In the great land of India replete with a host of masters both ascended and unascended the mystic idea of spiritual wonder spreads abroad and weaves a net of fantasy which hangs as a veil across the face of truth in all of its immortal radiance. The total world is also covered with a veil of illusion, and if men would be truly wise they must possess the power of peering behind the illusions of life to receive within their souls and hearts the messages which God intends to impart to them even in little finite happenings.
I would not this day disturb your worlds without cause, yet I come to generate in you a new respect for true revelation. Just as flowers spring up upon the mountain and delight the weary traveler, so spiritual ideals when expressed in the rugged setting of individuality can make of the most harsh and jagged appearance a place of beauty. Let me urge then that all men seek for refinement in their characters of the jagged edges and harsh manifestations which sometimes accompany the sense of struggle….In the name of holy reason I say, do you not think you can accomplish more by being harmonious than inharmonious?…
Just as some of the fakirs in our land of India have been laughed at by western man and in one sense persecuted by them so individuals have in a great sense of Ignorance taunted the ascended masters by ridiculing their chelas. Now this has no power to affect the masters but reacts solely in the world of the individual who in ignorance expresses human venom. However let me clearly point out that the chelas themselves must not react in a discordant manner to those individuals who, due to a lack of understanding, express themselves in a manner unbecoming to a child of light….
Because in the days to come many wonderful opportunities will come to the seekers who are quickened by the intense amplification of light’s energies upon earth it is most important that there be in readiness an advance guard of those elite ones who are willing to make themselves, as it were, eunuchs to the holy will of God—those who will submit their outer personality that Christ may stand forth in their auras and Presence….
Know then that justice that you give to others shall return to you multiplied many times. -Cha Ara: Pearls of Wisdom 7:20

Seeing is not the only mark of attainment, precious hearts. And beware of the blind leaders of the blind who see but do not act upon that which they see. These are the hypocrites! I say, do not trust them and do not trust their vision! For they will say one thing and do another, and when they know that you trust them and have placed your trust in them they will say anything just to maintain that trust. Beware then of any other mediator except the Christ. The mediator between yourself and God is your own Christ consciousness. Therefore trust no man but trust the Office of our Messenger and the power of the spoken Word whose vibration is of the ultimate power of truth and is found to be in agreement with the very core of your being.
You may test us, precious hearts. We desire to be tested, for when you test us, you invoke us and we come! And when we come because you have called, you by your call have given us a certain authority in your world….Therefore I desire you to stand [audience rises], for I am going to shake you once more that the dust might fall from your consciousness.
Legions of Hercules, legions of Amazonia, surround these hearts of light! For in the embrace of Hercules that I now impart you will feel the dropping-away of the heaviness of earth and the coming into your being of the lightness and brightness of heavenly octaves. It is done! If at any time on the path you are beset with the heaviness of that weight, call to me and I will say to you “My burden is light!” And you shall say in the name of the Christ “My burden is light!” And thus when you learn to take on greater and greater burdens of mankind you will learn to translate that burden into light. -Elohim Hercules and Amazonia: Freedom Conference 1973 at Land of Lanello near Colorado Springs, Pearl 17:4
Millions have died at the hand of this that has been called World Communism. May you recognize this, that death has followed in the wake of that revolution much to the chagrin of all who have kept the flame of Mother Russia. May she rise again and may it be in a new order of the ages.
Yet I tell you, beloved, that which has beset that society bespeaks coming calamity. Mark my words and prepare yourselves spiritually and see to it that you will keep the flame, that you will hold the candle in the night and not allow it to be extinguished. Do not allow the fire of the heart to go out, for millions may one day depend upon you as a keeper of the flame. Thus it is the Office of the Divine Mother to keep the flame, and may you know just how key is your role in this office and service.
-Nicholas Roerich: 10-28-1990 at NYC via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 33:44
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