Saturday, February 14, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
interview with President of Egypt; and chained their energies to the wiles of the masters of deceit
interview with President of Egypt:
When the head of state of this nation fails utterly to challenge the fallen ones who enslave peoples in the nations of the Earth there is a dropping of the torch of freedom and a great karma that accrues to the not support those candidates who cry "Peace!" but will not defend peace with honor and are ready to appease and to capitulate to every demand of darkness both foreign and domestic. Precious ones, the stand for light must be taken at every level....
Beloved ones, those who have sworn to destroy this nation and therefore the platform of freedom for all nations have encamped in your very midst and they are the rats in the granary of America and they have freedom unparalleled in the history of nations to work against the light. Beloved ones, your means of energy, your reservoirs are unprotected and easily subject to sabotage. -Gautama Buddha: 4-23-1978 at NYC via Messenger ECP
The keeper of the lighthouse must tend the light, must keep the lamp burning bright, must know that all is well through the night--in storm, in rain and in fair weather. For if the ships do not see the light they may be wrecked upon the rocky shore or they may not reach the shore at all....
And the great barrier to the bringing in of the golden age in America and in Terra is human selfishness....The fallen ones are marching, and the Martian evolutions on the astral plane are combining their forces to reinforce the dragon of world take-over so that this Earth may become the coordinate of Mars under a one-world darkness of the fallen ones. Precious hearts, there is no resistance!...
I tell you it will take a revolution in consciousness! And the people of America and of the nations of the free world will have to surrender their selfishness if they are to win in the name of true freedom upon Terra. -Saint Germain: 3-7-1976 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
The most skilled among the false hierarchy who abide in the astral plane appear regularly to receptive channels in embodiment. They impersonate the ascended masters with such cunning that many sincere seekers have been fooled. Thinking they were in the presence of one or more of the ascended masters they have dedicated themselves unwittingly to the cause of Darkness and chained their energies to the wiles of the masters of deceit.
It is the policy of the false hierarchy to trap mankind by imitating the dictations of the ascended masters. This they accomplish by parroting truisms. When they have lulled their listeners into a state of false peace and utter self-satisfaction they introduce points of doctrine that are in absolute contradiction to cosmic law. These deviations from basic truth are couched in glowing terms and rationalized to the ego by appeals to pride and the desire to be thought wise among men
-Messengers Mark and E C Prophet, see!&hl=en&sa=X&ei=4W7eVPKMLcitoQTLnICwDQ&ved=0CDQQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20enslave%20peace!&f=false
When the head of state of this nation fails utterly to challenge the fallen ones who enslave peoples in the nations of the Earth there is a dropping of the torch of freedom and a great karma that accrues to the not support those candidates who cry "Peace!" but will not defend peace with honor and are ready to appease and to capitulate to every demand of darkness both foreign and domestic. Precious ones, the stand for light must be taken at every level....
Beloved ones, those who have sworn to destroy this nation and therefore the platform of freedom for all nations have encamped in your very midst and they are the rats in the granary of America and they have freedom unparalleled in the history of nations to work against the light. Beloved ones, your means of energy, your reservoirs are unprotected and easily subject to sabotage. -Gautama Buddha: 4-23-1978 at NYC via Messenger ECP
The keeper of the lighthouse must tend the light, must keep the lamp burning bright, must know that all is well through the night--in storm, in rain and in fair weather. For if the ships do not see the light they may be wrecked upon the rocky shore or they may not reach the shore at all....
And the great barrier to the bringing in of the golden age in America and in Terra is human selfishness....The fallen ones are marching, and the Martian evolutions on the astral plane are combining their forces to reinforce the dragon of world take-over so that this Earth may become the coordinate of Mars under a one-world darkness of the fallen ones. Precious hearts, there is no resistance!...
I tell you it will take a revolution in consciousness! And the people of America and of the nations of the free world will have to surrender their selfishness if they are to win in the name of true freedom upon Terra. -Saint Germain: 3-7-1976 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP
The most skilled among the false hierarchy who abide in the astral plane appear regularly to receptive channels in embodiment. They impersonate the ascended masters with such cunning that many sincere seekers have been fooled. Thinking they were in the presence of one or more of the ascended masters they have dedicated themselves unwittingly to the cause of Darkness and chained their energies to the wiles of the masters of deceit.
