that you are most beloved, that you are chosen as children of the light to be inheritors of full sonship, and that you are called with a great calling of the ages. It is the call of Camelot, it is the call of the Ancient of Days, it is the call of the Community of the Holy Spirit. It is the call to come apart now and be a separate and chosen people unto the Lord thy God!
It is the call of the Lord to make haste and to go to the mountains and to send forth the light, even the light from within the Inner Retreat that you may be found in a haven of safety and purity and love and strength by oneness when the Word does go forth for the full exposure of the Nephilim and the fallen ones. And when the reaction does come see to it that ye are found in the very Holy of Holies....
Understand this mystery of the Holy Grail: thy Holy Grail is infinite—even the chalice, even the flame, even the fullness of thy Identity. Therefore naught can stand in the presence of the Lord this day! Thus you see, my beloved, that until within the secret chamber of your heart the light of infinity cancels out the prison bars of time and space, not until that occurrence can the days be shortened for the elect or the wicked be brought to immediate judgment.
Thus the Lord has spoken out of the temple of the tabernacle: Thus far and no farther. Thus far and no farther! Thus shall you repeat in the hour of your challenge and rebuke of every lie and injustice and inconsistency of these fallen ones: “Thus far and no farther!” And that mighty hand of the Lord of the World shall be upon your hand as you speak with that authority of Gautama Buddha, of Jesus Christ and of your own blessed God-Self.

-Archangel Uriel: 7-6-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
We are Mother in heaven and in earth. And Our Mother’s heart perceives now the little children who tremble, for love has forced out both the real and the unreal from their parents, their teachers, their society, their civilization. And their hearts beat fastly as their heads turn and wonder whether the sounds in the air or in the earth signify military warfare or merely the coming of some new supersonic jet.
Little children nation by nation are waiting to be God-taught in the way of the I AM Presence, in the way of their own souls’ dominion. And the child of every age is longing for the vision of truth and of Mother.

