I wish you God-success in anchoring a unified trinity of existence (self, others and God) in an immaculate concept, an integrated wholeness that holds all that is in arms of unfailing light! Persistently so doing, you will find breaking forth into your own world the reality of a wider field of consciousness wherein you will see and retain an abundantly lovely vision of God in man, in the universe and in you. -Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 2:41
The avenue of man’s becoming is a two-way street, for God “in the beginning” acknowledged the divinity of man, declaring that it was “very good.” But man has not always acknowledged the divinity of God. -Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 7:30
To all hearts one with the great heart of the Giver of Life, I say, teach the little ones the path of fulfillment through entering into the secret chamber of the heart. Teach the way, the truth and the life of a Christ and a Buddha whose reciprocity with all life in giving and receiving, receiving and giving is the fundamental law of every love relationship in earth and in heaven. Teach my little ones the nonfulfillment of giving without receiving and of receiving without giving. Teach them of the fiery flow of figure-eight that leads to self-integration in the Father and the Son, in the Mother and the Holy Spirit.
-Kuan Yin: Pearl 23:8………………………………………………………………………………
Scientists have yet to discover why only homosexuals are prone to succumb to this virus which may be present in others. Blessed hearts, by misuse of sacred fire of the Mother they have lost their immunity to all forms of disease and viruses which have plagued the Earth from the laboratories of the Nephilim. Realize then that the Mother-flame is your immunity against all sin. And when it is squandered there is not the protection which the life-force can afford, including the protection of life itself, longevity and the rising ascension flame. Realize then that the Mother will not extend immunity to anyone upon Earth who misuses Her light. -Kuan Yn: 12-11-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles (Summit University), Pearl 25:1
You are also messengers of your God Presence. And we have sent to you that Messenger to remind you of the inner calling of the priesthood of Melchizedek. Thus there is the dividing of the way of those who wait upon the LORD and those who do not. And in their failure and in their absence they are not content to leave well enough alone but they must persecute, they must gainsay, they must put down those who have become the devotees of Love.
It has always been thus, beloved ones. For the ruby ray does go forth and those who are confounded by their own anger against the light or their own dishonesty or wickedness--these, beloved hearts, receive returned unto themselves tenfold the judgment of their evil words and works. This judgment of God as the law of karma is written [on] page after page of scripture in the Old and New Testament. But because the word karma is not used, thus they deny the universal law of reciprocity, the universal law of retribution and the universal law of the resurrection of the sons and daughters of God.
And through prophets and messengers and avatars and saints we have proclaimed a path of the resurrection by the ascension flame, by the spirit of the resurrection, and by the raising up of the Divine Mother. Thus to honor the feminine ray of God is to salute the Shekinah glory that is radiating even now from the flame of the ark of the covenant.
Hear then the Word of Yahweh unto the false priests and pastors and those who do not try justice in the marts and courts of the world. Let the flame of the sword of the angel--the angel with the flaming sword--be thrust now into the very ground of this planetary home! And the lightbearers do rally for the light. And let those who would turn the tide toward darkness be stopped in their way by this flaming sword ere civilizations and continents face the conditions of earthquake and darkness that have been predicted.
It is self-predicted by mankind’s karma, who have refused to accept accountability. Nevertheless ignorance of the Law is no help but rather hindrance on the path to union with God.
-Archangel Gabriel: 2-15-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 29:31……………………………………………………………
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