It is the policy of the false hierarchy to trap mankind by imitating the dictations of the ascended masters. This they accomplish by parroting truisms. When they have lulled their listeners into a state of false peace and utter self-satisfaction they introduce points of doctrine that are in absolute contradiction to cosmic law. These deviations from basic truth are couched in glowing terms and rationalized to the ego by appeals to pride and the desire to be thought wise among men
-Messengers Mark and E C Prophet, see!&hl=en&sa=X&ei=4W7eVPKMLcitoQTLnICwDQ&ved=0CDQQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20enslave%20peace!&f=false
Thursday, February 12, 2015
whether or not the Union can endure
The happiness one feels when he consciously directs the flow of his energy one-pointedly toward the goal of union with God is an example of universal harmony....
And Pharaoh in his pride hardened his own heart toward Moses and the children of Israel. In this instance the LORD heaped upon Pharaoh what Pharaoh had heaped upon God's chosen people. God let Pharaoh's karma fall and Pharaoh in turn tried to unload it on the children of Israel. -Lanto: Understanding Yourself, see
So the point here with Pharaoh/Lincoln is that there was a ripening, a coming to the wye whereby, initiatorily, something had to give. Either the Spirit upon Moses had the right of way or else Pharaoh was numero uno in the land spiritually and secularly. Pharaoh could have directed the flow of his energy one-pointedly in a constant-enough fashion or merely accepted the dualism common in life and suffer it. As Abraham Lincoln he learned to direct his energy flow Aquarian-style, potently, benignly, in high attunement to principle, above person, above rivalry. -R, Mt. Shasta, CA
Through the common people whom the Lord--and Abraham Lincoln also--loved, Saint Germain's mission to bring individual freedom, peace and enlightenment to the earth continues unchecked and without parallel in the history of mankind. -Messenger ECP: 11-28-1985 at RTR, Montana, see
in the very crucible of the sacred fire--now determining, as it appeared in the hour of Lincoln, whether or not the Union can endure. -Saint Germain: 11-14-1981 at Calgary, see
Thus angel mother of Abraham Lincoln so gave and taught to him all that he was and was meant to be; and [he] shall ever be in the hearts of his countrymen archetype of deliverer and prince of peace. -Elohim Astrea: 5-10-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, see at page 636 of
The individual must learn to listen to the voice of God
Like sunlight dancing through the trees the Omnipotent One tenderly eludes His offspring....Does it seem strange that the beauty and perfection of the Infinite One should be obscured not only by divine decree but also by outer conditions? Nevertheless this is cosmic law as it applies to the three-dimensional world, and its purpose is the sealing of the perfection of the Presence from the prying eyes of the human until that human becomes divine.
Will you recognize with me then the great fact of creation that God by design reveals to the individual step by step the cosmic truths, the cosmic realities of his life pattern? This He does in increments and at a pace that will naturally develop the God-potential of the individual, leading to the unfoldment of his divine plan.
The plan is centered around the individual; it provides for the transmutation and advancement of his consciousness. But there is danger in bypassing the plan when one is taken up with the outer manifestation, ignoring the still small voice or the knock at the cosmic door of the heart. The individual must learn to listen to the voice of God, for through the years some have heard voices that were not His, and they have been turned from the true path by psychic impostors who have sought to separate the brethren by claiming the exclusiveness of this or that master or organization.
Beloved hearts of light, all of life is one, and every ascended master has the interest of every chela in mind. -Pallas Athena: Pearls of Wisdom 13:46
-Roman copy of a lost Phidias figure of Athena
sophos is Greek for "clever" whereas sophia means "wisdom"; sophistication and sophistry apparently derive from sophos.
575. In the course of the ages let the Teaching be transmuted, and thus the scattered parts of the one body will be collected. But who will gather them?... Remember the many who have toiled for the Brotherhood. -Morya: Brotherhood 1937
93. The manifestation of luminosity is more frequent than is thought, but prejudice and sophistry will always draw their own conclusions.
