653. Indignation is indeed justified when people wish to crown their city with a monstrous tower and build a tavern on top of it. -Morya: Fiery World 1933
1) We the spiritual Board of Directors (7 chohans), with the assistance of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, do ordain and dedicate the Keepers of the Flame Lessons as an official channel which shall serve to further enlighten mankind and to vanquish ignorance by the light and power of the God-flame. The sacred knowledge of the flame which we are pledged to release in these lessons will provide a safe platform for ascending souls--one that is so well lighted that none who examine it with an objective heart need ever hesitate to cross the threshold into life and truth.
-MORYA EL Chohan of the First Ray, Chief of the Darjeeling Council, The Great White Brotherhood http://tsl.org/keepersoftheflame/lessons/mod/lesson/view.php?id=86&pageid=36
2) Deviations from the Law have many consequences far beyond what you realize. Like the rings that form after you throw a stone into the water, so the ripples of inharmony continue and the karma is great.
-Saint Germain, 7-4-1974 via ECP
3) How can we hold up the chelas as examples of the Law when they fail to know the Law? How can you be an advocate, a lawyer in defense of your own Christ flame, let alone the Christ consciousness of mankind, when you fail to study our Word?
We speak for a reason. Many times we release through the Messengers directions which are not understood by the devotee, and sometimes they are not even understood by the Messenger. But when they are heeded you will find the bursting forth of that buttercup of understanding, that little flower, the fiery golden flower, that bursts in the fields of the world. That bursting of illumination--that is the reason for the teaching. That is the reason for the direction. That is the reason for obedience. If you are not obedient, not willing and not loving in your obedience in these simple things you will never pass beyond your training under the Lord of the First Ray….
But as stones you are unmoved. It was too easy! So you think it is easy to be a pupil of the ascended masters? You think it is easy to get into our retreats? You think that we do not sweat for our chelas? You think that we do not have to give answer to hierarchies of light?
Well, I tell you, I have come from the Royal Teton this day because I have had to give answer for these chelas and the answer was as it was told me.
There is no more opportunity for me to give my diamonds of goodwill to those lacking in goodwill….You must not take for granted because you have passed through Summit University, or been on the staff or because you are a Keeper of the Flame or because you have read our releases that suddenly you will become a world avatar. We cannot crown you with a crown that you have not earned. Therefore let us consider the consequences of idling in selfishness, of selfish indulgence, of even toying with the idea of deserting the Masters or the Mother in the hour of the crisis. -El Morya: 11-16-1975 dictation at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
4) Because the opposition is to the contact in every form you must understand that it is also leveled against your own contact with your own God Presence I AM. It is leveled against the open door betwixt the light and the soul evolving toward the light. Therefore in order to release the necessary supply you will have to sustain a momentum of invocations and call to clear the way--the great highway of light--for that energy to be released to you that has been decreed by the Cosmic Council, that ought to come to you and be released to you from the Great Central Sun. -Saint Germain: 4-24-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger ECP
5) visualize the ascension coil...forming a rising pyramid; (that spiral) is the grid and forcefield for your victory. -Elohim Amora: 7-4-1977 via Messenger ECP
6) Be not then interpreters of the Word. Be the Word! And let the interpretation be the judgment of the action that proceeds. By their fruits ye shall know them. Be the Tree of Life....
But many are caught up for years and years and think that they have a certain attainment because by some spiritual or other process of mental cogitation or meditation they are able to bring about change--a change that is never the alchemy of the Holy Spirit reforming the mind, the soul and the being, that is not the alchemy whereby the soul experiences the rebirth--but a change that is the rearrangement of dust, the rearrangement of matter molecules.
-Lanto: 11-13-1977 at San Francisco via Messenger ECP
7) And so you see coming forth now the compromise whereby those who represent Christ enter into those pacts with the fallen ones. It becomes a question of the ends justifying the means. A Machiavellian logic therefore enters the church, enters the synagogue, enters the house of the Lord; and those priests who have not themselves the conversion, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, who have not yet become the incarnation of the Christ are then reduced to a level of communication that does not originate in God. And the decisions they make are political decisions to move then in compromise--to compromise the integrity of the Law and to submit themselves to the princes of this world and the powers of this world. Beloved ones, the Fallen One offered the Lord Christ all of the kingdoms of this world if he would fall down and worship them (the fallen ones). That same offer is made to the head of the Church, to the cardinals. -Gautama Buddha: Pearls of Wisdom 21:36 (1978)

8) Beloved hearts, there is very little difference to the untrained eye of those initiators who claim to initiate the people in the third eye or in other chakras and the real transfer of light from Sanat Kumara. Without the purging and the cleansing of your own chakras you yourselves--without this training and this path and this Teaching--would not necessarily discern the difference. Hearken unto this and remember! For there are many charlatans and many psychics in the world today who can perform these signs and wonders. And thereby they call upon the name of the Lord yet the Lord is not nigh unto them! Thus the miracles of the representatives of God are for believers and they are not flaunted before the fallen ones. Thus you must be careful and judge righteous judgment when considering where is the flow of true light and where is its counterfeit.