-Lady Venus: Pearls of Wisdom 23:31 .............................................................................................
There is more than one form of cataclysm, as you have seen. And so often it is that in the physical absence of the Messenger those dimensions of the human consciousness that are kept at bay do come forth, and that by Our will. For it is the desire of the Great White Brotherhood to show the people of America and the Keepers of the Flame what is lurking at the very threshold of consciousness and beneath the surface of the earth that must be transmuted, must be challenged and must be faced.
Therefore elemental life by order of the Lords of Karma, bringing to the surface then the turbulence in the heart of the earth, makes plain to all those who read the handwriting in the rock itself that this planetary body contains a residue of karma of molten lava and ash spewing forth that must be there and must precipitate for redemption.
Those who are no longer so superstitious as to take from nature the judgments of the Almighty do err. For this indeed is not superstition but the communication of the Lord’s hosts through nature itself when all other communications fail because their ears are waxed dull and their hearts are hardened unto the very Presence of the Lord.
-Saint Germain: 6-1-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles ..............................................................................
Hail, sons of light! I descend into your midst by the action of the Lord’s hosts, the unified action of the seven archangels. And I AM that Michael, that prince who shall stand for the children of the people of the Ancient of Days...
I AM leading the armies of heaven with Sanat Kumara. I enlist you as bearers of his light. Now enter as you have never entered before. For I tell you, by the dispensations made known to me this day by the Lords of Karma there is every reason to believe that more and more light and more and more miracles will manifest by your certain choice of freedom.
O my beloved, be free to be servants of the will of God. I AM here now. I AM here for the binding of all that stands between you and your very first love of that will of God. Burn through, O flaming hosts! Burn through! Burn through! Burn through! So in the Word of the Great Guru of the people I say: Let my people go!
-Archangel Michael: 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
The light is sent forth from the very heart of God. And I AM the Goddess of Liberty. And I AM the flame of liberty burning within your heart. O my children, as my eye perceives the goal of life so I penetrate thy soul to uplift, to upraise, to make you whole and to move you in cosmic dimensions toward the greater goal of life.
Now in this hour of greater peril than you know, our Karmic Board of emissaries of justice and goodwill confer and bestow upon you Our Word, the first to be heard in this decade on the eve of the Fourth of July.
Our hearts have crystallized a grand matrix of truth. And We are here for the preparations of a life that must be lived as a two-edged sword--a life that must be lived continuing, continuing as the Good Shepherd to draw the sheep into the sheepfold, and yet a life that must take care, a life that must take care for the very survival of the soul, body, mind and continuity of evolution of lightbearers.
Thus I am reminded of the passing of a torch nine months ago. I am reminded of the transfer of responsibility to Keepers of the Flame for transition. Transition into what? It is into the higher vibration and into levels of the new age. As they descend so those who are moving as an army of light before the population of Earth must ascend to meet the descending light, to converge with it and thereby, in that resplendent glory, reflect the oncoming Word unto those yet living in the valleys of life.
Thus, my beloved, Saint Germain has sent forth the call for the two-edged sword to save America and to survive. Both can be done by a practical application of the Law and by the Eye of Omega still upon your goal after these thousands upon thousands of years. Thus there are lines of force that are drawn. There are magnets of light yet to be assembled.
We come for your own integration with the eighth ray. We come to seal you in a larger purpose than that to which your lives are geared from day to day. Our community of lightbearers upon earth does not rest in a metaphysical metaphor. It is to us a very living and tangible reality.
If We could hold a desire in Our hearts for you that We would desire to be your desire, it is the assembling of the rods and cones of your varying and manifold light-identities in a closer molecule of service and living and giving of self unto God.
We would see that Inner Retreat manifest and with all deliberate haste--paced of course to the rhythm always of the heartbeat of Saint Germain. We would see you come together in a greater understanding of the true meaning of home and in all of those necessities of life that bring out the potential, the independence, the pioneer spirit.
You are all pioneers from the Great God Star. And at this conclusion of an age simultaneously with the dawn of another it is the arcing of the light of Sirius that is become your principal assignment, that the Great White Brotherhood and its God-government in the galaxies might have that physical focus which is necessary in order for those beings of light as well as the divine plan of God to manifest in the earth.
From century to century, emissaries of Sirius, sons of God, have sought to establish the nucleus of light that would anchor that certain elevation of light that is a certain key from the God Star in the very physical earth itself. From time to time these have succeeded but usually only temporarily.
Thus with the going out of the light of the nucleus of the God-Star itself there have come periods of darkness and misapplication of the Law, followed by chaos and old night and deterioration. Thus desolations, as the cold winds crossing the desert, have in their own time and space made the human consciousness itself a wasteland devoid of the cosmic connection with the God-Star.
Thus We plan ahead. Thus We come to inform you that the Great White Brotherhood, Surya, the Lords of Karma and the sponsoring hierarchy of your own souls are ready to accelerate a physical location for the Inner Retreat as well as your own souls’ development into the understanding of our molecule of light.
Saint Germain and Cyclopea have dwelt upon that magnificent conception of the drawing of the components of the capstone. This capstone, beloved ones, of which Cyclopea has spoken is the capstone of effort of the evolutions of the God Star to raise Earth into the greatest light and the greatest story of all history that has ever transpired here.
Now with conditions moving behind the scenes midst the manipulators of the people who ever return to spawn their darkness in the world We who understand the cycles of Life know that many of you who are not even aware of the need to be a part of that Inner Retreat do indeed have a very great need to assemble yourselves there in that community that We desire to establish through Lord Maitreya through the Mother for the ongoingness of Life--of the teaching, the teacher and the disciple.
Therefore We make known to you this great joy bursting in Our hearts as the love-flame. For We understand what a great leaven is the intimate community of families of light and new-age children who have the intense love of the Lord Sanat Kumara and his many servant-sons one toward another.

-Goddess of Liberty: 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Now you seek to implement this desire of Our hearts, and We are here to work through you. You need only to gather together, to counsel with the Lord and His hosts and you will receive the answers and the divine direction that is needed. Take courage, all. And take heart! There is yet an hour to give your life to the victory of Saint Germain. Lo, I AM his servant and his chela, lo, I AM THAT I AM.

-Afra: 7-5-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles ......................................................................................................
May you hear this my Word of God frequently to remind you that you are most beloved, that you are chosen as children of the light to be inheritors of full sonship, and that you are called with a great calling of the ages. It is the call of Camelot, it is the call of the Ancient of Days, it is the call of the Community of the Holy Spirit. It is the call to come apart now and be a separate and chosen people unto the Lord thy God!
It is the call of the Lord to make haste and to go to the mountains and to send forth the light, even the light from within the Inner Retreat that you may be found in a haven of safety and purity and love and strength by oneness when the Word does go forth for the full exposure of the Nephilim and the fallen ones. And when the reaction does come see to it that ye are found in the very Holy of Holies....
Understand this mystery of the Holy Grail: thy Holy Grail is infinite—even the chalice, even the flame, even the fullness of thy Identity. Therefore naught can stand in the presence of the Lord this day! Thus you see, my beloved, that until within the secret chamber of your heart the light of infinity cancels out the prison bars of time and space, not until that occurrence can the days be shortened for the elect or the wicked be brought to immediate judgment.
Thus the Lord has spoken out of the temple of the tabernacle: Thus far and no farther. Thus far and no farther! Thus shall you repeat in the hour of your challenge and rebuke of every lie and injustice and inconsistency of these fallen ones: “Thus far and no farther!” And that mighty hand of the Lord of the World shall be upon your hand as you speak with that authority of Gautama Buddha, of Jesus Christ and of your own blessed God-Self.

-Archangel Uriel: 7-6-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
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