211. Yet Sophia is not sophistry, and experimentation is not prejudice--thus one may gather a useful collection. -Morya: Fiery World 1933
For to ignore the guidelines of the sacred scriptures of East and West leaves one with the dry leaves of secularism, sophistry and a science without God. Where there is no God man elevates himself to the throne of deity. Thus many man-made gods roam the earth. -Meru: Understanding Yourself, see
Fukushima and radiation-dumping into oceans worldwide
The catalogue of waste dumped at sea by the Soviets, according to documents seen by Bellona, and which were today released by the Norwegian daily Aftenposten, includes some 17,000 containers of radioactive waste, 19 ships containing radioactive waste, 14 nuclear reactors, including five that still contain spent nuclear fuel; 735 other pieces of radiactively contaminated heavy machinery, and the K-27 nuclear submarine with its two reactors loaded with nuclear fuel.
The United States alone dumped vast quantities of nuclear material off its coasts between 1946 and 1970—more than 110,000 containers. ...In Europe alone, some 28,500 containers of radioactive waste were dropped into the English Channel between 1950 and 1963 by European states, some of which are being now discovered to have leaks. In addition, lots of radioactive waste was disposed of off the coast of Japan and in the South Korean Sea. In all honesty, every nuclear nation, to some extent or another, could be possibly linked to the dumping of radioactive waste, and, most of them to that of the oceans. Collectively the known containers from Europe, let alone the rest of the world, translate to hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive waste.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The first and greatest error that can be made subsequent to the departure from wholeness is to attempt to gaze upon all things as though they were good
The first and greatest error that can be made subsequent to the departure from wholeness is to attempt to gaze upon all things as though they were good without actually having either retained or regained the Edenic consciousness of good as the platform of perception from which one may gaze....
The garden of the heart must be prepared to receive the immaculate conception. This can best be done by calling upon the higher law of God to release mighty light rays from the Sun of Universal Wisdom. Faith must be engendered within the heart that these light rays are tangible and real--atomic flames of universal substance which can actually be passed through the very field of consciousness which the student would use to plant the fertile and germinal ideas of the Spirit....
Consciousness and its field must be prepared so that an understanding of the Real and the unreal will enable the individual to draw upon the Real while persistently replacing the unreal by the Real. Unless the ability to do this is conveyed to individuals they will continue to feel that they are the acting power.
-Divine Director: Pearls of Wisdom 11:45
None in the caravan should despise the other, for each child and man can but manifest at a given point in time those hopes which he alone has externalized on the altars of his consciousness. One cannot be another but all can become One. The great cosmic Merge is not only accomplished in the divine aspects of power and wisdom but also is it achieved through infinite love. Love is the key to the use, and misuse, of one's life and energies. Thus reins must be established to hold in check unbridled manifestation. An undeveloped faith that mounts up like Icarus of old may find the tempered heat of the sun too much for the waxen wings of premature aspiration, and the chariot of consciousness may rush into the sun while the driver unaware falls to the earth, a broken and defeated spirit.
Cherish well then the need to rule your faith and to establish it sufficiently for the ends which each hour requires. -Meru: Pearl 9:7
The cup of need/ The world lifts up/ We'll fill refreshingly/ With love/
As beams extended from afar,/ The radiance of our happy star./
O shed thy darkness,/ World of men,/ Receive the ray of hope again:/
I, Vesta, drop the mantle flame,/ The power to raise,/ New hope acclaim./
In cosmic union men shall rise,/ The power of heaven will open eyes/
And blind shall see/ And men shall be/ The kindred of Reality. -Vesta: Pearl 12:1
We are concerned then with the building of an impregnable tower, a spiritual fortress that shall be forever a rock of the ages. Standing on the promontory of time that just out from the eternal shores this tower of faith must first be builded within yourselves. All must create a healthy vision of spiritual possibilities not only for their own lives per se but also for the humanity of this Earth, for the heart-pangs of the race are multiplied by worldly entanglements, by wars, by the density of human deceit and by the network of human greed that would make merchandise of men.
