Sunday, January 31, 2021

the hand of fellowship is intended to express itself

 And the hand of fellowship is intended to express itself through the Pan American Union so that there will be friendship, in God’s name, extended as hands of light clasped over the Panama Canal, from North America and the far fastnesses of Lord Michael’s retreat in Canada to the very tip of the cape in South America.  Precious ones of the light, a girdle of light is intended to surround the world at the equator and equate, in perfect balance for the Earth, both the north and the south, that the hemispheres may become coordinated in perfect balance through the hearts of the people.  
        -Saint Germain:  10-14-1962 at Washington DC via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 59:21


  Let us understand then that only in absolute conviction that Christ is the way, that Buddha is the way, that the light within can conquer the planes of Mater by the law of cosmos--only in this will you earn that point on the path of initiation, that ultimate victory which was given to Jesus in the final hours of his mission when he declared before all mankind and before the ascended hosts of God, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth!”

  Does this not prove that you do not have to go to the fallen ones for power, you do not have to follow the philosophy of the end justifying the means, you do not have to secure power from those who have sided in with the archdeceivers?  They have not the source of power or the source of energy, but they seek to claim it.  I tell you, they seek to control the oceans and the landed areas and the sources of oil, the pipelines from the Middle East.  They seek to cut off Europe and America and every free nation, and thus you see their pursuit of the control of the continent of Africa and the Cape of Good Hope and Angola and the Persian Gulf and the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal.  These people who have never even had an access to the sea now have the open door, opened wide by the negotiators.  

  We are the ones who negotiate, and we negotiate with the councils of Almighty God.  We sit at the Darjeeling Council table. We sit in the chambers where God-government is planned and its application to these nations and to this system of worlds.  Negotiation is the negotiation of light and law and its application to an evolving humanity—this is the only place for discussion.   

   -Jesus Christ and Gautama:  7-4-1976 at Washington DC via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 44:35


  We are desirous then of seeing the protection of the etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies of Earth’s evolutions.  And we come to report to you that the defense of America as the citadel of freedom becomes more and more trying every day, as the fallen ones in positions of power, or those who have been influenced by the fallen ones and who know not the way to go, are making decisions which are not of the light on behalf of the people.  Witness recently the majority of senators who voted now for the Panama Canal treaty.    

            Archangel Michael:  3-22-1978 at Pasadena, Pearls of Wisdom 53:19


  We then look upon the vote on the Panama Canal as a sign both of ignorance and of manipulation, but we also see a mark of great enlightenment upon the American people who have participated and put their energies into the understanding of this decision.  And therefore the people and their representatives have not understood that the Panama Canal itself is an isthmus of light at the figure-eight flow of Buddha and Mother in the nexus of these hemispheres of light.  In North and South America the cultivation of light by the Great Divine Director is intended to preserve freedom; and therefore it is the highest initiates of the sacred fire who are appointed by the Council of the Royal Teton and the Council of Lake Titicaca to be the guardians of that flow of energy….

  And therefore you see, beloved ones, we would not trust the guarding of that highest forcefield of light at that nexus to those who are in control of a government that is unstable, that is supported economically by fallen ones in Wall Street and allen ones in the Soviet Union and that is in league with Castro and his determination to move from the fields of Africa to the fields of South America to have not only the children of God come under that godless state but also the resources that belong to the Mother and her children.      -Gautama Buddha:  4-23-1978 at NYC, Pearl 21:43  


  Compromise is never the solution to international relations.  Compromise is never the solution when the soul meets the living Christ within….Well, I say, the trouble with the world is this: they look upon the conditions that defy solution and they forget the lost lesson, a lesson learned so long ago upon our mother’s knee—the lesson that in order to take dominion over the individual problem, it is necessary first to accelerate a spiral of mercy’s flame, to rise a notch in that spiral higher, higher than the problem.     

                         -Kuan Yin:  6-30-1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 59:14


  It is the prophets old and new who must affirm this freedom this day.  For it is the fulcrum, whether of God-freedom to the entire hemisphere or totalitarian encroachment that will not be stopped, I warn you, without bloodshed in these United States.  And this is my prophecy to you!

  They will move to Panama.  They will infiltrate.  And there is not the spine or the unity today to turn them back.  Let them be turned back and let our voice, now the minority, become that which sparks the majority to see the vision and to realize it!  [17-sec. applause]

  Nevermore was there a cause so great, so espoused by the tears of the beloved Mother Mary and her heart’s fire.  Nevermore since the American Revolution has there been a cause that so concerns the nations and the ascended masters.  Beloved ones, the facing of the tyrant of the Soviet Union now becomes the world enterprise of lightbearers everywhere.  Therefore I say to you:  lightbearers of the world, unite!  [27-sec. applause]

  We know the plight of those in Afghanistan and elsewhere. We know of the darkness pitted against black and white and independence in South Africa.  We know of the conspiracies that take the lightbearers and enlist them in causes of fallen ones by rhetoric, cliché, indoctrination and foul use of the press by those who have nothing to lose, for they have already lost their souls long, long ago.

  We know, beloved.  That is why we insist that the integrity of freedom in this hemisphere be fought for and won.  For this entire base, North and South united, must be a sun--a sun that is double in a giant figure-eight flow, as Above so below—as below so as Above. North America and South America can be that Alpha-to-Omega spreading the Sun of light to all areas of the Earth.  

            -Saint Germain:  7-4-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 29:64


  What do you think is the karma of a nation?  The sin of omission?  When a nation allows Afghanistan to be devoured, when its members encourage the destruction of South Africa, leave alone the nest of serpents in the Caribbean, will not come to the aid of the freedom fighters appreciably, will not see the Panama Canal as the nexus of freedom, a territory to be claimed by the enemy if it does not act soon--when a nation of people turn their backs and allow millions to be aborted: what is the karma of that nation?  Can you understand, beloved, what is the priority in the heart of God?  It is the survival of the soul.    

             -Saint Germain:  11-27-1986, Thanksgiving, at Los Angeles, Pearl 29:75


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