-Lord Ling, Pearl 24:4
9) ...when the facts are known and when the hosts of the LORD are free to enter the physical octave to cut them (various deceived souols) free therefore from the binding power of the hypnotism of Serpent and his seed on a planetary level. For the lie itself is infectious and it is a seducing spirit that would seduce the Woman and her seed. And this seduction is in the mind, it is in the soul, it is in the chakras. -Saint Germain: Pearl 26:42
10) I say to you, beloved, beware of those who feign allegiance, surrender or sacrifice. Beware of their pitiful presence. Beware of their singed wings and their hollowed-out forms that are indeed not a chalice but haunted houses, whited sepulchers.
Beware the living dead who in the final expression of death itself seem to have the shine, the glamour that does pretend to be of the true light. These will always attempt to enter and remain in the Community of the Holy Spirit. Having the sense, the animal sense (of self-preservation), beloved, they carefully hide behind the mask they have created and they hide behind the light invoked by the lightbearers.
-Elohim Astrea: Pearl 30:50
11) You must seek the standard of the living Word. You must consider what we have been talking about for a quarter of a century and more in previous activities. And you must learn to bring down to the actions of daily life the Law that we are teaching....And be grateful that you know the Law whereby you can so easily be delivered from your mistakes. -Omri-Tas: 7-7-1984 at RTR, Montana
12) We also glimpse the spiritual graces through the alternate manifestations of sickness and health and the ups and downs of the economy that so affect our world--and sadly. For here man--by reason of his artificiality, his fickleness, his shams and hypocrises (all masks of his pseudo-self)--has created the illusions of life that make him think that God plays hide-and-seek with him. And we ourselves have set up the obstacles to the crystal mirror and the clear seeing of the Divine Image all around us.
-Messenger ECP
13) In the pain of parting and anger or argument, beloved, in the moment of separation which discord brings as well as the destruction of the filigree pattern of the renewal of the ancient tie, there must be seen the value and the preciousness of the oneness in the whitefire core of being regardless of all outer manifestations. Thus there is a holiness and a grace between one another that must be observed.
-Lady Venus: Pearl 29:8
14) This is the law of integrity (i.e., the soul's inner integration with the Spirit Most Holy) which is the foundation of existence. Each one of us must be able to defeat any and every type of invading force that seeks to cross the line--the circle--of our integral selfhood, as Above so below in heaven and on earth. -Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Pearl 31:71C
15) We have to use them wisely. We cannot assume that we will always have these dispensations available to us. In fact the Solar Logoi have at times withdrawn their offers when the energy they granted was misused.
-Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Pearl 42:4
16) We expect no further compromise with human error, adversities, families that have become tyrants and dictators who have told you you cannot do this and you cannot do that.
-Lanello: Pearl 44:26
17) We need lightbearers everywhere, but the nucleus here must surely be strong to maintain a flame that is able to withstand the increasing onslaughts of the fallen ones, who know the source of their challengers, who know the source of the light that does defy their evil deeds and their darkness. Never, never, never underestimate the importance of your role as a part of this Community worldwide and most especially as a part of this staff. It is a path, beloved, that is sponsored by ourselves. It is a path whereby you may balance karma in a service to the ascended masters and in the fulfilling of their purposes.
-Helios: 7-4-1991 at RTR
18) Note well, beloved, that once these birds of prey have been allowed in it does require a greater-than-human force to eliminate them. But the first requirement is desire, the desire to be free of demons, entities and false hierarchs who come to empower you, to give you the sense of great strength, to give you the sense that you somehow have a superior mind, a superior energy and the ability to manipulate others. This is the beginning of the left-handed path. It begins, as I have said, when you allow into your house that which is unclean, that which is prideful, that which is the spirit of anger. Thus you see, unless you come to your knees, confess this and literally vomit up out of your being these foul spirits, things will only go from bad to worse.
The temptation to enter the left-handed path comes to individuals in every religious movement. There are always some who are infested with foul spirits, and the open door to those spirits is always anger and pride and the desire for power and the power to control others. And the more individuals are puffed up in this state the more they attract to themselves false hierarchs, ghostly shadows of discarnates that now become a part of their aura, and thereby their selfhood is altered.
To you then who have received so much comes this warning from the Lords of Karma and from ourselves: be vigilant that you do not allow the false thief to come in the night to take from you the wholeness and oneness of your being in God. -Vairochana: 12-31-93 at RTR
19) Practicing rebellion against the inner law of the cells and atoms of our being we become practitioners of witchcraft against ourselves. We have programmed ourselves, allowed ourselves to be programmed to the success cult, the sex cult and the death cult....
All of these struggles are really internal, but we imagine that we are acting them out with other individuals, other people who are really other aspects of God in various stages of evolution....
The reason we need a Guru who is an ascended master, an archangel, an Elohim, a cosmic being, the reason we need the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood is that this dweller-on-the-threshold and all of the beasts of prey that sit on those four quadrants have become more powerful than we have (realized). -Messenger ECP: Predict Your Future, 2004
20) Summit Lighthouse "spiritual director" David Drye, 2011-18
-note bene
21) The true spiritual directors of the Summit Lighthouse are the 7 founding fathers/sponsors--Archangel Michael, Elohim Peace, Saint Germain, Morya El, Maha Chohan, Gautama, Godfre--as well as the entire Spirit of the Brotherhood with Mother. The RT Ranch folks are not the patriarchs/lawgivers of this activity, but the 2 Messengers are, as given at Shasta; staff and chelas are the patrons and patriots. From this simple mixup, compounded and compounded, comes all this long mess of mistakes through the RTR. -R, Mt. Shasta

aha Chohan