Replace all of this by light! Seek peace and pursue it but understand that the price is high. Understand that your freedom must be maintained together with your faith. -Morya: Pearl 12:42
Why do you tarry in your cups? Why do you wonder? Why are you indecisive, always wondering what you shall do? O precious ones, the days of wondering are over and the day of the great wonder is come--the great wonder that is your own I AM Presence, the great wonder that is the Brotherhood of Light ascended. We merge with mankind unascended and all souls of light. We have that God-determination that this Earth shall ascend freedom's star and that you will go into the community of the world at large and deliver the mandate of freedom for souls to live and breathe on Terra....
Never lose sight of the Oneness, for this, this is the message that I have placed in the heart of the Messenger this day. And I have conveyed to you even before my coming that great feeling of Oneness which the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood shares....
Thank God for receptive hearts on Terra. Thank the Almighty One for the swelling of the great movement of life! -Elohim Astrea: 12-30-1976 at Pasadena, see
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Fair Innocence, how lightly she trips; the golden rule for the new age is one of
Fair Innocence, how lightly she trips along the hill
With early dawn our souls to thrill
The glow of truth upon her youth
Shines forth anew, sweet challenge too
To hold her hope in daily walk
Her noble ideals in daily talk
Contemplate then the way of life
That passes torch from age to youth
A continuous challenge and a proof
That life is real and earnest when
God's plan exalts the souls of men
I do not think it just that the children of this generation who came into a world with the hope of higher spheres should find such selfish inattention or lack of concern on the part of those individuals who today are illumined in a higher way and who have understanding of the sacred mysteries of life.
-Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:41
Strange as it may seem selfish motivation acts to call a halt to progress at a certain point in the game of life. There is only one way to escape from such stultification and that is to remove the obstacle by removing selfish motivation from consciousness. Without introspection individuals may often move on in the great stream of life and time perpetuating their own errors and wandering in the wilderness of self-delusion and self-desolation...It is ever unfortunate when individuals become so short-sighted as to fail to recognize that they are the keepers of their own gate to progress....
The golden rule for the new age is one of inviolate tenderness which affords every part of life the just heartbeat of divine Opportunity. No shallow-pan consciousness is the ascended masters' realm. Our stresses and amplifications revealed herewith are for the admonishment of those who seek to come out daily from the pits of error into the light of a new day, reserved not for themselves alone
-Saint Germain: Pearl 9:5
With early dawn our souls to thrill
The glow of truth upon her youth
Shines forth anew, sweet challenge too
To hold her hope in daily walk
Her noble ideals in daily talk
Contemplate then the way of life
That passes torch from age to youth
A continuous challenge and a proof
That life is real and earnest when
God's plan exalts the souls of men
I do not think it just that the children of this generation who came into a world with the hope of higher spheres should find such selfish inattention or lack of concern on the part of those individuals who today are illumined in a higher way and who have understanding of the sacred mysteries of life.
-Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:41
Strange as it may seem selfish motivation acts to call a halt to progress at a certain point in the game of life. There is only one way to escape from such stultification and that is to remove the obstacle by removing selfish motivation from consciousness. Without introspection individuals may often move on in the great stream of life and time perpetuating their own errors and wandering in the wilderness of self-delusion and self-desolation...It is ever unfortunate when individuals become so short-sighted as to fail to recognize that they are the keepers of their own gate to progress....
The golden rule for the new age is one of inviolate tenderness which affords every part of life the just heartbeat of divine Opportunity. No shallow-pan consciousness is the ascended masters' realm. Our stresses and amplifications revealed herewith are for the admonishment of those who seek to come out daily from the pits of error into the light of a new day, reserved not for themselves alone
-Saint Germain: Pearl 9:5
Many times having gone to great lengths to inspire certain truths upon the student body we are faced with the fact that much of our recorded instruction has been misunderstood and misappropriated. Beloved Morya once commented that men literally could not see over their own noses....The ability to perceive attitudes and motivations--whether in oneself or in another--can be most illuminating providing care is exercised to avoid condemnation of self or others. Rather, discrimination should always be used as a lever to evoke higher perception and attainment....
