Sunday, January 17, 2021

Carlson on Biden's path to victory

 1-16-21  Friday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson questioned Democrats’ push for so-called unity, which he suggested modeled conformity.  Carlson said:  Even Democrats considered Joe Biden a sad old fool, worn out, empty, and confused, a ghost from a working-class union centered Democratic Party that disappeared decades before.  Again, that was just in February, but next week, Joe Biden will be sworn in as President of the United States.  How exactly did that all happened?  How Biden went from a much-mocked afterthought, liked by some, but respected by nobody, to becoming the single most powerful man in the world at the age of almost 80 is a remarkable story.

Someday when the mania recedes and we can agree to stop lying for a moment, it will be told.  But in the meantime here’s part of that story.  Joe Biden didn’t seem scary.  That was not a small thing in a year when our core institutions appeared to be falling apart.  Biden’s PR team told voters that Donald Trump he was a divisive figure.  Even many of Donald Trump’s own voters had to admit there was some truth in that, so Biden pledged to be the opposite.  Biden promised to be America’s gentle grandfather, gathering the nation around the hearth, soothing hurt feelings. Biden promised to unite the country.  He said so again and again.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES:  We want us to hear one another again, see one another again, respect one another again.  So, let’s begin the work to heal, to unite. The only way we can do it is to come together, to come together as fellow Americans, as neighbors.  If we open our arms rather than brandishing our fists, we can, with the help of God, heal. (END VIDEO CLIP)

CARLSON:  Holy smokes, yes.  Let’s begin the work to heal, to unite, to come together as neighbors, to open her arms to the people around us.  They are Americans too.  All of us live under God, we should be united.  That was the pitch.  He seemed to kind of mean it.


Incoming presidents traditionally move swiftly to sign an array of executive actions when they take office. Trump did the same, but he found many of his orders challenged and even rejected by courts.  Chief of Staff Klain maintained that Biden should not suffer similar issues, saying “the legal theory behind them is well-founded and represents a restoration of an appropriate, constitutional role for the President.”


 309.  While studying the arts let us not forget the art of the Good which requires assumption of full responsibility and an understanding of the meaning of life.  It is the most difficult of arts, but it speeds the way.  An unskilled sculptor can ruin a block of marble, but an unskilled doer of good can break many hearts!  Only by hard work can a sculptor become skilled.  Likewise only profound contemplation can perfect the art of the Good.    -M:  Supermundane 2, 1938


  And so, beloved ones, the infamy of the decisions of Henry VIII have continued, multiplied and spawned, as error is wont to do in a corruptible milieu.   

                           -M:  1-1-1978 at Pasadena, Pearl 49:18


1-17-21  ‘ We Have to Turn Down the Capability of Conservative Influencers to Reach Huge Audiences’ (VIDEO)    -former Facebook exec Stamos


12-14-20  ’Respecting the will of the people is at the heart of our democracy, even if we find those results hard to accept,' said Biden--alluding to Trump's refusal to concede or accept the results. 'In America, politicians don't take power.  People grant power to them,' Biden said.  

While we all wish that our fellow Americans in these positions will always show such courage and commitment to free and fair elections, I hope we never again see anyone subjected to the kind of threats and abuse we saw in this election.  It is unconscionable,' said Biden.  'The Court sent a clear signal to President Trump and his allies that they would be no part of this unprecedented assault on our democracy,' he added.

  [Biden thus revealed to the public what the Supreme Court really meant by their terse denial to hear the Texas suit against Pennsylvania.  Biden will be the voice of the covert power elite to the public?  Or will it be Karl Rove from further behind the scenes?  The spin will probably be from Biden, the cunning stuff from Rove.  A two-headed boss for the peasants.   -r.]                  

Grenell:  Susan Rice Will Be Biden's 'Shadow President' https:/

 Rove:  If Trump Continues to Claim Election Fraud, There Will Be Bipartisan Conviction in the Senate 



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