The descent of human consciousness into the kinowledge of good and evil is without question the complicating factor that has for ages hindered men and women from the attainment of right knowledge....The eyes of perception must be lifted up to the hills, and the Lord--as law, as love, as truth--must be perceived as emanating from the highest source. -Divine Director: Pearl 11:45
Monday, February 9, 2015
the flame shall burn ever more brightly, not in the dungeons men create within
Quite naturally those to whom these truths have not been revealed will cry "Heresy!" should not cry "Heresy!" without understanding some of the points of the Great Law that are revealed to those advancing in the footsteps of truth upon the path....Thus let men understand truth as the flower of the Christ, the Rose of Sharon unfolding its petals within the heart and mind--as a spiral of understanding that rises in the being and consciousness of man....
And the flame shall burn ever more brightly, not in the dungeons men create within, but in the open window and open door. -Pallas Athena: Pearls of Wisdom 14:44
The heart is indeed the altar of being. If the body of man is to express the health of Almighty God this wonderful center within the body temple must be bathed daily in a pool of unselfed love....I wish to warn against the temptation that comes to give you the feeling that you are expressing more rightness than others because you are a center for that which is so gloriously superior to all outer action. This is nothing more than the exaltation of the personal self rather than the glorification of God....
You are children of the dawn as you commune with the rising Son of your God-perfection which each day imparts to you some recognition from the Godhead, if you are alert to perceive it!....
Let love supersede the competitive disagreeableness of those who seek any degree of spiritual unfoldment for the purpose of mortal exaltation....the body of God, constituting those who can discern the Lord's body in sacred unity, is steadily expanding. As we enter a time when the survival of man shall depend on this expansion and progress I hope we may count on you as our lists of the faithful are compiled anew. -Nada: Pearl 8:30
And the flame shall burn ever more brightly, not in the dungeons men create within, but in the open window and open door. -Pallas Athena: Pearls of Wisdom 14:44
The heart is indeed the altar of being. If the body of man is to express the health of Almighty God this wonderful center within the body temple must be bathed daily in a pool of unselfed love....I wish to warn against the temptation that comes to give you the feeling that you are expressing more rightness than others because you are a center for that which is so gloriously superior to all outer action. This is nothing more than the exaltation of the personal self rather than the glorification of God....
You are children of the dawn as you commune with the rising Son of your God-perfection which each day imparts to you some recognition from the Godhead, if you are alert to perceive it!....
Let love supersede the competitive disagreeableness of those who seek any degree of spiritual unfoldment for the purpose of mortal exaltation....the body of God, constituting those who can discern the Lord's body in sacred unity, is steadily expanding. As we enter a time when the survival of man shall depend on this expansion and progress I hope we may count on you as our lists of the faithful are compiled anew. -Nada: Pearl 8:30
the world is filled with men who sugarcoat error for a price
1) ...hold secure the knowing, whether evidenced outwardly or not, that God cannot be mocked nor His purposes thwarted. Such as these are content to rest the mind and being from either the sense of struggle or the sense of loss....If there be any loss it is of mortal or human qualities, but these were never endowed by God with any permanency or the self-regenerative qualities of the true creation.
-Maitreya: Pearls of Wisdom 8:29
2) Truth must be rightly esteemed, for the world is filled with men who sugarcoat error for a price. In a day, precious ones, when mankind engineer their appeals in a psychological manner the rare dictums of heaven and the refreshing winds of truth must be recognized for their own sake....
Men and women today because they have misunderstood the age in which they live have become soft and selfish. Even in a spiritual sense men are too prone to seek their own edification and advancement without realizing the need for unity in the rise. -Saint Germain: Pearl 8:35
3) Thine is not the portion of the beggar's son but of the prince come to awareness to claim the treasure that is thine now and has been always thine. let no man take from thee thy crown. Let not the leeches of the world who would drain thee of thy whole energy steal one farthing of the gleam of that golden disc of true knowing. To thee it is given to know, to dare, to do and to be silent. But to thee it is also given that knowing which is action and therefore both doing and daring to oppose when the opposition would create peace of soul but not necessarily outer peace.
Use caution and be thy brother's keeper when thou canst....Albeit the world has drunk the dregs of sorrow through many a day of sadness and chaos, the hopes of God are scattered on the fields of the earth as newly-cut wheat at harvest, ripe and mellow, awaiting the threshing....
The great proximity of every man to God must be sought and acquired and when it is found, blessed ones, it must be the treasure of every man's being. -Gautama Buddha: Pearl 8:44
-Maitreya: Pearls of Wisdom 8:29
2) Truth must be rightly esteemed, for the world is filled with men who sugarcoat error for a price. In a day, precious ones, when mankind engineer their appeals in a psychological manner the rare dictums of heaven and the refreshing winds of truth must be recognized for their own sake....
Men and women today because they have misunderstood the age in which they live have become soft and selfish. Even in a spiritual sense men are too prone to seek their own edification and advancement without realizing the need for unity in the rise. -Saint Germain: Pearl 8:35
3) Thine is not the portion of the beggar's son but of the prince come to awareness to claim the treasure that is thine now and has been always thine. let no man take from thee thy crown. Let not the leeches of the world who would drain thee of thy whole energy steal one farthing of the gleam of that golden disc of true knowing. To thee it is given to know, to dare, to do and to be silent. But to thee it is also given that knowing which is action and therefore both doing and daring to oppose when the opposition would create peace of soul but not necessarily outer peace.
Use caution and be thy brother's keeper when thou canst....Albeit the world has drunk the dregs of sorrow through many a day of sadness and chaos, the hopes of God are scattered on the fields of the earth as newly-cut wheat at harvest, ripe and mellow, awaiting the threshing....
The great proximity of every man to God must be sought and acquired and when it is found, blessed ones, it must be the treasure of every man's being. -Gautama Buddha: Pearl 8:44
It is up to each individual to cast himself upon this Rock
1) Happiness is a nebulous thing unless it is tied to the great motors of Universal Life....
It must be borne in mind that neither hut nor palace as a point of origin has proved a hindrance to the valiant soul who has desired to enhance divine ideals upon earth and to make way for a higher form of equity among men....
Pay homaged attention then to the great God-flame that burns upon your heart and see with the passing of the coming days and weeks if we cannot raise the curtain for you upon a wondrous stage where cosmic dramas are played. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:37
2) I am also grateful to those who recognize that prayer alone without all-out support is not enough to counteract in the world of material form the trends of the times....
The justice of Almighty God is infinitely tempered with mercy, and His mercy indeed endureth forever--but only in those who survive the ordeals of life's tests with honor and valor! -Saint Germain: Pearl 8:38
3) The sea of glass upon which the company of saints do stand and whereupon the Lamb of God is ministered unto before the throne of God signifies the transparency of thought and feeling which permits the penetration of the unfailing light of Truth and withal the tangible light of the immortal Presence of God....
We seek as one who plays a lute to run the fingers of our affection over the strings of man's resonant consciousness and bring forth a melody of soul harmony in human affairs....The heavy hand of control reaches out to cage men in, as the masters of men would have them kept....
And as in olden days of human battle when the din rose high we must today strike for God and His light and win a continued series of victories ere the final one shall dawn. We have so much to offer you and our hearts are full indeed, but we advocate withal a preparedness and readiness to receive that which we have to give. -Saint Germain: Pearl 8:39
4) Freedom is on the move and those who will not move with its tide will be left behind, high and dry on the shoals of human consciousness apart from the great ocean of infinite love and light for which they shall one day certainly thirst....
The fall of Babylon depicted in the Book of Revelation signifies the ultimate destruction of the material concept and the victory of Spirit over flesh....
Eternal possession must be earned, and those who would pioneer in the clearing of a divine claim must not only stake their claim but also follow the precepts of the divine homestead laws which require them to live in a consecrated manner, carrying out that particular facet of service to life which they have elected to exemplify and do. This brings forth in man the genius of perfection and victory and makes for a manifestation par excellence rather than a service that is but mediocre....
The shallowness of human thought and reason is nowhere more obvious than in the manner in which men pursue the kingdom of God. Looking to find someone else who will vicariously stretch his limbs upon the cross between God and man and make sacrifice for them they remain "free" to do as they will....
It is up to each individual to cast himself upon this Rock and be broken (to break the back and yoke of his own human ego), not to wait for the rock (of karma) to fall upon him to grind him to powder. -Saint Germain: Pearl 8:40

It must be borne in mind that neither hut nor palace as a point of origin has proved a hindrance to the valiant soul who has desired to enhance divine ideals upon earth and to make way for a higher form of equity among men....
Pay homaged attention then to the great God-flame that burns upon your heart and see with the passing of the coming days and weeks if we cannot raise the curtain for you upon a wondrous stage where cosmic dramas are played. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:37
2) I am also grateful to those who recognize that prayer alone without all-out support is not enough to counteract in the world of material form the trends of the times....
The justice of Almighty God is infinitely tempered with mercy, and His mercy indeed endureth forever--but only in those who survive the ordeals of life's tests with honor and valor! -Saint Germain: Pearl 8:38
3) The sea of glass upon which the company of saints do stand and whereupon the Lamb of God is ministered unto before the throne of God signifies the transparency of thought and feeling which permits the penetration of the unfailing light of Truth and withal the tangible light of the immortal Presence of God....
We seek as one who plays a lute to run the fingers of our affection over the strings of man's resonant consciousness and bring forth a melody of soul harmony in human affairs....The heavy hand of control reaches out to cage men in, as the masters of men would have them kept....
And as in olden days of human battle when the din rose high we must today strike for God and His light and win a continued series of victories ere the final one shall dawn. We have so much to offer you and our hearts are full indeed, but we advocate withal a preparedness and readiness to receive that which we have to give. -Saint Germain: Pearl 8:39
4) Freedom is on the move and those who will not move with its tide will be left behind, high and dry on the shoals of human consciousness apart from the great ocean of infinite love and light for which they shall one day certainly thirst....
The fall of Babylon depicted in the Book of Revelation signifies the ultimate destruction of the material concept and the victory of Spirit over flesh....
Eternal possession must be earned, and those who would pioneer in the clearing of a divine claim must not only stake their claim but also follow the precepts of the divine homestead laws which require them to live in a consecrated manner, carrying out that particular facet of service to life which they have elected to exemplify and do. This brings forth in man the genius of perfection and victory and makes for a manifestation par excellence rather than a service that is but mediocre....
The shallowness of human thought and reason is nowhere more obvious than in the manner in which men pursue the kingdom of God. Looking to find someone else who will vicariously stretch his limbs upon the cross between God and man and make sacrifice for them they remain "free" to do as they will....
It is up to each individual to cast himself upon this Rock and be broken (to break the back and yoke of his own human ego), not to wait for the rock (of karma) to fall upon him to grind him to powder. -Saint Germain: Pearl 8:40

Sunday, February 8, 2015
as Atlantean genetic engineering rises above the plateau of traditional science
Alpha has come with the fourth woe, for that woe does descend for the binding of the forces of Antichrist who defile the Divine Mother in Her children and in Her sons and daughters. This judgment must come, for we cannot have the fallen ones misusing the violet flame. For every flame can be abused by black magicians on the left-handed path, and they take it not to liberate but to imprison. Thus know this, beloved ones. And therefore the time may come when there is a limit to the violet flame that the Earth can be given [unless and] until these fallen ones are bound....
Be a Keeper of the Flame. And go set the world on fire with violet flame! -Spokesman for the Delegation of the Priesthood of Melchizedek: 7-1-1992 at RTR, Montana
That which they (fallen angels) most desired to pervert in you, beloved, was and is the chakra of the Divine Mother. For it is the fount of life on earth and the fount of eternal Life that rises from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown and is activated and crystallized and sealed by the descending light of your I AM Presence....
Therefore know, beloved, that when the buildings fall all around you and the avalanches descend and the continents shake, you must stand fast in the very pillar of your God!...There is no ongoing dispensation for those who are not servants of light. But unto those who become servants of light there is the grace complete necessary to their victory in this life or a succeeding life where their karma does not allow [it in this one]. -Alpha: 7-1-1992 at RTR, Montana
When the glorious Atlantean civilization began to decline, when the powers of invocation were utilized for selfish and personal aggrandizement, plans were made by the Great White Brotherhood to secure these Foci of the Flame upon the portion of the landed surface of the Earth destined to remain above the waves of purification when the water element was commanded to assist in the submergence of this once beautiful continent....
The ascension of the thoughts, feelings, actions and spoken word of the student is not the work of a moment. It is the constant, hourly application to rise into a spiritual consciousness of listening grace, of harmony, balance, purity, peace, ever-sustained supply, perfect health and ever-increasing illumination of soul until the spiritual self is manifest in every avenue and activity of the life experience. -Morya: October 1954 via Messenger Geraldine Innocente, in Law of Life and Teachings, 3, Luk Publ., Pueblo, CO, 1978, p. 716
While the masses enjoyed the "pursuit of happiness" these few (seeking a way back to perfection) continued to draw primal Life, qualifying it with adoration to the Source and divine beings, then consciously sending that promise, adoration and thanksgiving up to them. This ascending stream of love is a current of actual power and lifts the energies of those who choose to avail themselves of connecting with the ascension flame for the purpose of raising the vibratory action of their own inner and physical bodies. -Morya: July 1956, in ibid., p. 718
This (genetic engineering of Atlantean days) is reemerging at a fantastic pace. Therefore we are on the brink of facing those tests as to whether or not we will allow this manipulation of the Life that is God to go on to our own self-destruction.
Therefore as Atlantean genetic engineering rises above the plateau of traditional science ask yourself what kind of peop alere behind it and who will use genetic engineering for what purpose. Then ask yourself if you feel secure that we will pass through the dark night of the reemergence of Atlantean culture without a cataclysm. -Messengers M and E C Prophet, see
Pray then and invoke the Spirit of the Cosmic Christ and the Holy Christ Self of the sons and daughters of God to be in the positions of leadership in this nation. -Archeia Mary: 8-22-1992 at RTR, Montana
Be a Keeper of the Flame. And go set the world on fire with violet flame! -Spokesman for the Delegation of the Priesthood of Melchizedek: 7-1-1992 at RTR, Montana
That which they (fallen angels) most desired to pervert in you, beloved, was and is the chakra of the Divine Mother. For it is the fount of life on earth and the fount of eternal Life that rises from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown and is activated and crystallized and sealed by the descending light of your I AM Presence....
Therefore know, beloved, that when the buildings fall all around you and the avalanches descend and the continents shake, you must stand fast in the very pillar of your God!...There is no ongoing dispensation for those who are not servants of light. But unto those who become servants of light there is the grace complete necessary to their victory in this life or a succeeding life where their karma does not allow [it in this one]. -Alpha: 7-1-1992 at RTR, Montana
When the glorious Atlantean civilization began to decline, when the powers of invocation were utilized for selfish and personal aggrandizement, plans were made by the Great White Brotherhood to secure these Foci of the Flame upon the portion of the landed surface of the Earth destined to remain above the waves of purification when the water element was commanded to assist in the submergence of this once beautiful continent....
The ascension of the thoughts, feelings, actions and spoken word of the student is not the work of a moment. It is the constant, hourly application to rise into a spiritual consciousness of listening grace, of harmony, balance, purity, peace, ever-sustained supply, perfect health and ever-increasing illumination of soul until the spiritual self is manifest in every avenue and activity of the life experience. -Morya: October 1954 via Messenger Geraldine Innocente, in Law of Life and Teachings, 3, Luk Publ., Pueblo, CO, 1978, p. 716
While the masses enjoyed the "pursuit of happiness" these few (seeking a way back to perfection) continued to draw primal Life, qualifying it with adoration to the Source and divine beings, then consciously sending that promise, adoration and thanksgiving up to them. This ascending stream of love is a current of actual power and lifts the energies of those who choose to avail themselves of connecting with the ascension flame for the purpose of raising the vibratory action of their own inner and physical bodies. -Morya: July 1956, in ibid., p. 718
This (genetic engineering of Atlantean days) is reemerging at a fantastic pace. Therefore we are on the brink of facing those tests as to whether or not we will allow this manipulation of the Life that is God to go on to our own self-destruction.
Therefore as Atlantean genetic engineering rises above the plateau of traditional science ask yourself what kind of peop alere behind it and who will use genetic engineering for what purpose. Then ask yourself if you feel secure that we will pass through the dark night of the reemergence of Atlantean culture without a cataclysm. -Messengers M and E C Prophet, see
Pray then and invoke the Spirit of the Cosmic Christ and the Holy Christ Self of the sons and daughters of God to be in the positions of leadership in this nation. -Archeia Mary: 8-22-1992 at RTR, Montana
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